Let's Sway Twin Oars

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Kanji 让我们荡起双桨
Romaji ràng wǒ men dàng qǐ shuāng jiǎng
English "Let's Sway Twin Oars"
Original Artist Liu Huifang
Source Flowers of Our Motherland themes song
Original Video URL https://www.bilibili.com/video/av74124352

Medleys that use this song


Chinese Pinyin English
让我们荡起双桨 ràng wǒ men dàng qǐ shuāng jiǎng Let's sway twin oars,
小船儿推开波浪 xiǎo chuán er tuī kāi bō làng Our little boat's plowing across the ripples,
海面倒映着美丽的白塔 hǎi miàn dào yìng zhe měi lì de bái tǎ The beautiful white pagoda casts its shadow,
四周环绕着绿树红墙 sì zhōu huán rào zhe lǜ shù hóng qiáng In the lake surrounded by greenery and red walls.

小船儿轻轻飘荡在水中 xiǎo chuán er qīng qīng piāo dàng zài shuǐ zhōng The little boat's freely floating in the water,
迎面吹来了凉爽的风 yíng miàn chuī lái le liáng shuǎng de fēng And the cool breeze's caressing our faces.

红领巾迎着太阳 hóng lǐng jīn yíng zhe tài yáng The sun scatters its light on the lake surface,
阳光洒在海面上 yáng guāng sǎ zài hǎi miàn shàng And so striking in sunlight are red scarves,
水中鱼儿望着我们 shuǐ zhōng yú ér wàng zhe wǒ men Fishes in the water are looking at us,
悄悄地听我们愉快歌唱 qiāo qiāo de tīng wǒ men yú kuài gē chàng And listening quietly to our joyous songs.

小船儿轻轻飘荡在水中 xiǎo chuán er qīng qīng piāo dàng zài shuǐ zhōng The little boat's freely floating in the water,
迎面吹来了凉爽的风 yíng miàn chuī lái le liáng shuǎng de fēng And the cool breeze's caressing our faces.

做完了一天的功课 zuò wán le yì tiān de gōng kè Having done the day's homework,
我们来尽情欢乐 wǒ men lái jìn qíng huān lè We come here to enjoy happiness,
我问你亲爱的伙伴 wǒ wèn nǐ qīn ài de huǒ bàn I asked you, my dear playmates,
谁给我们安排下幸福的生活 shéi gěi wǒ men ān pái xià xìng fú de shēng huó Who has given us the happiness of life?

小船儿轻轻飘荡在水中 xiǎo chuán er qīng qīng piāo dàng zài shuǐ zhōng The little boat's freely floating in the water,
迎面吹来了凉爽的风 yíng miàn chuī lái le liáng shuǎng de fēng And the cool breeze's caressing our faces.
