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14 October 2024

     03:17 Deletion log Barry B. Benson talk contribs deleted page Obróbka Komina Blachodachówka Instrukcja(content was: "== Obróbka Komina Blachodachówka Instrukcja == Obróbka Komina Blachodachówka Instrukcja to wyjątkowy artykuł, który...", and the only contributor was "Lucjameduza" (talk))
     03:17 Block log Barry B. Benson talk contribs blocked Lucjameduza talk contribs with an expiration time of indefinite (account creation disabled, autoblock disabled, cannot edit own talk page) ‎
     01:56 User creation log User account Lucjameduza talk contribs was created ‎

13 October 2024

     22:36  (Deletion log)[Barry B. Benson‎ (14×)]
22:36 Barry B. Benson talk contribs deleted page Narzędzia Niezbędne Na Budowie(content was: "== Narzędzia Niezbędne Na Budowie == Na każdej budowie niezbędne są odpowiednie narzędzia, które ułatwiają pracę...", and the only contributor was "Rozaliamalz" (talk))
22:36 Barry B. Benson talk contribs deleted page Nowoczesne Rozwiązania Przy Budowie Domu(content was: "== Nowoczesne Rozwiązania Przy Budowie Domu == Budowa domu to jedno z najważniejszych przedsięwzięć w życiu każdego...", and the only contributor was "Teodozjarog" (talk))
22:36 Barry B. Benson talk contribs deleted page Sprzątanie Domów Po Budowie(content was: "== Sprzątanie Domów Po Budowie == Sprzątanie domów po budowie to kluczowy krok, który często jest zaniedbywany...", and the only contributor was "Martynakalmar" (talk))
22:36 Barry B. Benson talk contribs deleted page Czoło Balkonu Z Blachy(content was: "== Czoło Balkonu Z Blachy == Czoło balkonu z blachy to innowacyjne rozwiązanie, które zdobywa coraz większą popul...", and the only contributor was "Edwardadziob" (talk))
14:20 Barry B. Benson talk contribs deleted page Garaż Murowany W Zabudowie Szeregowej Cena(content was: "== Garaż Murowany W Zabudowie Szeregowej Cena == Garaż murowany w zabudowie szeregowej to doskonałe rozwiązanie dla os...", and the only contributor was "Zanetaptaki" (talk))
14:20 Barry B. Benson talk contribs deleted page Ile Zarabia Elektryk Na Budowie(content was: "== Ile Zarabia Elektryk Na Budowie == Ile zarabia elektryk na budowie? To pytanie nurtuje wielu, zarówno tych, którzy myślą o podj...", and the only contributor was "Olgaryj" (talk))
14:20 Barry B. Benson talk contribs deleted page Jak Zabezpieczyć Otwory Okienne Na Budowie(content was: "== Jak Zabezpieczyć Otwory Okienne Na Budowie == Zabezpieczenie otworów okiennych na budowie to kluczowy aspekt dbania o be...", and the only contributor was "Alfredarak" (talk))
14:20 Barry B. Benson talk contribs deleted page User:ANQGaye22457(content was: "My name: Gaye Stepp<br>My age: 40 years old<br>Country: Belgium<br>Town: La Bouverie <br>Postal code: 7080<br>Street: H...", and the only contributor was "ANQGaye22457" (talk))
14:20 Barry B. Benson talk contribs deleted page Jaka Wysokość Wanny W Zabudowie(content was: "== Jaka Wysokość Wanny W Zabudowie == Planując remont łazienki, jednym z kluczowych elementów, nad którymi warto si...", and the only contributor was "Dariagrzywa" (talk))
14:20 Barry B. Benson talk contribs deleted page Mandat Bhp Na Budowie(content was: "== Mandat Bhp Na Budowie == Temat bezpieczeństwa i higieny pracy na budowie jest niezwykle istotny, a odpowie...", and the only contributor was "Bronislawapajak" (talk))
04:16 Barry B. Benson talk contribs deleted page Studium Farmaceutyczne Zaoczne(content was: "== Studium Farmaceutyczne Zaoczne == Studium Farmaceutyczne Zaoczne to doskonała opcja dla osób, które chcą pogłębi...", and the only contributor was "Ameliapioro" (talk))
04:16 Barry B. Benson talk contribs deleted page Remont Łazienki Bydgoszcz Cena(content was: "== Remont Łazienki Bydgoszcz Cena == Remont łazienki to zadanie, które często budzi wiele pytań i wątpliwości...", and the only contributor was "Boleslawaogon" (talk))
04:16 Barry B. Benson talk contribs deleted page Rolety Zewnętrzne Gliwice Cennik(content was: "== Rolety Zewnętrzne Gliwice Cennik == Jeśli szukasz informacji na temat rolet zewnętrznych w Gliwicach, te...", and the only contributor was "Bernadettapioro" (talk))
04:16 Barry B. Benson talk contribs deleted page User:Fireplacesandstovesuk2840(content was: "Discover the perfect addition to your home with [https://www.fireplacesandstoves...", and the only contributor was "Fireplacesandstovesuk2840" (talk))
     22:35  (Block log)[Barry B. Benson‎ (14×)]
22:35 Barry B. Benson talk contribs blocked Rozaliamalz talk contribs with an expiration time of indefinite (account creation disabled, autoblock disabled, cannot edit own talk page) ‎
22:35 Barry B. Benson talk contribs blocked Teodozjarog talk contribs with an expiration time of indefinite (account creation disabled, autoblock disabled, cannot edit own talk page) ‎
22:35 Barry B. Benson talk contribs blocked Martynakalmar talk contribs with an expiration time of indefinite (account creation disabled, autoblock disabled, cannot edit own talk page) ‎
22:35 Barry B. Benson talk contribs blocked Edwardadziob talk contribs with an expiration time of indefinite (account creation disabled, autoblock disabled, cannot edit own talk page) ‎
14:20 Barry B. Benson talk contribs blocked Zanetaptaki talk contribs with an expiration time of indefinite (account creation disabled, autoblock disabled, cannot edit own talk page) ‎
14:20 Barry B. Benson talk contribs blocked Olgaryj talk contribs with an expiration time of indefinite (account creation disabled, autoblock disabled, cannot edit own talk page) ‎
14:20 Barry B. Benson talk contribs blocked Alfredarak talk contribs with an expiration time of indefinite (account creation disabled, autoblock disabled, cannot edit own talk page) ‎
14:20 Barry B. Benson talk contribs blocked ANQGaye22457 talk contribs with an expiration time of indefinite (account creation disabled, autoblock disabled, cannot edit own talk page) ‎
14:20 Barry B. Benson talk contribs blocked Dariagrzywa talk contribs with an expiration time of indefinite (account creation disabled, autoblock disabled, cannot edit own talk page) ‎
14:20 Barry B. Benson talk contribs blocked Bronislawapajak talk contribs with an expiration time of indefinite (account creation disabled, autoblock disabled, cannot edit own talk page) ‎
04:16 Barry B. Benson talk contribs blocked Fireplacesandstovesuk2840 talk contribs with an expiration time of indefinite (account creation disabled, autoblock disabled, cannot edit own talk page) ‎
04:16 Barry B. Benson talk contribs blocked Bernadettapioro talk contribs with an expiration time of indefinite (account creation disabled, autoblock disabled, cannot edit own talk page) ‎
04:15 Barry B. Benson talk contribs blocked Boleslawaogon talk contribs with an expiration time of indefinite (account creation disabled, autoblock disabled, cannot edit own talk page) ‎
04:15 Barry B. Benson talk contribs blocked Ameliapioro talk contribs with an expiration time of indefinite (account creation disabled, autoblock disabled, cannot edit own talk page) ‎
     21:28  (User creation log)[Zenonameduza‎; Zanetaptaki‎; Teodozjarog‎; Rozaliamalz‎; Olgaryj‎; Martynakalmar‎; Iampsychiatryuk3962‎; Edwardadziob‎; Dariagrzywa‎; Bronislawapajak‎; Alfredarak‎; ANQGaye22457‎]
21:28 User account Edwardadziob talk contribs was created ‎
17:44 User account Martynakalmar talk contribs was created ‎
17:34 User account Zenonameduza talk contribs was created ‎
16:08 User account Teodozjarog talk contribs was created ‎
15:28 User account Rozaliamalz talk contribs was created ‎
13:37 User account Bronislawapajak talk contribs was created ‎
12:51 User account ANQGaye22457 talk contribs was created ‎
12:51 User account Dariagrzywa talk contribs was created ‎
12:02 User account Alfredarak talk contribs was created ‎
10:07 User account Olgaryj talk contribs was created ‎
09:16 User account Zanetaptaki talk contribs was created ‎
08:22 User account Iampsychiatryuk3962 talk contribs was created ‎

12 October 2024

     18:10  (User creation log)[Fireplacesandstovesuk2840‎; Fireplacesandstove2671‎; Boleslawaogon‎; Bernadettapioro‎; Ameliapioro‎]
18:10 User account Ameliapioro talk contribs was created ‎
16:30 User account Boleslawaogon talk contribs was created ‎
14:42 User account Bernadettapioro talk contribs was created ‎
05:24 User account Fireplacesandstovesuk2840 talk contribs was created ‎
05:16 User account Fireplacesandstove2671 talk contribs was created ‎
     05:22 Deletion log Barry B. Benson talk contribs deleted page User:Fireplacesandstove2671(content was: "Get cozy with the perfect fires for your home from Fireplaces And Stove. Explore our wide...", and the only contributor was "Fireplacesandstove2671" (talk))
     05:22 Block log Barry B. Benson talk contribs blocked Fireplacesandstove2671 talk contribs with an expiration time of indefinite (account creation disabled, autoblock disabled, cannot edit own talk page) ‎