Sec.10 Collaboration!! -Try Edition-

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Kanji N/A
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English "Sec.10 Collaboration!! -Try Edition-"
Release Date December 29, 2018
Original Video URL
Composer(s) Pow, Saitou Reina "Ft"."X"unlei4h5 (斎藤玲奈 "Ft"."X"unlei4h5), GingaP (銀河P)、#Ple (#ぷる)、winnna_ (うぃんな)、Kukekekeke (くけけけけ)、NK、Nawa (なわ)、Kakami (かかみ)、Kiji Kuju (記事口授)、Fily (ふぃりー)、Dokugasu (毒ガス)、Utenamei (雨天雨衣)、rynryn、Fusso (弗素)、Harupyie (羽流ピぃ)、Kiziyoku (雉翼)、Tetsu² ((てつ)²)

Track List

# Time Title Source

Ginga-P (銀河P)

001 0:05 Taiyou Iwaku Moeyo Chaos Haiyore Nyaruko-san OP
002 0:05 NHK Time Signal NHK time signal
003 0:07 Night of Nights Touhou Project BGM (arranged by Beat Mario)
004 0:07 Two-Faced Lovers Vocaloid (Hatsune Miku) song by wowaka
005 0:09 The Lost One's Weeping Vocaloid (Kagamine Rin) song by Neru (Oshiire-P)
006 0:10 Cheetahmen 2 Theme Cheetahmen 2 BGM
007 0:10 Waribashi Onna. Vocaloid (Hatsune Miku) song by Lovely-P


008 0:15 LOSER Song by Kenshi Yonezu
009 0:15 Starry Heavens Tales of Symphonia theme song
010 0:17 Guren no Yumiya Attack on Titan OP
011 0:20 Dark Pit Kid Icarus: Uprising BGM
012 0:22 Immoralist Dragon Crisis! OP
013 0:23 Shin Takarajima Bakuman. theme song

Kakami (かかみ)

014 0:25 Shinryaku no Susume Shinryaku! Ika Musume OP
015 0:25 Ne! Ko! Nora to Oujo to Noraneko Heart theme
016 0:25 KUMAMIKO DANCING Kumamiko ED
017 0:27 Happy! Lucky! Dochy! Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kira OP
018 0:27 Yuujou Monogatari Inukami! ED
000 0:30 Aozora no Rhapsody Kobayashi-san chi no Maid Dragon OP
019 0:30 Ready Go! Ookami-san to Shichinin no Nakamatachi OP
020 0:30 Renai Jiyuu Shoujo ♀ Penguin Musume Heart OP
021 0:32 Orange Toradora! ED
023 0:32 Daydream Café Gochuumon wa Usagi desu ka? OP
024 0:32 Tiny Lamp Gingitsune OP

Kiziyoku (雉翼)

025 0:35 Reflectia True Tears OP
026 0:35 Heart no Kakuritsu Sora no Otoshimono OP
027 0:35 Nano Desu Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai character song
028 0:35 Howling Tenshi no 3P! insert song
029 0:35 Dream Parade PriPara OP
030 0:35 Friend Shitai Gakkou Gurashi! OP
015 0:36 Ne! Ko! Nora to Oujo to Noraneko Heart theme
031 0:36 BELOVED×SURVIVAL Brothers Conflict OP
032 0:36 Start→ Star→ THE iDOLM@STER MASTER ARTIST 06 CD
033 0:37 Colorful Box SHIROBAKO OP
034 0:37 Tomadoi→Recipe Mikakunin de Shinkoukei OP
035 0:37 Connect Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica OP
036 0:37 Minamikaze Dramatic Natsuiro Kiseki ED
037 0:38 Super Driver Haruhi Suzumiya no Yuuutsu OP
038 0:38 Ryuusei Dancefloor Mahoujin Guruguru OP
039 0:38 Ai no Shirushi Song by PUFFY
040 0:38 Hikaru Nara Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso OP
041 0:38 Kaeshite! Knee Socks Lucky Star CD single
042 0:38 Umarun Taisou Himouto Umaru-chan R ED
043 0:39 Seizon Honnou Valkyria THE iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls: Starlight Stage playable song
044 0:40 Iwashi ga Tsuchi kara Haete Kurunda UTAUloid (Kasane Teto, Sousei Nemu, CACTLOID, Koronba 4-gou, Neumaf, Pumpking, Mitei Nanda) song by Koronba
045 0:40 Otome yo Taishi o Idake!! THE IDOLM@STER MASTER SPECIAL 01 CD
046 0:40 Chikuwa Parfait Dayo ☆ CKP Hinabita related song
047 0:40 Youkoso Japari Park e Kemono Friends oP
048 0:41 Watashi, Shuyaku no Akaza Akari Desu YuruYuri character song
049 0:41 Colorful × Melody Vocaloid (Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Rin) song by Team MOER
050 0:41 Happy New Yeah! THE iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls: Starlight Stage playable song
051 0:41 HIRAMEKI!Peace(≧▽≦)v R-15 ED
052 0:42 Hikari no Saki e Sore ga Seiyuu! insert song
053 0:42 A or A!? Alice or Alice OP
054 0:43 Yuri Yurararara YuruYuri Daijiken YuruYuri OP
055 0:43 Akihabara Dance Now!! Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai ED
056 0:43 Momoiro Shooting Star D.C.P.K ~Da CaPoker~ CD single
057 0:43 Ari Ari Mirai Onii-chan no Koto Nanka Zenzen Suki Janain Dakara ne!! ED
058 0:43 Apple Pie Princess THE IDOLM@STER CINDERELLA MASTER 013 Totoki Airi CD

Kiji Kuju (記事口授)

059 0:45 OS Song by Kyuusonekokami
060 0:45 7 Ojamammoth ED
061 0:45 ON Song by BLOC PARTY
062 0:50 NO Song by Meghan Trainor
063 0:50 L Aruto OP
064 0:50 SO Song by 10-FEET

winnna_ (うぃんな)

065 0:55 Invisible Vocaloid (Kagamine Rin, GUMI) song by kemu
066 0:57 Sacred Force Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha The MOVIE 2nd A's insert song
067 0:59 Impervious Resolution THE IDOLM@STER LIVE THE@TER HARMONY 07 CD
068 1:02 Magia Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica ED


069 1:05 Kimi ni Onegai! Security Zaamen Security 2009 OP
070 1:05 Shigure Dictionary Kimi to Yume Mishi insert song
071 1:05 Boys, be "stand up"!! Zettai Zecchou ☆ Seiki no Daihatsumei!! -Otome o Nerau Gakuen Dougu ED
072 1:06 MURAMASA FullMetalDaemon MURAMASA OP
072 1:06 Asu e no Houkou Muv-Luv Alternative OP
073 1:06 Fight for the Future Choudengeki Striker OP
074 1:07 Hanagoyomi The Sweet World of the Ephemeral OP
075 1:07 Kurenai no Sora Oni Uta. ~Oni ga Kitarite, Amaesaserotonotamouta~ theme song
076 1:08 Hesitation Snow Hatsuyuki Sakura OP
077 1:08 Snow × Connect Pure × Connect OP
078 1:08 Winter Bells Shirokuma Bell Stars OP
079 1:10 JUMPING TO DAYS! Gakkou no Seiiki ED
080 1:10 Kiss no Hitotsu de Chiisana Kanojo no Sayokyoku ED
081 1:10 Yoake no Bell ga Naru Kanojo no Seiiki ED
082 1:11 Onii-chan, Kiss no Junbi wa Mada desu ka? Onii-chan, Kiss no Junbi wa Mada desu ka? theme
083 1:11 Colorful Precious Life Koiimo Sweet Days OP
084 1:11 Kon'iro Tokimeki Imouto ni! Sukumizu Kisetara Nugasanai! theme song
085 1:12 Shukusai no Campanella! Shukusai no Campanella! OP
086 1:12 Escape Episode of the Clovers OP
087 1:12 Girl meets Love Hanasaki Work Spring! OP
088 1:13 Eien naru Kizuna to Omoi no Kiseki Koisuru Shoujo to Omoi no Kiseki ~Poupee de souhaits~ OP
089 1:13 LOVE ADVENTURE Justy×Nasty ~Maou wa Hajimemashita~ OP
090 1:13 Hoshizora no Ima Hoshizora e Kakaru Hashi AA ED

Utenamei (雨天雨衣)

091 1:15 3y3s Beatmania IIDX 16 EMPRESS playable song
092 1:15 Stirring an Autumn Moon ~ Mooned Insect Touhou Project (Imperishable Night) BGM
N/A 1:15 (Konbanwa~) K-ON! (Jun Suzuki) voice line
093 1:17 Futari no Kimochi no Honto no Himitsu Kill Me Baby ED
N/A 1:17 (Heeeh~) Lucky Star (Minegishi Ayano) voice line
094 1:17 Dance Robot Dance Vocaloid (Hatsune Miku) song by Nayut alieN
N/A 1:18 (Gatan-gatan! Gatan-gatan!) Kill Me Baby (Botsu-kyara) voice line
095 1:18 Seikan Hikou Macross Frontier insert song
096 1:18 Ghost Rule Vocaloid (Hatsune Miku) song by DECO*27
097 1:20 Bad Apple!! feat. nomico Touhou Project BGM (arranged by Alstroemeria Records)
098 1:20 BE MY BABY Song by COMPLEX
N/A 1:20 (Tanjoubi~) Kin-iro Mosaic (Alice Cartelet) voice line
099 1:21 I'm so Happy jubeat knit playable song
100 1:21 Beloved Tomboyish Girl Touhou Project (Embodiment of Scarlet Devil) BGM
N/A 1:21 (Eeeeeehhh??) Kemono Friends (Amime-Kirin, Aritsukagera, Serval, Tairiku-ookami) voice line
101 1:22 Boku no Friend Kemono Friends ED
102 1:22 Hyoujou o Tsukurareta Utagoe MAD by 2gou
N/A 1:22 (Maa, Sekkaku Tsukuttandashi, Tabeteyaru) Kobayashi-san chi no Maid Dragon (Elma) voice line

Tetsu² ( (てつ)² )

103 1:25 Explore Homestuck (Homestuck Vol. 2) album track
104 1:27 Boku no Sainou Vocaloid (Hatsune Miku) song by wowaka
004 1:28 Two-Faced Lovers Vocaloid (Hatsune Miku) song by wowaka
103 1:30 Explore Homestuck (Homestuck Vol. 2) album track
105 1:32 Chirumiru Cirno Touhou Project BGM (arranged by Konagusuri)

Saito Reina "Ft"."X"unlei4h5 (斎藤玲奈 "Ft"."X"unlei4h5)

106 1:35 Shenhun Diandao Song by SNH48
107 1:35 Renjian Guize Song by SNH48
108 1:35 Saikyou OX Keikaku Sumomomo Momomo OP
109 1:36 Romance, Irane Song by AKB48
110 1:36 Aitakatta Song by AKB48
111 1:37 Strawberry Trapper Love Live! CD single
112 1:37 Kaguya no Shiro de Odoritai Love Live! CD single
113 1:37 POSSESSION Dance Dance Revolution X2 playable song
114 1:40 Coolest Ethnic Song by Phoenix Legend
115 1:40 Team B Oshi Song by AKB48 Team B
116 1:40 SKE48 Oshi Song by SKE48
117 1:40 Team BII Oshi Song by NMB48 Team BII
118 1:41 Team 8 Oshi Song by AKB48 Team 8
119 1:41 Team G Shoutui Zhi Ge Song by GNZ48 Team G
120 1:41 Wuqisheng Shoutui Zhi Ge Song by SNH48 5th Generation
121 1:42 S-Dui Shoutui Zhi Ge Song by SNH48 Team SII
122 1:42 Erqisheng Shoutui Zhi Ge Song by SNH48 2nd Generation
122 1:42 Erqisheng Shoutui Zhi Ge Song by SNH48 2nd Generation

Fily (ふぃりー)

123 1:45 Genesis of Aquarion Genesis of Aquarion OP
124 1:50 Omoide wa Okkusenman Dr. Wily Stage 1 arrange


125 1:55 Saihate Vocaloid (Hatsune Miku) song by Kobayashi Onyx
123 1:55 Genesis of Aquarion Genesis of Aquarion OP
126 1:55 Meltdown Vocaloid (Kagamine Rin) song by iroha(sasaki)
124 1:57 Omoide wa Okkusenman Dr. Wily Stage 1 arrange
127 1:57 Uruma Derby no GO! GO! Senkyo Song by The Association for Promoting Fair Elections
010 1:59 Guren no Yumiya Attack on Titan OP
128 2:00 Ochame Kinou (Fukkireta) UTAUloid (Kasane Teto) song by Lamaze-P
129 2:00 Sen no Kaze ni Natte Japanese TV Drama "Sen no Kaze ni Natte Drama Special" theme song
130 2:01 Mou Hitotsu no Otanoshimi Monster Hunter Portable 2nd BGM
131 2:02 Renai Circulation Bakemonogatari OP
132 2:02 Orion o Nazoru TIGER&BUNNY OP

Nawa (なわ)


133 2:05 Brain Power Sound Voltex II playable song
134 2:08 Ai wa Binchoutan Song by Bomber HEY!!
135 2:10 Koi ni Naritai AQUARIUM Love Live!! Sunshine song
136 2:13 Yie Ar Kung Fu Yie Ar Kung Fu BGM

#Ple (#ぷる)

N/A 2:15 (LISTEN) Unknown, possibly from TWO-TORIAL?
137 2:15 BroGamer beatmania IIDX24 SINOBUZ playable song
044 2:15 Iwashi ga Tsuchi kara Haete Kurunda UTAUloid (Kasane Teto, Sousei Nemu, CACTLOID, Koronba 4-gou, Neumaf, Pumpking, Mitei Nanda) song by Koronba
138 2:17 Flee for free!! NOSTALGIA playable song
139 2:17 INFINITY OVERDRIVE SOUND VOLTEX II -infinite infection- playable song
N/A 2:20 (GO) Unknown, possibly from TWO-TORIAL?
137 2:20 BroGamer beatmania IIDX24 SINOBUZ playable song
044 2:20 Iwashi ga Tsuchi kara Haete Kurunda UTAUloid (Kasane Teto, Sousei Nemu, CACTLOID, Koronba 4-gou, Neumaf, Pumpking, Mitei Nanda) song by Koronba
138 2:22 Flee for free!! NOSTALGIA playable song
139 2:22 INFINITY OVERDRIVE SOUND VOLTEX II -infinite infection- playable song

Fusso (弗素)

140 2:25 Nico Nico Douga Ryuuseigun (Hanamaru Sensation, Caramelldansen) Medley by simoyuki
141 2:25 Roki Utattemita to Omottara Utattenakatta (Wakusei Loop, Bomb Rush Blush) Cover of Roki by Donald-oniisan
142 2:25 Nico Nico GIgaNtZAny Extend Edition (Charles, At the Ryugu, Daily Life on Turtle Back) Medley by Churuchin
143 2:27 FamilyMart Remix (Second Heaven, FamilyMart Entrance Sound) Medley by 8:51:22pm
144 2:27 Tonchinkan no En Utattemita to Omottara Utattenakatta Kai (Hanamaru Pippi wa Yoiko Dake, Happy Synthesizer) Cover of Tonchinkan no En by Doanld-oniisan
145 2:27 Dance to Robot no Dance-ni (Genesis of Aquarion, Seikan Hikou) Mashup medley cover of Dance Robot Dance by Medojima Revueko
146 2:28 Uraomote of Knights (Night of Knights, Two-Faced Lovers) Mashup by Hammer no Hito
147 2:28 Nijuu Urakumikyoku (Kimi no Tame nara Shineru, Danjo) Medley by Kurai Hade
148 2:29 Hammer of Knights (Night of Knights, Hammer Melody) Mashup by Hammer no Hito
149 2:30 Setsuna Trip III ~Mister Spock o Sagase!~ (HOT LIMIT, Setsuna Trip) Mashup cover by Ultimate High
150 2:30 Rokuchounen to Ichiya Monogatari Utattemita to Omottara Utattenakatta Kai (Buriki no Dance, Sakura Luminance) Cover of A Tale of Six Trillion Years and One Night by Doanld-oniisan
151 2:31 Kero-chan no Nico Nico Face (Iwashi ga Tsuchi kara Haete Kurunda, Two-Faced Lovers) Medley by VCLN
152 2:32 Nico Nico Douga Monogatari.wav (A Cruel Angel's Thesis, U.N. Owen was her?) Medley by simoyuki
153 2:32 1-Minute, 30-Second, About 88-Song Tsumekondemita Medley (Hello Daizu no Uta, Let's Go! Onmyouji) Medley by ππππππππππππππππ
154 2:32 Nico Nico Douga X (Cross) (Bad Apple!! feat. nomico, Matryoshka) Medley by Yoshiki-P
155 2:33 Nico Nico 60-Second Medley Level 2 (Hello Daizu no Uta, Let's Go! Onmyouji) Medley by Ginga-P
156 2:34 Nico Nico 50-Second Medley (Ultra Soul, Let's Go! Onmyouji) Medley by Kurai Hade

Harupyie (羽流ピぃ)

157 2:35 Jibun REST@RT THE iDOLM@STER anime insert song
158 2:35 The Imperial March Star Wars Episode V BGM
159 2:35 Dschinghis Khan Song by Dschinghis Khan
160 2:35 Maiden's Capriccio ~ Dream Battle Touhou Eiyashou ~ Imperishable Night BGM
161 2:35 Online Game Addicts Sprechchor Vocaloid (Hatsune Miku) song by Satsuki ga Tenkomori
162 2:35 Mahou Tsukai Sally Mahou Tsukai Sally OP
163 2:35 CANDY Dance Dance Revolution 6th Mix playable song
164 2:36 Nagareboshi Kiseki THE iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls anime insert song
165 2:36 At the Ryugu, Daily Life on Turtle Back Ganbare Goemon BGM
166 2:37 Ichiban Chikaku ni Jun to Ai theme song
167 2:37 Nippon Shinryaku! Battle Cats BGM
168 2:37 Communication Breakdance Song by SUPER BUTTER DOG
169 2:38 Night Sky Patrol of Tomorrow Vocaloid (IA) song by Orangestar
170 2:38 fantastic dreamer Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku o! OP
171 2:38 Korobeiniki Russian folk song
172 2:39 Shaun the Sheep Shaun the Sheep theme song
173 2:39 Sarari Toshita Umeshu Sarari Toshita Umeshu commercial jingle
174 2:39 Yuuki 100% Nintama Rantarou OP
175 2:39 Wildlands Yoshi's Island BGM
176 2:40 Snow Goose jubeat playable song
177 2:41 Ima Made no Arasuji The Melancholy of Haruhi-chan Suzumiya OP
178 2:41 PONPONPON Song by Kyary Pamyu Pamyu
179 2:41 Ievan Polkka Finnish folk song
180 2:42 Runner Song by Bakufu-SLUMP
181 2:42 Smiles and Tears Mother 2 / EarthBound BGM
182 2:42 J219 BMS original song
183 2:43 Kiseki GReeeeN
184 2:43 Muscat Crayon Shin-chan OP
185 2:43 Cid's Test Course Chocobo Racing BGM
186 2:43 on and on Kotoba no Puzzle: Mojipittan Daijiten BGM
187 2:44 DRAGONLADY BMS original song

Kukekekeke (くけけけけ)

188 2:45 Unicorn tail BeatmaniaIIDX 16 EMPRESS playable song
189 2:45 POP TEAM EPIC Pop Team Epic OP
190 2:45 Sakura storm Dance Dance Revolution Universe3 playable song
126 2:47 Meltdown Vocaloid (Kagamine Rin) song by iroha(sasaki)
191 2:49 Broken REFLEC BEAT playable song
192 2:50 Unicorn tail Dustboxxxx RMX SOUND VOLTEX II -infinite infection- playable song
193 2:50 Kirai Kirai CRY Re:Stage associated song
194 2:51 relations THE iDOLM@STER playable song
195 2:52 Naraku no Hana Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai anime OP
196 2:53 Kosmos, Cosmos THE IDOLM@STER MASTER ARTIST 09 CD

Dokugasu (毒ガス)

197 2:55 Maggare↓Spectacle The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya character song
198 2:55 DJ K.K. Animal Crossing BGM
199 2:57 Won(*3*)Chu Kiss Me! Sakura Trick OP
200 3:00 Gamble Rumble Initial D Third Stage OP
201 2:55 Kaiketsu Zorori! Kaiketsu Zorori theme song


  • Kakami's part is composed entirely of songs from anime with the words for different animals as part of their titles.
  • Kiji Kuju's part has the entire set of titles turn 180 degrees, turning OS/7/ON into NO/L/SO.
  • The voice lines in Utenamei's part are listed as "songs".
  • Fusso's part is entirely two-way mashups; this means that there are 6 songs actually playing at any given time. You can see the breakdown here: [1]
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