Qiannian Shipu Song

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Kanji "千年食谱颂"
Romaji "Qiannian Shipu Song"
English "A Millennial Menu of China"
Original Artist H.K.Kun
Source Vocaloid (Luo Tianyi) song by H.K.Kun
Original Video URL http://www.bilibili.com/video/av308040

Medleys that use this song


Chinese Pinyin English
小笼包 Xiǎo lóng bāo Xiao long bao
叉烧包 Chāshāo bāo Char siu bun
奶黄芝麻豆沙包 Nǎi huáng zhīma dòushā bāo Sweet bean paste filled baozi
大肉包 Dàròu bāo Big pork pau
菜包 Cài bāo Vegetable baozi
还有灌汤包 Hái yǒu guàn tāng bāo There's also soup-filled baozi

事在人,命在天 Shì zài rén, mìng zài tiān Starting to do something is man's work,
亘古滔滔转眼间 Gèngǔ tāotāo zhuǎnyǎn jiān successes and failures depend upon heaven
唯席上 Wéi xí shàng From acient times, for ever, in a moment
千年崇吃永不变 Qiānnián chóng chī yǒng bù biàn Rice meals are served at any banquet. It hasn't changed for a thousand years

北京烤鸭 Běijīng kǎoyā Peking duck
麻婆豆腐 Má pó dòufu Mapo doufu
蒜泥白肉 Suànní báiròu Boiled pork with garlic sauce
担担面 Dàndàn miàn Dan dan noodles
酸辣粉 Suān là fěn Hot and sour rice noodles
还有那炸酱面 Hái yǒu nà zhá jiàng miàn There is also Zhajiangmian

兰州拉面 Lánzhōu lāmiàn Lanzhou lamian
鄱阳湖闸蟹 Póyáng hú zhá xiè Poyang lake chinese crab
海南文昌鸡 Hǎinán wénchāng jī Hainan wenchang chicken
烤乳猪 Kǎo rǔ zhū Roasted baby pork
东坡肉 Dōng pō ròu Sweet and sour pork
再上拔丝土豆 Zài shàng básī tǔdòu I'll also serve stewed potatoes and sugar

和你一起去周游 Hé nǐ yīqǐ qù zhōuyóu I'll go and trip around with you
其实我只想到处吃个够 Qíshí wǒ zhǐ xiǎngdào chù chī gè gòu In fact, I just want to eat to my heart's content here and there
大江的南北通通尝个透 Dàjiāng de nánběi tōngtōng cháng gè tòu At the north and the south of Yangtze river, I'll eat up everything
却不敢让你知道 Què bù gǎn ràng nǐ zhīdào Though I want to let you know
怕你会嫌弃 Pà nǐ huì xiánqì I'm worried that you might hate and abandon me
你会受不了 Nǐ huì shòu bùliǎo or you might think it's not acceptable

云吞面 Yún tūn miàn Wonton noodles
麻辣烫 Málà tàng Malatang
羊肉串 Yángròu chuàn Chuan
蟹壳黄 Xiè ké huáng Chinese pie with sesame
静静的 Jìng jìng de Quietly,
悄悄的 Qiāoqiāo de Secretly,
让老板打个包 Ràng lǎobǎn dǎ gè bāo I'll ask the shopkeeper to have it ready

世界很大很乱,地球在转 Shìjiè hěn dà hěn luàn, dìqiú zài zhuǎn The world goes upside-down a lot, The earth goes round
数不清各种悲和欢 Shǔ bù qīng gè zhǒng bēi hé huan There are so many sad things and happy things we can't count them all
总是想太多还不如什么都别想 Zǒng shì xiǎng tài duō hái bùrú shénme dōu bié xiǎng It's better to not think anything than thinking too much
简单的吃一顿,再一餐 Jiǎndān de chī yī dùn, zài yī cān Get a bite to eat, have another meal
吃的那双眼都发亮 Chī dì nà shuāngyǎn dōu fā liàng If you eat, your eyes will be bright
然后做运动,消耗掉,多余的脂肪 Ránhòu zuò yùndòng, xiāohào diào, duōyú de zhīfáng After that, we'll do exercise to burn away our unwanted fat

哦!烧卖糯米鸡 Ó! Shāomai nuòmǐ jī Ah! Shumai, sticky rice in lotus leaf
哦!爆筋牛肉丸 Ó! Bào jīn niúròu wán Ah! Steamed grounded beef gristle ball
油炸糕酱排骨 Yóu zhá gāo jiàng páigǔ Chinese donut, sparerib with soy sauce
黄金扬州炒饭 Huángjīn yángzhōu chǎofàn Golden Yeung Chow fried rice
你不吃是不吃 Nǐ bù chī shì bù chī You don't eat, you don't eat this
你不吃也得吃 Nǐ bù chī yě de chī You don't eat, I'm sure you'll eat
就放弃抵抗吧,一起吃 Jiù fàngqì dǐkàng ba, yīqǐ chī Soon you'll give up resisting, let's eat together

驴肉红烧,江米扣肉 Lǘ ròu hóngshāo, jiāngmǐ kòu ròu Donkey burger, Rou with sticky rice
糖醋里脊,老虎爪驴打滚 Táng cù lǐjí, lǎohǔ zhǎo lǘ dǎgǔn Fried sweet and sour pork, old-tiger-talon, sweets with toasted soybean flour
别忘了臭豆腐 Bié wàngle chòu dòufu Don't forget about stinky tofu

四喜丸子,鸭血粉丝汤 Sì xǐ wánzi, yā xiě fěnsī tāng Soy-braised lion's head meatballs, duck blood and vermicelli soup
过桥米线,烩面煎饼果子 Guò qiáo mǐxiàn, huì miàn jiānbing guǒzi Crossing the bridge noodles, Henan braised noodles, Chinese pancakes
还上番茄炒蛋 Hái shàng fānqié chǎo dàn Also have stir-fried tomato and scramble eggs with them

云吞面 Yún tūn miàn White boiled shrimp
麻辣烫 Málà tàng Buddha jumps over the wall
羊肉串 Yángròu chuàn Fried swamp eel and union with wine and soy sauce
蟹壳黄 Xiè ké huáng Pork, chicken and bamboo sprout soup
静静的 Jìng jìng de Quietly
悄悄的 Qiāoqiāo de Secretly
让老板打个包 Ràng lǎobǎn dǎ gè bāo I'll ask the shopkeeper to have it ready

世界很大很乱,地球在转 Shìjiè hěn dà hěn luàn, dìqiú zài zhuǎn The world goes upside-down a lot, The earth goes round
数不清各种悲和欢 Shǔ bù qīng gè zhǒng bēi hé huan There are so many sad things and happy things we can't count them all
总是想太多还不如什么都别想 Zǒng shì xiǎng tài duō hái bùrú shénme dōu bié xiǎng It's better to not think anything than thinking too much
简单的吃一顿,再一餐 Jiǎndān de chī yī dùn, zài yī cān Get a bite to eat, have another meal
吃的那双眼都发亮 Chī dì nà shuāngyǎn dōu fā liàng If you eat, your eyes will be bright
然后做运动,消耗掉,多余的脂肪 Ránhòu zuò yùndòng, xiāohào diào, duōyú de zhīfáng After that, we'll do exercise to burn away our unwanted fat

五千年的文明,多么灿烂 Wǔqiān nián de wénmíng, duōme cànlàn How brilliant the five-thousand-year civilization is!
留下食谱世界最长 Liú xià shípǔ shìjiè zuì zhǎng It hands down the longest menu in the world
花落人断肠,吃不了,那真叫忧伤 Huā luò rén duàncháng, chī bùliǎo, nà zhēn jiào yōushāng Flowers fall and people feel heartbreaking grief that they cannot eat them all. They really regret and lament over that they ordered
简单的吃一顿,多一餐 Jiǎndān de chī yī dùn, duō yī cān Get a bite to eat, have more meals
我们共同的小愿望 Wǒmen gòngtóng de xiǎo yuànwàng We have the same wish
一起奋斗吧,战胜那,万恶的脂肪 Yīqǐ fèndòu ba, zhànshèng nà, wàn'è de zhīfáng Let's struggle together, let's overcome the heinous fat

哦!凉糕热干面 Ó! Liáng gāo rè gān miàn Ah! Bean paste cake, hot dry noodles
哦!猪肉炖粉条 Ó! Zhūròu dùn fěntiáo Ah! Sautéed preserved pork with red vegetables
回锅肉炖酸菜,还有兰州烧饼 Huíguōròu dùn suāncài, hái yǒu lánzhōu shāobǐng Twice cooked pork suan cai hot pot, There's also Lanzhou baked sesame seed cake
让我们一起吃,全世界都得吃 Ràng wǒmen yīqǐ chī, quán shìjiè dōu de chī Let us eat together, I'm sure we can the whole world
就不要挣扎了,趁热吃 Jiù bùyào zhēngzhále, chèn rè chī Don't rush, Eat it before it gets cold
