Konbini (cokesi)

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Kanji "コンビニ"
Romaji "Konbini"
English "Convenience Store"
Original Artist cokesi processor
Source Vocaloid (Hatsune Miku) song
Original Video URL http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm2302757

Medleys that use this song


Kanji Romaji English
いつもの帰り道 itsumo no kaeri michi On my way back home
今日もお店に立ち寄る kyou mo omise ni tachi yoru Stopping by the store as usual,
ちょっと可愛い新人見つけた chotto kawaii shinjin mitsuke ta When I find a new cute girl working there.
wktk wakuteka I'm so excited.
お弁当買って帰ろう obento katte kaerou Gonna buy a lunchbox to take home
所持金は100円が7枚 shoji kin wa hyaku en ga nana mai With seven 100-Yen coins in my pocket,
あの子のレジの前 anoko no reji no mae No line at her register,
今がチャンス ima ga CHANSU Here's my chance!
猛ダッシュ mou "Dash" I dash over!

さー 全部並べたよ saa zenbu narabeta yo All right, lining up all my stuff,
あの子の声「685円です」 anoko no koe 「roppyaku hachi jyuu go en desu」 I hear her voice, "That'll be 685 Yen."
カウンターに小銭を並べて KAUNTAA ni kozeni wo narabe te I line up my coins on the counter
そこで気付いた sokode kizuita When I suddenly realized...

35円足りない 見間違えてた san jyuu go en tari nai mi machigae te ta I'm 35 Yen short! I've made a mistake.
レジに並んだ 会計待ちの人の視線 reji ni naranda kaikei machi no hito no shisen The rest of the register line just waiting and staring at me,
小さい声で「やっぱりこれ、やめときます・・・」 chiisai koe de yappari kore yametoki masu In a small voice, I say, "Looks like I'll pass on this."

会計済ませ 出口へと急ぐ kaikei sumase deguchi e to isogu Taking care of all that, I hurry to the exit
いつも寄るコンビニ itsumo yoru konbini  The usual stop at the convenience store
明日来るのがちょっと恥ずかしい ashita kuru noga chotto hazukashii Tomorrow's visit will be a little embarrassing...
どうして貴方は 穴以外似て(い)るの? dooshite anata wa ana igai nite ru no Why must you look so similar, aside from the hole,
100円と50円玉 hyaku en to gojyuu en dama 100-Yen and 50-Yen coins?

会えるのが 楽しみで aeru noga tanoshimi de Looking forward to seeing her again,
今日も お店に立ち寄る kyou mo omise ni tachi yoru I stop by the store again today.
顔を 覚えてくれたよね ハート kao wo oboete kureta yo ne HAATO She seems to remember my face. My heart goes
バ☆ク☆ハ☆ツ ba ku ha tsu B☆O☆O☆M

「温めていきますか?」 atatame te iki masu ka "Shall I warm this up for you?"
「その声でボク ぽかぽかになるよ♪」 sono koe de boku pokapoka ni naru yo "The sound of that voice makes me feel warm enough."
そんなの言える訳ないよ ひとり son-na no ieru wake nai yo hitori But I can't tell her that. Just my own
妄想 mousou Wild ideas.

カゴに袋入れて にやけた顔で kago ni fukuro irete niyake ta kao de Putting my bag into my basket with a grin on my face,
サドルを またぐよ SADORU wo matagu yo I hop onto my bike seat.
ペダル踏んで 信号渡って pedaru funde shingou watatte Stepping onto the pedals as the traffic signal changes,
そこで気付いた sokode kizuita When I realized...

お弁当忘れてきた 温めてたのに obento wasure te kita atatamete ta noni I forgot my lunchbox! Even though she warmed it up for me...
店の前には ボクを探す あの子の姿 mise no mae niwa boku wo sagasu anoko no sugata In front of the store, I see the girl searching for me.
立ちこぎ 全開 急いでそこから逃げ出す tachi kogi zenkai isoide soko kara nige dasu Pedaling full-throttle, I ran away in a hurry.
クルマ挟んで 店の中をのぞく kuruma hasande mise no naka wo nozoku Hiding between some cars, I looked inside the shop
人が沢山いるよ hito ga takusan iru yo There are a lot of people there,
すぐに行くのは ちょっと恥ずかしい sugu ni iku nowa chotto hazukashii To go back now would be a little embarrassing.
どうして逃げたの? 戻ってれば doushite nigeta no modotte reba Why did I run? If I had gone back,
話すチャンスもあったはずなのに hanasu CHANSU mo atta hazu nanoni I would have had a chance to speak to her!

偶然 開いたページが guuzen hiraita PEEJI ga The magazine page I've flipped open to
ちょっとイケナイ写真 そばに女の子 chotto ikenai shashin soba ni on-na no ko Has a slightly naughty photo. There are girls beside me!
カバン 棚に引っ掛けて kaban tana ni hikkake te My bag hits a shelf,
派手に 商品ぶちまける hade ni shouhin buchi makeru Loudly sending merchandise falling around me.
突然開いたドアに 直撃 totsuzen hiraita DOA ni chokugeki A direct hit from a suddenly opening door
おでんの汁こぼした oden no shiru koboshita Spilling my oden soup.
それでも また このコンビニへ来るよ sore demo mata kono konbini e kuru yo Despite all this, I'll still come to this convenience store,
会えるから aeru kara Because I can see her there...

はにかんだ顔をして こっちを見ているよ!? hanikanda kao wo shite kocchi wo mite iru yo She's looking at me and blushing!?
これはフラグが立ちそうな予感がしてきたよ kore wa FURAGU ga tachi sou na yokan ga shite kita yo I immediately felt that this was a sign.
立ち読み するフリ お財布の中身を確認 tachi yomi suru furi osaifu no nakami wo kakunin I stand around and read (pretending not to notice), and recheck the cash in my wallet
会計 終わる 何も起こらない kaikei owaru nani mo okora nai I'm done paying, but nothing's happening.
帰る直前 あの子がそっと教えてくれた kaeru chokuzen anoko ga sotto oshiete kureta But just before I head home, that girl says to me in a soft voice,
「冗談 やめてよ.」 笑われてたのね joudan yamete yo waraware teta none "Please stop joking around." I was being laughed at,
ズボンの窓が全開だよ zubon no mado ga zenkai dayo Because my zipper was down!

35円足りない 見間違えてた san jyuu go en tari nai mi machigae te ta I'm 35 Yen short! I've made a mistake.
レジに並んだ 会計待ちの人の視線 reji ni naranda kaikei machi no hito no shisen The rest of the register line is just waiting and staring at me,
小さい声で「やっぱりこれ、やめときます・・・」 chiisai koe de yappari kore yametoki masu In a small voice, I say, "Looks like I'll pass on this."

会計済ませ 出口へと急ぐ kaikei sumase deguchi e to isogu Taking care of all that, I hurry to the exit
いつも寄るコンビニ itsumo yoru konbini  The usual stop at the convenience store
明日来るのがちょっと恥ずかしい ashita kuru noga chotto hazukashii Tomorrow's visit will be a little embarrassing...
どうして貴方は 穴以外似て(い)るの? dooshite anata wa ana igai nite ru no Why must you look so similar, aside from the hole,
100円と50円玉 hyaku en to gojyuu en dama 100-Yen and 50-Yen coins?


  • "wktk", short for "wakuwakutekateka/わくわくてかてか", is 2ch/NicoNico netspeak generally used when the speaker knows that something is about to happen very soon. It means something along the lines of "shaking with anticipation". Sometimes, it is used ironically.
  • The ¥100 and ¥50 coins do look and feel incredibly similar, differing only 2mm in radius, as well as the presence of a hole.
  • A partial female counterpart has also been composed, which can be found here:
  • Halyosy has also produced an acoustic version of the song, which can be found here:
