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Latest revision as of 07:06, 10 September 2023

Kanji 七転八起☆至上主義!
Romaji Shichiten Hakki☆Shijou Shugi!
English n/a
Original Artist KOTOKO
Source Hayate no Gotoku! OP
Original Video URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQgZMfG8N0w

Medleys that use this song


Douyatte mo katenai akuma ga The demon that can't win no matter what
Megami no kao o shite chakkari (O_O;) Cunningly acts like a goddess (O_O;)
Keiken ji ja tannai kurai dakara Since experience isn't enough
Isshou tanren shikousakugo ni sessatakuma Study hard all your life by trial and error

Mondai nara muzukashii hodo ude ga naru shi The harder the problem, the more I can't wait to solve it
Yorokobu kao ga mirerya sore de ii shi It's enough if I can just see a happy face
Takara no chizu o boku wa te ni ireta I got a treasure map
Jyuuou mujin kimi o tsurete tsuki susumou! I'll take you along as I please and advance!

HAPPY na kanchigai A happy misunderstanding
Chikai wa yuru ga nai! A vow doesn't sway!
Kaze no yukue mo kaete miseru I'll show you I can change the wind's direction
Kakko wa kinishinai I don't care about looks
Unmei jyaku jikenai! I won't be crushed by fate!
Ano kumo chirasu HAYATE no gotoku! Like that cloud-scattering Hayate!

"Honne o misecha make" datoka "It's a loss if I show my real intention" or
"Dentaku hajiku jinsei" datoka "It's life of snapping a calculator" or
"Kokoro o itsuwaru kurai nara" If "it's about deceiving the heart"
Shichiten battou baka shoujiki mo kuuzen zetsugo! A naively honest one agonizing about that won't start nor finish!

Komatta kao o mireba kininaru shi I get bothered if I see a worried face
I don't have a reason to rush life
Takara no chizu wa kimi ni azukeyou I'll entrust to you the treasure map
Jyuuou mujin yorimichi datte tsukiauyo! I'll freely drop in on the way and make you company!

LUCKY sugiru tenkai A development too lucky
Kotae wa mayowanai! The answer doesn't lose it's way!
Kantansa! Subete wa kimi no tame ni It's simple! It's all for you
Fuuhyou wa kinishinai! I don't worry about rumors!
Rettoukan ni doujinai! Inferiority complex doesn't disturb me!
Kakedasu shunkan wa ima koko ni aru The passing moment is right here

Koukai nara yatta ato ni sureba ii shi If you have regrets, leave them for later
Mi no hodo shirazu kurai ga choudo ii shi Not knowing one's own place is just right
Takara no chizu ni nani o kakikomou? What will I write on the treasure map?
Jyuuou mujin kunekune no michi tsukuridasou! Let's freely make a zigzag path!

HAPPY na kanchigai A happy misunderstanding
Chikai wa yuru ga nai! A vow is firm!
Kaze no yukue mo kaete miseru I'll show you I can change the wind's direction
Zettai nante shinjinai! I don't believe in absolutes!
Fukanou nante nai! There's nothing impossible!
Mirai wa hiraku te no naka ni aru The future is in my hand


  • Romaji and English lyrics found at [1]