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   | englishname = Nine-Nine Eighty-One
   | englishname = Nine-Nine Eighty-One
   | originalartist = 乌龟Sui
   | originalartist = 乌龟Sui
   | source = [[Vocaloid]] (Yue Zhengling and Luo Tianyi) song by 乌龟Sui (Song in 2016 Bilibili Nakasai)
   | source = [[Vocaloid]] (Yue Zhengling and Luo Tianyi) song by Wugui/2016 Bilibili Bainianji
   | videourl = https://www.bilibili.com/video/av3905462
   | videourl = https://www.bilibili.com/video/av3905462

Latest revision as of 00:06, 22 July 2024

Kanji 九九八十一
Romaji Jiu Jiu Ba Shi Yi
English Nine-Nine Eighty-One
Original Artist 乌龟Sui
Source Vocaloid (Yue Zhengling and Luo Tianyi) song by Wugui/2016 Bilibili Bainianji
Original Video URL https://www.bilibili.com/video/av3905462

Medleys that use this song


Chinese Pinyin English
上路 shànglù Set out on the journey,
巩州遇虎熊 gǒng zhōu yù hǔ xióng fall into the Tiger's den in the city of Gongzhou
五百年前一场疯 wǔbǎi nián qián yī chǎng fēng havocked in Heavenly Palace five hundred years ago,
腾宵又是孙悟空 téng xiāo yòu shì sūnwùkōng the one riding on the cloud is again Sun Wukong
失马 shī mǎ Lost the horse,
鹰愁涧飞白龙 yīng chóu jiàn fēibái lóng the White Dragon flies out from the Eagle's Sorrow Gorge
沙河阻断路难通 shāhé zǔ duàn lù nán tōng The River of Flowing Sands blocks the path to proceed.
福陵山中收天蓬 fúlíng shānzhōng shōu tiān péng Subdue the "Marshal Canopy" on the Mount Fuling

岭上 lǐng shàng Upon the ridge,
前行逆黄风 qián xíng nì huáng fēng walking against the yellow wind
七星不照波月洞 qīxīng bù zhào bō yuè dòng The shine of the Seven Stars is not able to reach the Moon Water Cave.
千年白骨化阴风 qiānnián báigǔ huà yīnfēng The one-thousand-year-old white bone has turned into a devilish wind
鱼篮 yú lán Guanyin's Fish Basket
网通天一尾红 wǎngtōng tiān yī wěi hóng covers the sky and captures the Red Cyprinus
紫金葫芦二道童 zǐjīn húlu èr dào tóng Two Taoist kids hold the Purple Gold Gourd and the Suet Jade Flask
九尾老狐敢压龙 jiǔ wěi lǎo hú gǎn yā lóng while the nine-tailed vixen dares to subdue the Ocrean Dragon

白虹坠 báihóng zhuì The fogbow falls,
雪浪击石碎 xuě làng jī shí suì the waves dash against the rocks
思归 sī guī Reminiscing about the past
难归 nán guī Hard to go back,
堕回 duò huí Turning into demon,
轮回 lúnhuí The cycle of death and rebirth
月满一江水 yuè mǎn yī jiāngshuǐ The waning moon sinks into the river,
前世莫追 qiánshì mò zhuī who would find their pre-existence?

福泽聚宝象 fú zé jùbǎo xiàng The happiness is brought to the city of Elephantia.
春风度不让洛阳 chūnfēng dù bù ràng luòyáng This spring scene rivaled the beauty of Luoyang
玉面狐折兰香 yù miàn hú zhé lán xiāng The Jade-faced Vixen is picking the fragrant orchids.
七绝崖上暗伏赤色大蟒 qījué yá shàng àn fú chìsè dà mǎng An enourmous python is hiding on the Mount Seven Perfection
过西梁 guò xī liáng Enter the country of Western Liang.
女儿国鸳鸯罗帐 nǚ'ér guó yuānyāng luó zhàng The Woman Nation is overwhelmed with net of beauties and curtains of thin silk
与三道斗法相 yǔ sān dào dòufǎxiāng Match magical powers with three Taoist Immortals
火云扬 huǒ yún yáng summoning up the clouds of fire.
明枪易挡暗箭难防 míng qiāng yì dǎng ànjiàn nán fáng An frontal attack is easy to block but a stab in the back is hard to guard against

十方魔 shí fāng mó The demons in all sides
渴饮着我的脆弱 kě yǐnzhe wǒ de cuìruò thirst for my frailty
凭你计法相迫 píng nǐ jì fǎ xiāng pò under attack of magic powers,
逐个击破要你识我本色 zhú ge jípò yào nǐ shí wǒ běnsè break them up one by one, I'll let you see my true identity
万里恶 wànlǐ è The evils within thousands of miles
摧垮了我的沉默 cuī kuǎle wǒ de chénmò force me to break my silence
一肩担路坎坷 yì jiān dān lù kǎnkě Bear all the burdens on my shoulder along the journey,
我不说 wǒ bù shuō If I said nothing,
又何须旁人来嚼口舌 yòu héxū pángrén lái jué kǒushé then why do I need others to comment on

借扇 jiè shàn Visit the Demonic Lady
翠云访罗刹 cuì yún fǎng luō shā at Mount Turquoise Cloud for borrowing the fan
碧波潭内结亲宴 bìbō tán nèi jiéqīn yàn The Bull Demon King hold the banquet with his relatives in the Green Wave Pool.
招来九头的驸马 zhāolái jiǔ tóu de fùmǎ This attracts the Prince with nine heads
雾隐 wù yǐn Hidding in the mist,
金斑豹伸利爪 jīn bān bào shēn lì zhuǎ the Leopard with flower-patterned coats stretches out his claws
城北黄狮盗钉耙 chéngběi huáng shī dào dīngbà On the moutain North of the city, the Tawny Lion Spirit planed to steal the rake.
白毛小鼠偷烛花 bái máo xiǎo shǔ tōu zhú huā The White-haired Mouse Spirit secretly ate Tathagata's candle

思乡 sīxiāng Feeling nostalgic,
未敢听琵琶 wèi gǎn tīng pípá have been afraid to listen to the Pipa
摄魂曲后三股叉 shè hún qū hòu sāngǔ chā What follows the soul-seizing melody is a keen trident.
一朝命断美人画 yī zhāo mìng duàn měirén huà The beauty transformed by the scorpion is eventually killed
六耳 liù ěr It's hard to distinguish
幻形难辨真假 huàn xíng nán biàn zhēn jiǎ the Six Eared Macaque from his transformations
太岁摇铃唤风沙 tàisuì yáo líng huàn fēngshā Tai Sui rings his bells to conjure the dust storms.
玉兔抛绣高台搭 yùtù pāo xiù gāotái dā The Jade Rabbit throws the embroidered ball from top of the pavilion

红霓垂 hóng ní chuí The red skirt flutters,
九重紫云飞 jiǔchóng zǐ yún fēi the purple clouds fly over the high heaven
久归 jiǔ guī Long path to come back.
未归 wèi guī Still haven't come back.
欲回 yù huí yearn for the return.
恨回 hèn huí Hate that it has not returned
凡胎恰登对 fán tāi qià dēng duì Mortals just met the the right one,
天命难违 tiānmìng nán wéi the destiny is inevitable

比丘走白鹿 bǐqiū zǒu bái lù In Bhiksuland, a white deer has walked pass.
十三娘情丝缠缚 shísān niáng qíngsī chán fù The seven spider spirits entwines Pigsy in Gossamer Cave
乌袍君生百目 wū páo jūn shēng bǎi mù The Taoist with a jet black robe has hundreds of eyes.
庙前拦路自称黄眉老祖 miào qián lánlù zìchēng huáng méi lǎo zǔ The one blocking the way in front of the temple called himself the Yellow-browed Buddha
将云拂 jiāng yún fú Wipe off the clouds,
孤直公对谈诗赋 gūzhí gōng duì tán shī fù Guzhi Gong discusses poetry with Tang Seng
还未能抵天竺 hái wèi néng dǐ tiānzhú Still haven't reached Tianzhu.
金平府 jīnpíng fǔ In Jinping Prefecture.
钺斩红尘斧辟寒暑 yuè zhǎn hóngchén fǔ pì hánshǔ The battle-axe owning by Kings of Cold and Heat Protection slashs off the the world

众笔者 zhòng bǐzhě Many bards
嘲笑着我的贪得 cháoxiàozhe wǒ de tān dé are mocking my greediness
藏美酒有甚者 cáng měijiǔ yǒu shén zhě what's more I also collect good wine,
谁却敢说自己放肆醉过 shéi què gǎn shuō zìjǐ fàngsì zuìguò who dare say that they have been truly drunk in front of me?
休怪我 xiū guàiwǒ Don't blame me
这半生痴情煞多 zhè bànshēng chīqíng shā duō for being so spoony half this lifetime
活一遭风流客 huó yī zāo fēngliú kè Live as a dissolute person lust after Chang'e.
慕娇娥 mù jiāo é All I wish is
但愿抱拥世间真绝色 dàn yuàn bào yōng shìjiān zhēn juésè to hold world's most beautiful woman in my arms

浮世千寻沫 fúshì qiān xún mò My silhouette has been washed off
冲荡了我的轮廓 chōng dàngle wǒ de lúnkuò and faded in this turbulent world
纵身入尘埃里 zòngshēn rù chén'āi lǐ Jump straight into the dust.
雷雨大作我也放声而歌 léiyǔ dàzuò wǒ yě fàngshēng ér gē Despite the furious thunderstorm, I will still sing loud
方寸中 fāngcùn zhōng In a short time,
方寸却不能定夺 fāngcùn què bùnéng dìngduó I could not make up my mind
七十二般胆魄 qīshí'èr bān dǎn pò With my seventy-two transformations,
这次我决意不闪躲 zhè cì wǒ juéyì bù shǎnduǒ this time I decide not to dodge

世尊如来佛 shìzūn rúlái fó The bhagavat Buddha
诘问着我的执着 jíwènzhe wǒ de zhízhuó queries my stubbornness
当年我瑶池刻 dāngnián wǒ yáochí kè In those years I inscribed my name at Jade Pool.
闹得痛快并未想过太多 nào dé tòngkuài bìng wèi xiǎngguò tài duō A havoc in heavenly palace, I didn't really think too much
状罪责 zhuàng zuìzé List my sins,
拿捏了我的业果 nǎniēle wǒ de yè guǒ this decides my retribution
可顽心不服错 kě wán xīn bùfú cuò Yet my stubburn heart will never admit defeat,
不思过 bù sīguò never reflect on mistakes
齐天大圣地上行者 qí tiān dà shèngdì shàng xíngzhě Great Sage, Equal of Heaven. The walker upon the earth

那传说 nà chuánshuō My loneliness
忘却了我的寂寞 wàngquèle wǒ de jìmò has been forgotten in that legend
英雄名不堪得 yīngxióng míng bùkān dé I don't deserve the name of a hero.
何必较我混沌徒费口沫 hébì jiào wǒ hùndùn tú fèi kǒu mò There is no need to argue about it
这人间 zhè rénjiān After all,
毕竟我真正走过 bìjìng wǒ zhēnzhèng zǒuguò I have walked across this world on my own feet
一途平九百波 yītú píng jiǔbǎi bō A journey that pacified nine hundred tribulations,
九千错 jiǔqiān cuò Made nine thousand mistakes.
凌云渡成正果但我 língyún dù chéng zhèngguǒ dàn wǒ Even though I have reached the Western Heaven and become immortal
有九九八十一种不舍 yǒu jiǔjiǔbāshíyī zhǒng bù shě There are still nine thousand nine hundred eighty one reasons for me to linger about
