Kakenukeru Medley Collaboration Final

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Kanji "駆け抜けるメドレーコラボレーションFINAL"
Romaji "Kakenukeru Medoree Koraboreeshon FINAL"
English "Run-Through Medley Collaboration FINAL"
Release Date May-June 2019
Original Video URL https://youtube.com/watch?v=qRdTjh59JwM (Classic), https://youtube.com/watch?v=XwbGMDLXIhE (Modern)
Composer(s) So. MANY.

General Info

Detailed information (Japanese): https://www18.atwiki.jp/kakenukeru-gassaku/pages/1.html; http://ch.nicovideo.jp/galaxy14141356/blomaga/ar1654000; https://ch.nicovideo.jp/galaxy14141356/blomaga/ar1761744/

Kakenukeru Medley Collaboration Final will be split into two parts, 「クラシック部門」 and 「モダン部門」, and are structured differently:

Kakenukeru Medley Collaboration Final COURSE: Classic

Kakenukeru Medley Collaboration Final COURSE: Modern

  • This section places no limit on transitions.
  • However, switching from one silent song to another is not allowed.


The Niconico version will consist of ten sections, five for the Classic part and five for the Modern part. Each section will have its own wiki page once the medley is released.

The sections for the Classic division will be Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars.

The sections for the Modern division will be Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.

The medley will be released on YouTube in two videos, one for Classic and one for Modern.

Upload Schedule

The videos will be uploaded to Niconico and YouTube as follows. All times are in Japanese Standard Time (JST).

Sun: Saturday, May 18th (18:00)

Mercury: Wednesday, May 22nd (19:00)

Venus: Saturday, May 25th (18:00)

Earth: Wednesday, May 29th (19:00)

Mars: Saturday, June 1st (18:00)

Kakenukeru Medley Collaboration Final COURSE: Classic (Sun to Mars): Wednesday, June 5th (19:00)

Jupiter: Saturday, June 8th (18:00)

Saturn: Wednesday, June 12th (19:00)

Uranus: Saturday, June 15th (18:00)

Neptune: Wednesday, June 19th (19:00)

Pluto: Saturday, June 22nd (18:00)

Kakenukeru Medley Collaboration Final COURSE: Modern (Jupiter to Pluto): Wednesday, June 26th (19:00)


Overall, there are 120 units involved, of which 73 are solo arrangers and 47 are collaboration units. Every part also has an extra section that is composed using song requests from the units, giving a grand total of 130 units.


There are 65 units involved, of which 43 are solo arrangers and 22 are collaboration units. Every part also has an extra section that is composed using song requests from the units, giving a grand total of 70 units.


There are 55 units involved, of which 30 are solo arrangers and 25 are collaboration units. Every part also has an extra section that is composed using song requests from the units, giving a grand total of 60 units.

Other Details

  • The Classic part is 143 minutes, 22 seconds in length, while the Modern part is 120 minutes, 59 seconds.

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