Difference between revisions of "Tomboyish Girl in Love"

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m (おてんば恋娘 moved to Otenba Koi Musume: Moving to romaji title)

Revision as of 08:15, 25 July 2009

Kanji おてんば恋娘
Romaji Otenba Koimusume
English "Beloved Tomboyish Girl"
Original Artist ZUN
Source Touhou Project BGM
Original Video URL

Medleys that use this song


The original BGM doesn't have lyrics, but there are various vocal arrangements based on it, such as:


  • All of the song links leads to YouTube videos. Some of the videos has the link to the original video on Nico Nico Douga
  • Chirimiru Cirno's lyrics link leads to Kanji lyrics of the full song, which can be turned into romaji here
