Daigassaku! Band Brothers 3

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Kanji "大合作!バンドブラザーズ 第三弾"
Romaji "Daigassaku! Bando Burazaazu Daisandan"
English "Large Collaboration! Band Brothers 3rd Round"
Release Date December 25th, 2010
Original Video URL https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm13121706 (part 1 (#)); https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm13121798 (part 2 (♭))
Composer(s) nuts, Meropo (メロポ), ~peke~ (ペケ~peke~), Masa (マサ), Akibare (秋晴), E1000, XIN, YASU, 75, Wanwan, satellite, taka, Amamiya Neko (雨宮 猫), Knot (ノット), Barusan (バル酸), minun♂, Bakudan-kun (バクダンくん), MixP (みっくすP), ¥100, Heimdall (ヘイムダル), jact


# Time Title Source

Part 1 (#)


001 00:04 Prelude Final Fantasy series BGM
002 00:16 Searching for Friends Final Fantasy VI BGM
003 00:27 Battle Theme Final Fantasy VI BGM
004 00:27 Let the Battles Begin! (Those Who Fight) Final Fantasy VII BGM
005 00:27 Battle Final Fantasy BGM
006 00:32 One-Winged Angel Final Fantasy VII BGM
007 00:32 Fight With Seymour Final Fantasy X BGM
008 00:37 Chocobo's Theme Final Fantasy II BGM
001 00:59 Prelude Final Fantasy series BGM

Meropo (メロポ)

009 01:01 Battle Fanfare (Lucky Mario, Let's Go~) Paper Mario BGM
010 01:13 Battle Theme Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door BGM
011 01:16 Doopliss Battle Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door BGM
012 01:16 Enter Bowser Jr.! Super Mario Galaxy BGM
013 01:24 Francis Battle Super Paper Mario BGM
014 01:46 Rainbow Road Mario Kart Wii BGM
015 01:46 Gusty Garden Galaxy Super Mario Galaxy BGM
016 01:46 Purple Comet Super Mario Galaxy BGM
017 01:46 Flying Mario Super Mario Galaxy BGM

~peke~ (ペケ~peke~)

018 02:10 Route 1 Pokémon Red/Blue BGM
019 02:26 Viridian City Pokémon Red/Blue BGM
020 02:58 Cycling Pokémon Red/Blue BGM

Masa (マサ)

021 03:24 Power Up TwinBee BGM
022 03:28 Go! Getsu Fuuma GetsuFumaDen BGM
023 03:28 Fighting Nicol, Soldier of Love Ai Senshi Nicol BGM
024 03:28 Main Theme Antarctic Adventure BGM
025 03:41 Main Theme Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty BGM
026 03:41 The Goonies 'R' Good Enough The Goonies theme song
027 03:41 Jungle Battle Contra BGM
028 03:55 Top 3rd Successful Year Power Pro Kun Pocket 5 BGM
029 03:55 Stage BGM King Kong 2: Ikari no Megaton Punch BGM
030 04:02 Quick Master pop'n music playable song
031 04:08 Bloody Tears Castlevania II: Simon's Quest BGM
032 04:08 Legendary Player Showdown Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 8 BGM
033 04:21 At the Ryugu, Daily Life on Turtle Back Goemon's Great Adventure BGM
034 04:21 THEME OF SNATCHER Snatcher BGM
035 04:32 LUV TO ME (disco mix) beatmania IIDX playable song

Akibare (秋晴)

036 04:48 Danger Secret of Mana BGM
037 04:58 Battle #5 SaGa Frontier BGM
038 05:09 Four-aristocrat Demons Battle 2 Romancing SaGa 3 BGM
039 05:19 Clash on the Big Bridge (Battle with Gilgamesh) Final Fantasy V BGM
040 05:21 Battle for the Fields Treasure of the Rudras BGM
041 05:44 Frog's Theme Chrono Trigger BGM
042 05:54 Wind Scene Chrono Trigger BGM


043 06:05 Hyrule Field The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time BGM
044 06:16 Termina Field The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask BGM
045 06:16 Deku Palace The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask BGM
046 06:27 Hyrule Field The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess BGM
047 06:27 Windfall Island The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker BGM
048 06:27 Saria's Song The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time BGM
049 06:34 Song of Healing The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask BGM
050 06:52 Zelda's Lullaby The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time BGM
051 06:52 Epona's Song The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time BGM
052 07:09 Ocean The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker BGM
053 07:09 Dragon Roost Island The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker BGM


054 07:20 Gourmet Race Kirby Super Star BGM
055 07:45 King Dedede's Theme (Mt. Dedede) Kirby's Dream Land BGM
056 07:56 City Trial Kirby Air Ride BGM
057 08:12 Candy Mountain (Skyhigh) Kirby Super Star BGM
058 08:12 Pop Star Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards BGM
059 08:23 Green Greens Kirby's Dream Land BGM


060 08:37 Bike Chase Chrono Trigger BGM
061 09:05 Fanfare 1 Chrono Trigger BGM
062 09:24 Robo's Theme Chrono Trigger BGM


063 09:36 DAY DREAM GUITARFREAKS 4thMIX & drummania 3rdMIX playable song
064 09:46 Mei beatmania IIDX 12 HAPPY SKY playable song
065 09:46 MAX 300 DDRMAX -Dance Dance Revolution 6thMIX- playable song
066 09:53 RED ZONE beatmania IIDX 11 IIDX RED playable song
067 10:17 Xepher beatmania IIDX 12 HAPPY SKY playable song
068 10:18 B4U Dance Dance Revolution 4thMIX playable song
066 10:19 RED ZONE beatmania IIDX 11 IIDX RED playable song
069 10:22 fffff pop'n music 13 Carnival playable song
070 10:32 Angel Dream Taiko no Tatsujin 10 playable song
071 10:32 Colorful Pastel GuitarFreaks V5 & DrumMania V5 Rock to Infinity playable song
072 10:32 Saitama 2000 Taiko no Tatsujin: Appare Sandaime playable song
073 10:32 Kita Saitama 2000 Taiko no Tatsujin Portable 2 playable song
074 10:40 Funky sonic World GUITARFREAKS 10thMIX & drummania 9thMIX playable song
075 10:47 The Dirty of Loudness beatmania IIDX 13 DistorteD playable song


076 10:49 This Way Out Sonic Adventure 2 BGM
077 11:00 Mr.Unsmiley Sonic Adventure 2 BGM
078 11:11 Crush'em All Sonic Adventure 2 BGM
079 11:22 Scramble For The Core Sonic Adventure 2 BGM
080 11:38 Live & Learn Sonic Adventure 2 BGM


081 11:51 Battle! Trainer (Johto) Pokémon Gold/Silver/Crystal BGM
082 12:07 Battle! Frontier Brain Pokémon Platinum BGM
083 12:18 Battle! Wild Pokémon Pokémon Red/Blue BGM
084 12:42 Battle! Ho-Oh Pokémon HeartGold/SoulSilver BGM
085 12:50 Battle! Team Rocket Pokémon Gold/Silver/Crystal BGM
086 12:50 Battle! Giratina Pokémon Platinum BGM
087 13:11 Level Up Pokémon series SFX


088 13:12 Go K.K. Rider! Animal Crossing series BGM
089 13:17 DJ K.K. Animal Crossing series BGM
090 13:28 K.K. Ragtime Animal Crossing series BGM
091 13:33 Rockin' K.K. Animal Crossing series BGM
092 13:54 K.K. Salsa Animal Crossing series BGM

Amamiya Neko (雨宮 猫)

093 14:17 Menu Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day! BGM
094 14:17 Remix 10 Rhythm Heaven playable song
095 14:23 Start Brain Age 2: More Training in Minutes a Day! BGM
096 14:25 Training Finished Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day! BGM
097 14:28 Wii Shop Channel Wii Shop Channel BGM
098 14:39 Lockstep Rhythm Heaven playable song
099 14:44 Staff Roll Wii Fit BGM
100 14:49 Tennis Results Wii Sports BGM
101 14:49 Wii Fit Plaza Wii Fit BGM
102 14:55 Main Theme Nintendogs BGM
103 14:58 Kitchen Bossa Kenkou Ouen Recipe 1000: DS Kondate Zenshuu BGM
104 15:00 Remix 4 Rhythm Heaven playable song
105 15:00 Title Theme Animal Crossing: Wild World BGM
106 15:06 Title Theme Big Brain Academy: Wii Degree BGM

Knot (ノット)

107 15:11 Game Boy Startup Sound Nintendo Game Boy startup sound
108 15:12 Title Screen Mole Mania BGM
109 15:18 Ground Theme Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins BGM
110 15:22 Main Theme The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening BGM
111 15:25 Mabe Village The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening BGM
112 15:33 The Prince's Adventure Kaeru no Tame ni Kane wa Naru BGM
113 15:38 Ground Theme Super Mario Land BGM
114 15:42 Tunnel Scene X BGM
055 15:50 King Dedede's Theme (Mt. Dedede) Kirby's Dream Land BGM
115 16:02 Type-A Tetris BGM

Barusan (バル酸)

116 16:12 Title Baseball/Tennis/Volleyball BGM
117 16:21 Underworld Theme Kid Icarus BGM
118 16:21 Title Kid Icarus BGM
119 16:28 Stage Theme Ice Climber BGM
120 16:28 1P Music Type B Yoshi's Cookie BGM
121 16:38 Game Start Gomoku Narabe Renju BGM
122 16:44 BGM A Wrecking Crew BGM
123 16:44 Bonus Stage Devil World BGM
124 16:54 Street Fight Area 1 Urban Champion BGM
125 17:05 Title Mario Bros. BGM
126 17:05 Game Start A Mario Bros. BGM
127 17:13 Game Start B Mario Bros. BGM
128 17:16 Stage BGM Clu Clu Land BGM
129 17:27 Stage Clear Clu Clu Land BGM
130 17:32 Intermezzo Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen BGM

Part 2 (♭)


001 (131) 00:00 Morning Music Bubble System BGM
002 (132) 00:12 Free Flyer Gradius BGM
003 (133) 00:17 Starfield Salamander/Life Force BGM
004 (134) 00:23 Scramble Crossroad R-TYPE BGM
005 (135) 00:23 Jungle Dragon Spirit BGM
006 (136) 00:33 OLGA BREEZE Darius II BGM
007 (137) 00:33 Departure for Space Gradius III BGM
008 (138) 00:44 Metal Slug Metal Slug BGM
009 (139) 00:44 Blue Water Fangs Metal Slug 3 BGM
010 (140) 00:54 Rin to Shite Saku Hana no Gotoku pop'n music 15 ADVENTURE playable song
011 (141) 00:54 Sayonara Heaven pop'n music 11 playable song
012 (142) 01:06 Fushigi na Kusuri pop'n music 17 THE MOVIE playable song
013 (143) 01:12 Perry Desu! pop'n music 18 Sengoku Retsuden playable song

Amamiya Neko (雨宮 猫)

014 (144) 01:18 Title Theme Kirby's Block Ball BGM
015 (145) 01:34 Stage 3: Kabu Kirby's Block Ball BGM
016 (146) 01:34 Rick the Hamster Kirby's Dream Land 2 BGM
017 (147) 01:44 Stage 9: Kabula Kirby's Block Ball BGM
018 (148) 01:44 Stage 8: Whispy Woods Kirby's Block Ball BGM
019 (149) 01:55 Stage 5: Mr. Shine and Mr. Bright Kirby's Block Ball BGM
020 (150) 01:55 Stage 4: Poppy Bros. Sr. Kirby's Block Ball BGM
021 (151) 01:55 Ending Kirby's Pinball Land BGM
022 (152) 01:55 Ice Berg Kirby's Dream Land 2 BGM
023 (153) 01:58 Stage 10: Brobo Kirby's Block Ball BGM
020 (150) 02:01 Stage 4: Poppy Bros. Sr. Kirby's Block Ball BGM
024 (154) 02:01 Red Canyon Kirby's Dream Land 2 BGM
023 (153) 02:03 Stage 10: Brobo Kirby's Block Ball BGM
025 (155) 02:06 Insane Kirby's Star Stacker BGM
026 (156) 02:06 Ripple Field Kirby's Dream Land 2 BGM
027 (157) 02:11 Dark Castle Kirby's Dream Land 2 BGM

Barusan (バル酸)

028 (158) 02:18 Buoy Base Galaxy Super Mario Galaxy BGM
029 (159) 02:18 World 3 Map Super Mario Bros. 3 BGM
030 (160) 02:29 Marine Pop, Sky Pop! Super Mario Land BGM
031 (161) 02:32 Underwater Theme Super Mario Bros. BGM
032 (162) 02:33 Delfino Plaza Super Mario Sunshine BGM
033 (163) 02:33 Underwater Theme New Super Mario Bros. BGM
034 (164) 02:48 Waterland Super Mario 64 BGM
035 (165) 03:01 Underwater Theme Super Mario Bros. BGM
036 (166) 03:14 Underwater Theme New Super Mario Bros. Wii BGM
037 (167) 03:14 Underwater Theme Super Mario Bros. 3 BGM
038 (168) 03:26 Ricco Harbor Super Mario Sunshine BGM


039 (169) 03:35 glitter MagusTale Infinity OP
040 (170) 03:47 to the sky MagusTale ~Sekaiju to Koisuru Mahoutsukai~ OP
041 (171) 03:59 Princess Lover! Princess Lover! game OP
042 (172) 03:59 Waltz!Waltz!Waltz! Princess Lover! ~Eternal Love For My Lady~ OP
043 (173) 04:10 Princess Primp! Princess Lover! anime OP
044 (174) 04:11 Glossy:MMM Saki OP
045 (175) 04:11 prism celebration Marriage Royale -Prism Story- OP
046 (176) 04:19 silhouette We Without Wings Drama CD 2nd season Vol.4 Yume Game/Barairo Crossover CD
047 (177) 04:19 Sky Sanctuary We Without Wings insert song
048 (178) 04:19 pieces Tick! Tack! insert song
049 (179) 04:29 Hatsukoi Parachute Akane Iro ni Somaru Saka OP
050 (180) 04:29 Hizamazuku made 5-Byou dake! Kimi ga Aruji de Shitsuji ga Ore de OP
051 (181) 04:40 Aozora no Mieru Oka de Aozora no Mieru Oka OP

Bakudan-kun (バクダンくん)

052 (182) 04:51 Microgame Jingle WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgame$! SFX
053 (183) 04:53 Main Theme Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3 BGM
054 (184) 04:58 Microgame Success WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgame$! SFX
055 (185) 04:59 Microgame Jingle WarioWare: Twisted! SFX
056 (186) 05:01 Greenhorn Forest Wario World BGM
057 (187) 05:06 Microgame Success WarioWare: Twisted! SFX
058 (188) 05:07 Microgame Jingle WarioWare: Touched! SFX
059 (189) 05:09 Ashley's Theme WarioWare: Touched! BGM
060 (190) 05:14 Microgame Success WarioWare: Touched! SFX
061 (191) 05:15 Microgame Jingle WarioWare: Smooth Moves SFX
062 (192) 05:18 Stonecarving City Wario Land: Shake It! BGM
063 (193) 05:23 Microgame Success WarioWare: Smooth Moves SFX
064 (194) 05:25 Boss Stage WarioWare D.I.Y. SFX
065 (195) 05:27 Microgame Jingle WarioWare D.I.Y. SFX
066 (196) 05:29 Credits Wario Land 3 BGM
067 (197) 05:40 Microgame Success WarioWare D.I.Y. SFX
068 (198) 05:41 Game Over WarioWare D.I.Y. SFX

MixP (みっくすP)

069 (199) 05:42 Fatally DUEL SAVIOR OP
070 (200) 05:53 resolution of soul D+VINE[LUV] OP
071 (201) 06:04 Princess Brave! Princess Brave! Jantaku no Kishi OP
072 (202) 06:05 Princess Bride! Princess Bride OP
073 (203) 06:05 eclipse Ringetsu OP
074 (204) 06:27 Face of Fact BALDR FORCE OP
075 (205) 06:27 Isolation Tsuyokiss ED
076 (206) 06:35 Little Busters! Little Busters! OP
077 (207) 06:38 SNOW SNOW OP
078 (208) 06:49 Mighty Heart ~Aru Hi no Kenka, Itsumo no Koigokoro~ Tsuyokiss OP

~peke~ (ペケ~peke~)

079 (209) 07:02 Top Successful Spring Camp Power Pro Kun Pocket 5 BGM
080 (210) 07:06 Top Successful Spring Power Pro Kun Pocket 6 BGM
081 (211) 07:06 Successful Spring Power Pro Kun Pocket BGM
082 (212) 07:06 Menu Power Pro Kun Pocket 7 BGM
083 (213) 07:18 Successful Winter Power Pro Kun Pocket 3 BGM
084 (214) 07:18 2nd Successful Year Power Pro Kun Pocket 2 BGM
085 (215) 07:18 1st Successful Year Power Pro Kun Pocket 5 BGM
086 (216) 07:28 Menu Power Pro Kun Pocket 1/2 BGM
087 (217) 07:31 Wakuwaku na Everyday Power Pro Kun Pocket 9 BGM
088 (218) 07:31 Bottom Successful Second Half Power Pro Kun Pocket 6 BGM
089 (219) 07:31 Successful Spring Power Pro Kun Pocket 3 BGM
090 (220) 07:31 Top Successful Spring Power Pro Kun Pocket 7 BGM
091 (221) 07:38 Wakuwaku, Dokidoki! Go! Power Pro Kun Pocket 8 BGM
092 (222) 07:52 Start of Match Power Pro Kun Pocket 3-5 BGM
093 (223) 07:57 Top Successful Spring Power Pro Kun Pocket 4 BGM
094 (224) 07:57 Successful Match Power Pro Kun Pocket 4 BGM
095 (225) 07:57 Saigo no Yuushou Mezashite! Power Pro Kun Pocket 8 BGM
096 (226) 08:09 Shiawasejima Match Power Pro Kun Pocket 6 BGM
097 (227) 08:09 Tabi Glass no Uta Power Pro Kun Pocket 9 BGM
098 (228) 08:18 Minigame Failure Power Pro Kun Pocket 5 SFX
099 (229) 08:18 Fanfare When Something Bad Happens Power Pro Kun Pocket series SFX
100 (230) 08:18 Game Start Power Pro Kun Pocket 1/2 SFX
101 (231) 08:18 Lucky Omikuji Power Pro Kun Pocket 5/6 SFX
102 (232) 08:18 Fanfare When You Get Something Power Pro Kun Pocket series SFX
103 (233) 08:18 Minigame Start Power Pro Kun Pocket 5 SFX
104 (234) 08:18 Minigame Failure Power Pro Kun Pocket 3 SFX
105 (235) 08:18 Menu Start Power Pro Kun Pocket 5 SFX


106 (236) 08:20 Main Theme Golden Sun BGM
107 (237) 08:31 Saturos and Menardi Battle Golden Sun BGM
108 (238) 08:54 Enemy Battle (Felix) Golden Sun: The Lost Age BGM
109 (239) 09:05 Enemy Battle (Jenna) Golden Sun: The Lost Age BGM
110 (240) 09:16 Fanfare Golden Sun BGM

Heimdall (ヘイムダル)

111 (241) 09:21 Orca's Theme Okami BGM
112 (242) 09:21 Oki's Theme Okami BGM
113 (243) 09:32 Reset ~ (Thank You Version) Okami BGM
114 (244) 09:43 Waka's Last Tango Okami BGM
115 (245) 09:53 Ryoshima Coast Okami BGM
116 (246) 09:53 Rising Sun Okami BGM
117 (247) 10:15 Great Divine Intervention Okami BGM


118 (248) 10:32 Gensokyo Millennium ~ History of the Moon Touhou Eiyashou ~ Imperishable Night. BGM
119 (249) 10:55 Diao Ye Zong (withered leaf) Touhou Youyoumu ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom. BGM
120 (250) 11:07 The Doll Maker of Bucuresti Touhou Youyoumu ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom. BGM
121 (251) 11:07 Solar Sect of Mystic Wisdom ~ Nuclear Fusion Touhou Chireiden ~ Subterranean Animism. BGM
122 (252) 11:35 At the Harbor of Spring Touhou Seirensen ~ Undefined Fantastic Object. BGM
123 (253) 11:35 Necrofantasia Touhou Youyoumu ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom. BGM


124 (254) 11:57 Evans jubeat playable song
125 (255) 12:13 Spring Movement from Antonio Vivaldi's "The Four Seasons" suite
126 (256) 12:13 Hare Hare Yukai The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya ED
127 (257) 12:13 Native Faith Touhou Fuujinroku ~ Mountain of Faith. BGM
128 (258) 12:15 Dragon Quest Overture Dragon Quest series theme song
129 (259) 12:15 Winter Movement from Antonio Vivaldi's "The Four Seasons" suite
130 (054) 12:15 Gourmet Race Kirby Super Star BGM
131 (260) 12:18 Himiko beatmania IIDX 16 EMPRESS playable song
132 (261) 12:18 Piano Concerto No.1 "Anti-Ares" beatmania IIDX 11 IIDX RED playable song
133 (262) 12:18 Marisa Stole the Precious Thing Touhou Project arrangement by ARM (IOSYS)
134 (263) 12:21 Athletic Theme Super Mario Bros. 3 BGM
135 (264) 12:22 Caramelldansen Song by Caramell
136 (265) 12:22 i'm lovin' it McDonald's commercial song
137 (266) 12:23 Fantaisie-Impromptu Composition by Frédéric Chopin
138 (267) 12:23 Kurenai Song by X JAPAN
139 (268) 12:23 Miku Miku ni Shite Ageru♪ Vocaloid (Hatsune Miku) song by ika
140 (269) 12:26 Omoide wa Okkusenman Arrangement of Dr. Wily Stage 1 by Aoi Kiba
141 (270) 12:26 Jounetsu Tairiku Jounetsu Tairiku theme song
142 (271) 12:26 Hakata no Shio Hakata no Shio sound logo
143 (272) 12:28 Melt Vocaloid (Hatsune Miku) song by ryo
144 (273) 12:28 Main Theme The Legend of Zelda BGM
145 (274) 12:28 Seikan Hikou Macross Frontier insert song
146 (275) 12:28 Yuki, Muon, Madobe Nite. The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya character song (Yuki Nagato)
147 (276) 12:31 Asu e no Houkou Muv-Luv Alternative OP
148 (277) 12:31 Daiseikyou (FamilyMart Entrance Sound) Panasonic EC5227WP melody chime
149 (278) 12:31 Cirno's Perfect Math Class Touhou Project arrangement by ARM (IOSYS)
150 (279) 12:34 Coin Sound Super Mario Bros. SFX
151 (280) 12:34 Mushroom Appearance Super Mario Bros. SFX
152 (281) 12:35 Mushroom Super Mario Bros. SFX
153 (282) 12:36 Step on Goomba Super Mario Bros. SFX
154 (283) 12:36 Koopa Kick Super Mario Bros. SFX
155 (284) 12:37 1-Up Super Mario Bros. SFX
150 (279) 12:37 Coin Sound Super Mario Bros. SFX
155 (284) 12:39 1-Up Super Mario Bros. SFX
151 (280) 12:40 Mushroom Appearance Super Mario Bros. SFX
152 (281) 12:41 Mushroom Super Mario Bros. SFX
150 (279) 12:42 Coin Sound Super Mario Bros. SFX
156 (285) 12:44 Minuet in G Major Composition by Christian Petzold
157 (286) 12:44 Nocturne in E-flat Major, Op. 9, No. 2 Composition by Frédéric Chopin
158 (287) 12:44 Jupiter, the Bringer of Jollity Movement from Gustav Holst's "The Planets" suite
159 (288) 12:45 Gacha Gacha Cute - Figu@mate Figu@mate OP
160 (289) 12:45 Barbara Bat's Theme Daigasso! Band Brothers playable song
010 (140) 12:45 Rin to Shite Saku Hana no Gotoku pop'n music 15 ADVENTURE playable song
161 (290) 12:47 Konayuki 1 Litre no Namida insert song
162 (291) 12:47 Ievan Polkka Finnish folk song
163 (292) 12:47 The legend of MAX Dance Dance Revolution EXTREME playable song
164 (293) 12:48 Kotoba ni Dekinai Meiji Yasuda Life commercial song/Sonic X insert song
165 (294) 12:48 U.N. Owen was Her? Touhou Koumakyou ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil. BGM
166 (295) 12:48 The happy escapism song (Jinsei Owata Song) Song by Saka-ROW Kumi
167 (296) 12:49 Ground Theme Super Mario Bros. BGM
168 (297) 12:49 GONG 3rd Super Robot Wars Alpha OP
169 (298) 12:49 Futari no Mojipittan Kotoba no Puzzle: Mojipittan theme song
170 (299) 12:50 Korobeiniki Russian folk song
171 (300) 12:50 Stops at the affected area and immediately dissolves ~ Lunatic Udongein Touhou Project arrangement by ARM (IOSYS)
172 (301) 12:50 Tenjiku 2000 Taiko no Tatsujin DS: Touch de Dokodon! playable song
173 (302) 12:52 Battle! Wild Pokémon (Johto) Pokémon Gold/Silver/Crystal BGM
174 (303) 12:52 Here We Go! (Ground Theme) Super Mario World BGM
175 (304) 12:52 Lavender Town Pokémon Red/Blue BGM
176 (305) 12:53 Air Man ga Taosenai Song by Sera (Tetsukuzu Okiba) feat. Team.Nekokan
177 (306) 12:53 true my heart Nursery Rhyme OP
178 (307) 12:53 Level Up Dragon Quest SFX
179 (308) 12:53 Time Signal Niconico interrupt message/time signal


180 (309) 13:00 Onegai! Señorita Song by ORANGE RANGE
181 (310) 13:07 Neomelodramatic Song by Porno Graffitti
182 (311) 13:18 Zenryoku Shounen Song by Sukima Switch
183 (312) 13:29 Aoi Bench Song by Sasuke
184 (313) 13:40 Tsubasa Song by Under Graph
185 (314) 13:51 Tentai Kansoku Song by BUMP OF CHICKEN
186 (315) 14:07 First Chapter ~On the Path to the Mountain~ Famicom Mukashibanashi: Shin Onigashima BGM
187 (316) 14:17 Ayumi Famicom Tantei Club Part II: Ushiro ni Tatsu Shoujo BGM
188 (317) 14:28 Gekkouka Black Jack OP
189 (318) 14:39 Happy☆Material Negima! OP
190 (319) 14:49 DAYS Eureka Seven OP
191 (320) 15:04 Starry Heavens Tales of Symphonia (GameCube) OP
192 (321) 15:14 SMILY Song by Ai Otsuka
193 (322) 15:25 Dragostea Din Tei (Koi no Maiahi) Song by O-Zone

Masa (マサ)

194 (323) 15:37 Victory! Ness Super Smash Bros. BGM


  • For part 2, the tracklist numbers are based on the individual part, with the tracklist numbers for both parts combined in parentheses. Similarly, the times shown are for the part by itself, rather than as part of the full collab.
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Daigassaku! Band Brothers 3 • Daigassaku! Band Brothers 4 (Red TeamGreen Team)Kakenukeru Medley CollaborationDaigassaku! Band Brothers 10 -Deluxe-
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By Composer 100yen16/SNOW26K2Pei8:51:22 pm88.acceleratorAcFun Spring Festival GalaadalAgBrAlfakyun.amegaAnime on TubaArabic Yamato Kaiganshiki☆Aryu☆Asaoka HietonAshibuto Penta* (Asterisk)Ayamene/MukyuAyase Midoriberg8793BugMinoCelesteCollectiveChuren TenhouChuruchinCocoCollabsCotton DogcrossworlddaniwellDatabase Forum MembersDJ UnikittyDokugasuEbifliderEbitenmuEmperorBeefEmplor.JEttooFilyFinnOtakuFLAGFrog96 (Furokuro)FullKenFussoFuwameroGhostCrabGingaPGotenGyoushuuHACHAJIMEHanaHanulhapiHarupyieHeppoko Roku Gen DukaiHeppoko-shiHGAQ_0HikacchiHimanattsuHousePIefI.F.IkatakoI'm so Happy Beep AssociationIwojan MisaliJGSDF Central BandjuryJyunKainKakamiKANONKarehaKarintouPKaseki(Kashira)kemuKetokuKiji KujuKikaKikoriKisaichiKitKat 0141KivaKiziyokuKohMeiKokusan WasabiKotatsugata SenpuukiKouen UraKukekekekeKurai HadeKurogiriKuronomyreKyonLeiverraLiNKERLockedlusmaddogMahiMammoth no HakabamarasyMarukuMarutenmed-AMedaMedley MixmasterM-EnemyMeropoMesszylinderMiraMixPM.IzMizuhaneMizuiroSalmonMNmocchiemoibiiMU FalldayM.X.LM-XROWNagashinNagisuNapolinNawaNemahisonicariaNiewalsNinoue KasukaNintendo Special Big BandNKNOMANo RateNotaNot LeonianNoufuOchinpo (Kimajime)onitanOuOzumonohitoPei#PlePotetanPowππππππππππππππππPreject XIIProfessor SakamotopunisisyouQuatteRCPEdgarRe:callReirou RineinoRenewaReouromRiriri and AoiЯiLОR.M.rodorufuRuberularRunolerykielrynryns0u / ࿊ṨᏫկϮᎪ࿊sakureiSanntaSatoruS. Berryscarlet.MP5SeiSeireion AssociationSembuzzleSengokuShareShirahaShokigaoShuisosimoyukiSlyphoriaSqOcS'ymTadamonoTaiyayataiyoTakataTatotetsuo (KuchibashiP)Tetsu²ThreaQtoKonbuTokyo Active NEETstronuboarUser Jouhou HikoukaiUtenameiVCLNwinnna_WorbXenetsuXimcoxyYamitsuruYASUYoshikiPYucy‎‏‎Yu Muhua‎‏‎YuuriyuuyuuZelZikoZimuinGzipotanZonamoshi
By Year 2007200820092010201120122013201420152016201720182019202020212022202320242025
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