Difference between revisions of "NICO VIVACE"

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(xXtouhoumarioXx here. Decided to put what I was going to say in the text. TE~XT LIMI~~~~~TS!!)
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<!-- Decided to change the page name "Nico Vivace" from "NICO VIVACE - ニコビバーチェッ!".  
<!-- Decided to change the page name "Nico Vivace" from "NICO VIVACE - ニコビバーチェッ!". -->
<!--and i changed it to "NICO VIVACE" to be more consistent with nico cantabile - barry b benson-->
  | kanjiname = "NICO VIVACE - ニコビバーチェッ!"
  | romajiname = "NICO VIVACE - Nico Bibaache!"
  | englishname = "NICO VIVACE!"
  | releasedate = November 14th, 2012
  | videourl = http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm19351155 (deleted); http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzOzV7EcszU (KumikyokuNND mirror); http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm23976050 (remake; uploaded July 11th, 2014)
  | composer = Onitan (おにたん)
<!--==The Story Up to Now==
NICO VIVACE is a separate original arrangement of songs famous on Nico Nico Douga (Timeline: June 27th, 2007 - November of 2012) by Onitan (おにたん), with help of YASU, moke and others (scroll down for offical castings). Total songs total up to one-hundred and two (102).
This is being this fifth of Onitan's works of medleys.
The project was completed with a cooperation of a total of about 20 people which worked on the Medley PV, all-star MAD's or even encoding.
This project was made purely out of respect for [[Nico Tale|Nico Tale?!]], by Mahi.
On November 19th, 2012, NICO VIVACE gained the number four spot in the "Weekly Niconico Ranking #289 -3rd Week in November-" video with an amout of exactly '''466,021 points''' (though, reasonably, ''it should've gotten number one'').
On February 15th, 2013, oxxo and 2daime, two of the three movie directors of NICO VIVACE, released info and a Google Spreadsheet of what parts they worked on during the development process.
* Official NICO VIVACE Google Spreadsheet > http://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ArJabXJVfDVXdFZUWEVrWjBWUmNzaHRBcUlYeGVXanc
* oxxo's Blomaga Article of his Parts in NICO VIVACE > http://ch.nicovideo.jp/10oxxo01/blomaga/ar107121
* 2daime's Blomaga Article of his Parts in NICO VIVACE > http://ch.nicovideo.jp/2daime/blomaga/ar136469
As of April 2nd, 2013, Onitan has said of a sixth in his works, currently unnamed, which he said to have songs and/or combinations that didn't make that final cut for NICO VIVACE. This is unconfirmed, though not known to ever be made. This could technically mean that this is the true sequel to NICO VIVACE (at least it's better than waiting for simoyuki to finish his sixth medley for almost four and a half years ・へ・ ) (except we ended up waiting 5.5 years for a sequel lol).
Though with Onitan's "final" Anime remix, "Sparkling Daydream - Invisible Horizon Remix", the chances could be very slim.
Rumored Announcement here > http://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv132628546
On April 20th, 2013, hapi⇒ made an announcement that for the "Nico Nico Medley Comes Back Live in Nico Nico Chokaigi 2" (帰ってきたニコニコメドレーライブ2013 in ニコニコ超会議2) Live Performance, alongside "[[Kumikyoku|Kumikyoku Nico Nico Douga]]" and "[[Ryuuseigun|Nico Nico Douga Ryuuseigun]]", NICO VIVACE was going to also be performed live.
More info on the section of this down below.
On June 16th, 2013, the comments on the English version of Nico Nico Douga for NICO VIVACE has reached over 1,000 comments (considering most of the comments generated from images.). In fact, higher than any Nico Nico Medley posted for the English version of Niconico (which is not really shocking, considering it's NICO VIVACE, but it's something.).
On June 18th, 2013, in Onitan's Twitter, he gone into a conversation with 2daime (@2daime), one of the video directors of NICO VIVACE, with the topic of parts of "NICO VIVACE Ⅱ". Even though Onitan clarified that he'll return in 2014 to make another medley, he has made some remixes here and there. Here is what the conversation included (rough translation, but it's a best shot.).
In my opinion, if you're going to list the name, you can list the romanji, localize it here and there, though, for medleys like this, just list it as the original, don't change it... I find it annoying...
* Onitan: "So, 2daime-san. Just a quick question, would you be able to edit the video for a NICO VIVACE 2? (2代目さんがNICO VIVACEⅡを全裸で編集してくださるんです?)"
* 2daime: "Well... One part could be a Madoka Magica one, though... (1ならまどかパートあたりは全裸でしたが)"
* Onitan: "Wait, didn't you talk to me about a Madoka part last time in October last year for NICO VIVACE 1? lol Well... possibly lol (まどかパートあたり作ってたのって10月の下旬くらいでしたよね?w 暑かったんですかww)"
* 2daime: "I though it was around September? Well, I guess we can call it exceptional... (9月くらいだったような?まぁお風呂上がりは格別なのです)"
* Onitan: "... But even so, for the both of us, our PC's memory would be eaten up, quite terribly, if we work on it now... (メモリ食うとPCからの放出が凄そうw)"
* 2daime: "So, will Vivace 2 be made then? (というかビバーチェ2つくるの?)"
* Onitan: "*sigh* ...Well, after my college exams, I would love to work on a NICO VIVACE 2, by all means. ... I might have some help overseas, I think *lol* (海外の方からも結構作ってくれとの声が上がってるので受験終わったら、是非とも作りたいですw)"
...Like the enlisting the Touhou songs!
Later on (these could be NICO VIVACE 2 songs...).
I'm very annoyed that you've guys proposed that idea - that would take too much time to take as you'd have to find which parts it was in, the game, characters theme, and if it was arranged, you'd also have to list the song and game it came from. I find that you guys finding my main page idea was interesting (the issue with Aryu), but in this case, I find this too much of a headache...
* Onitan: "Hmmm... In the future, I could see Sakura Reflection and Unicorn used in the song... (Sakura ReflectionとかUnicornとか使われる未来が見えた・・・ッ)"
I do hope you'll understand very deeply. (For Ali~~~~ce!!)
This raises the question though. Another person is working on a collab just like this (little birdie told me), so would that collab or NICO VIVACE 2 rise up? Or better yet, is NICO VIVACE 2 being made now or will ever will be? Again, many speculations.
And I don't know If I'm considered a god since I've arrived in January, but if I do something (like Touhou songs), please don't make it a rule or something. It's nice to help, but don't make it into a big scene...
Thanks for understanding everything! ^^
On July 1st, 2013, in Onitan's Twitter, it seems he confirmed the release date for NICO VIVACE 2 in this (roughly) translated tweet.
* Onitan: "Ahh... This is going to be no ordinary medley *lol* Looks like VIVACE Ⅱ is heading into next year  ( ああー あれは普通のメドレーですよw VIVACEⅡは来年以降ですねw)"
Though, for now, it seems he had another goal set aside from NICO VIVACE 2 in another tweet; becoming a VOCALOID-P (Vocaloid Producer).
  | name = NICO VIVACE  
  | kanjiname = "NICO VIVACE - ニコビバーチェッ!"
* Onitan: "Vocaloid Original Song on August 31st; Goal (ボカロオリジナル曲は8月31日目標)"
  | romajiname = "NICO VIVACE - Nico Bibaachetsu!"
  | englishname = "NICO VIVACE"
  | releasedate = November 14th, 2012
As of July 14th, 2013 (Billy Herrington's Birthday, to be exact. :3 ), the unthinkable has been achieved. HAC, known for "Nico Final 2012" and the "Niconico Festival Overture" series, made a move that simoyuki could never pull off. A move that can put the singers who did a Utattemita cover of Hatsune Miku no Shoushitsu to shame. HAC recreated the full sixteen minutes and four seconds of NICO VIVACE into a full orchestral arrangement of his own.
  | videourl = http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm19351155
  | composer = Yuuya Ohnita / Onitan (おにたん) feat. YASU, moke, and others...
Go watch it! > "NICO VIVACE - オーケストラアレンジ" http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm21347974 (Re-Print: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URfjLMWPIzY)
'''Onitan's Compliments to His Work''' ''(Rough Translation)''
* Onitan: "I saw your orchestral arrange of NICO VIVACE; The medley productions must've took you a long time to make, so cheers upon your amazing work. *laughs* My head was so dizzy, I was THAT impressed.
A grasping strong opening, accounting the arrange of it's second half, with a magnificent midfield - it all sounded very fresh!
Again, thank you very so much for your work."
(VIVACEオケアレンジ聴かせていただきました、まずは長い時間に及ぶメドレー制作、本当にお疲れ様でした。感動しすぎて頭がくらくらしてますw 出だしの力強い掴み、中盤の壮大なアレンジ、そして後半のシメ全てが新鮮で心に響きました!本当にありがとうございました。)
* HAC: "Thank you very much!! It was amazing to be the arranger (with your permission, of course) of such a magnificent medley. I really do appreciate it because I thought that I would never get the MIDI Data and everything finished without the encouragement."
* Onitan: "There should've been such a thing! It really isn't enough if it's just my thanks... *lol* I was in a festive mood when you've asked me to arrange the whole medley itself, considering your works made by you. (bold orchestrated work, and voiced medleys)
But for now, please... Really. Get. Some rest... m(_ _)m "
Official Japanese Transcription: http://dic.nicovideo.jp/v/sm19351155
(いやもうそんなことないです!いくらお礼をしてもし足りないですw 随所に見られた声ネタや小ネタや大胆なアレンジから作品を本当に愛してくれてるんだなあって一人で浮かれてましたw まずはホントにゆっくり休んでくださいm(_ _)m)
Help and Support NICO VIVACE! --> [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzOzV7EcszU NICO VIVACE - ニコビバーチェッ!] (leads you to YouTube reupload, not on Niconico. You'd have to have an account on Niconico to watch it.)
As of August 19th, 2013, there has been an OtoMAD Collaboration featuring many sources remixed with NICO VIVACE. Even it's Kimi no Monogatari part has been rumored to be made by the same person who did the FLOWER part in [[Fourth Fairy Festival]]!
Link to the OtoMAD: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm21627406
As of August 21st, 2013 (at Midnight), NICO VIVACE reached the '''''300,000''''' views mark! Good job, Onitan! ✌('ω')
NICO VIVACE is a separate original arrangement of songs famous on Nico Nico Douga (Timeline: June 27th, 2007 - November of 2012) by Onitan (おにたん), with help of YASU, moke and others (scroll down for offical castings). Total songs total up to one-hundred and two (102).
This is being this fifth of Onitan's works of medleys.
On May 9th, 2014, unfortunately, '''NICO VIVACE had been taken down from Nico Nico Douga'''. The copyright reason was for "My Beautiful Life Part 2," a film by Soka Gakkai. This also happened to many other videos regarding the copyright. For more info: [http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/hissu-amoto-san-airmoto Hissu Amoto-san]
The project was completed with a cooperation of a total of about 20 people (which is the NICO VIVACE CASTS), such as visual directions, euphoniums, or even All-Star MADs.
But considering that on M-XROW's twitter (announced also at the Nico Nico Medley section of Nico Nico Chokaigi 3) that Onitan is making a brand new medley ([https://twitter.com/MimicXrow/status/459898178314072064 Announcement Here!]) and that with him saying the future for NICO VIVACE II is uncertain, things look foggy.
Was made purely out of the respect of [[Nico Tale]]?!, by Mahi.  
In the meantime, Onitan has created a '''revamped''' version of NICO VIVACE which has new sounds and video edits (and hopefully won't be taken down for copyright reasons). This version was uploaded on July 11th, 2014.
Check it out! NICO VIVACE - ニコビバーチェッ!<KAI> (http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm23976050; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ltMy2MEuak)-->
==Track List==
==Track List==
Line 48: Line 120:
|001||00:02||[[Tell Your World]]||[[Vocaloid]] (Hatsune Miku) song by livetune / [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGt25mv4-2Q Google Chrome (Japanese) commercial]
|001||00:02||[[Tell Your World]]||[[Vocaloid]] (Hatsune Miku) song by kz (livetune)
|002||00:42||[[irony]]||Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai OP
|002||00:42||[[irony]]||Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai OP
|003||00:55||[[Cruel Angel's Thesis]]||Neon Genesis Evangelion OP
|003||00:55||[[A Cruel Angel's Thesis]]||Neon Genesis Evangelion OP
|004||01:29||[[Yuri Yurararara YuriYuri Daijiken]]||YuruYuri OP
|004||01:29||[[Yuri Yurararara YuruYuri Daijiken]]||YuruYuri OP
|005||01:33||[[Taste of Paradise]]||Onii-chan no Koto Nanka Zenzen Suki Janain Dakara ne!! OP / Ref: [http://www.nicovideo.jp/tag/%E3%81%8A%E3%81%A1%E3%82%93%E3%81%93OP%E3%83%91%E3%83%AD%E3%83%AA%E3%83%B3%E3%82%AF おちんこOPパロリンク]
|005||01:33||[[Taste of Paradise]]||Onii-chan no Koto Nanka Zenzen Suki Janain Dakara ne!! OP
|006||01:44||[[Sekai wa Hitotsu! Janai!!]]||Tantei Opera Milky Holmes OP  
|006||01:44||[[Seikai wa Hitotsu! Janai!!]]||Tantei Opera Milky Holmes OP  
|007||02:00||[[Platinum Disco]]||Nisemonogatari OP / Ref: [http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm17135289 【IKZO】 白金ディスコも無ェ(Fuli ver) 【偽物語】]
|007||02:00||[[Platinum Disco]]||Nisemonogatari OP
|008||02:00||[[Ora Tokyo sa Igu da]]||Song by Ikuzo Yoshi  
|008||02:00||[[Ora Tokyo sa Igu da]]||Song by Ikuzo Yoshi  
|009||02:06||[[Rin to Shite Saku Hana no Gotoku]]||pop'n music 15 Adventure playable song  
|009||02:06||[[Rin to Shite Saku Hana no Gotoku]]||pop'n music 15 ADVENTURE playable song  
|010||02:11||[[SigSig]]||[[Beatmania|beatmaniaIIDX]] HAPPY SKY playable song
|010||02:11||[[SigSig]]||[[beatmania]] IIDX 12 HAPPY SKY playable song
|011||02:31||[[Connect]]|| Puella Magi Madoka ☆ Magica OP
|004||02:11||[[Yuri Yurararara YuruYuri Daijiken]]||YuruYuri OP
|012||02:54||[[Hyadain no Jojo Yuujo]]||Nichijou OP / Ref: [http://dic.nicovideo.jp/a/%E6%97%A5%E5%B8%B8op2%E3%83%91%E3%83%AD%E3%83%AA%E3%83%B3%E3%82%AF 日常OP2パロリンク]
|011||02:31||[[Connect]]||Puella Magi Madoka ☆ Magica OP
|013||03:04||[[* Hello, Planet.]]||[[Vocaloid]] (Hatsune Miku) song by sasakure-P / {{nico|sm7138245}}
|012||02:54||[[Hyadain no Joujou Yuujou]]||Nichijou OP
|013||03:04||[[*Hello, Planet.]]||[[Vocaloid]] (Hatsune Miku) song by sasakure.UK
|014||03:06||[[Fuwa Fuwa Time]]||K-ON!! insert song
|014||03:06||[[Fuwa Fuwa Time]]||K-ON!! insert song
|015||03:08||[[Po Pi Po]]|| [[Vocaloid]] (Hatsune Miku) song by Lamaze-P
|015||03:08||[[PoPiPo]]||[[Vocaloid]] (Hatsune Miku) song by Lamaze-P
|013||03:10||[[* Hello, Planet.]]||[[Vocaloid]] (Hatsune Miku) song by sasakure-P / {{nico|sm7138245}}
|013||03:10||[[*Hello, Planet.]]||[[Vocaloid]] (Hatsune Miku) song by sasakure.UK
|016||03:13||[[Doraemo~n!]] (The song that plays when Suneo is bragging to his friends)||Doraemon BGM / Ref: スネ夫が自慢話をするときに流れている曲 ({{nico|sm8066143}})
|016||03:13||[[Doraemo~n!]] (''The song that plays when Suneo is bragging to his friends'')||Doraemon BGM
|013||03:15||[[* Hello, Planet.]]||[[Vocaloid]] (Hatsune Miku) song by sasakure-P / {{nico|sm7138245}}
|013||03:15||[[*Hello, Planet.]]||[[Vocaloid]] (Hatsune Miku) song by sasakure.UK
|EX||03:23||[[Jihou]]||Nico Nico Douga interrupt message
|EX||03:23||[[Jihou]]||Niconico interrupt message
|014||03:25||[[Fuwa Fuwa Time]]||K-ON!! insert song
|014||03:25||[[Fuwa Fuwa Time]]||K-ON!! insert song
Line 100: Line 174:
|014||04:04||[[Fuwa Fuwa Time]]||K-ON!! insert song
|014||04:04||[[Fuwa Fuwa Time]]||K-ON!! insert song
|018||04:08||[[Super Driver]]||[[The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya]] second season OP / Ref: [http://www.nicovideo.jp/tag/%E3%83%8F%E3%83%AB%E3%83%922%E6%9C%9FOP%E3%83%91%E3%83%AD ハルヒ2期OPパロ]
|018||04:08||[[Super Driver]]||[[The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya]] OP
|019||04:14||[[Kiramekirari]]||THE iDOLM@STER MASTER ARTIST 02 Takatsuki Yayoi CD
|019||04:14||[[Kiramekirari]]||THE IDOLM@STER MASTER ARTIST 02 CD
|020||04:19||[[Oato ga Yoroshikutte... Yo!]]||Joshiraku OP
|020||04:19||[[Oato ga Yoroshikutte... yo!]]||Joshiraku OP
|017||04:24||[[Lost my music]]||[[The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya]] insert song
|017||04:24||[[Lost my music]]||[[The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya]] insert song
|021||04:34||[[Toki wo Kizamu Uta]]||CLANNAD -AFTER STORY- OP
|021||04:34||[[Toki wo Kizamu Uta]]||Clannad After Story OP
|022||04:49||[[Chiisana Tenohira]]||CLANNAD -AFTER STORY- ED
|022||04:49||[[Chiisana Tenohira]]||Clannad game ED
|023||05:08||[[you]]||Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai ~ Meakashi-hen ED
|023||05:08||[[you]]||[[Higurashi no Naku Koro ni (series)|Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai]] game BGM
|024||05:16||[[Shinmachi]]||Song by Aomori Saigo no Shijin Hiroyaa (青森最後の詩人ひろやー) / Ref: [http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm12271031 すごい歌見つけた], [http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/1285879581 オリオン座の下でカミーユが歌ってくれました], [http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm18058463 マミさんとセックs!], [http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm12323357 【鋼兵】すごいローリンガール歌ったwwwww【セッ〇ス】]
|024||05:16||[[Shinmachi]]||Song by Hiroyaa, the last poet in Aomori
|025||05:29||[[Natsukage -summer lights-]]||Air BGM / Ref: [http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm12999548 受験に疲れたあなたへ]
|025||05:29||[[Natsukage]]||Air BGM
|026||05:41||[[Summer]]||Kikujirou no Natsu main theme  
|026||05:41||[[Summer]]||Kikujirou no Natsu main theme  
Line 122: Line 196:
|027||05:52||[[Meteor]]||[[Vocaloid]] (Hatsune Miku) song by Jiyon
|027||05:52||[[Meteor]]||[[Vocaloid]] (Hatsune Miku) song by Jiyon
|028||06:02||[[Akutagawa Ryuunosuke's "Kappa" ~ Candid Friend]]||[[Touhou Project]] BGM
|028||06:02||[[Akutagawa Ryuunosuke's "Kappa" ~ Candid Friend]]||[[Touhou]] Fuujinroku ~ Mountain of Faith. BGM
|029||06:20||[[The Sky of Sadness]]||pop'n music 19 playable song  
|029||06:20||[[The Sky of Sadness]]||pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET playable song  
|030||06:20||[[World's End Dancehall]]||[[Vocaloid]] (Hatsune Miku & Megurine Luka) song by wowaka
|030||06:20||[[World's End Dancehall]]||[[Vocaloid]] (Hatsune Miku & Megurine Luka) song by wowaka
|031||06:30||[[RED ZONE]]||[[Beatmania|beatmaniaIIDX]] 11 IIDX RED playable song / Ref: [http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm6111033 HAMMER ZONE], [http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm6009241 RED SHU-ZONE], [http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm6167850 SHINSHI ZONE]
|031||06:30||[[RED ZONE]]||[[beatmania]] IIDX 11 IIDXRED playable song
|032||06:42||[[Cid's Test Course]]||Final Fantasy series BGM
|032||06:42||[[Chocobo's Theme]] <!-- Official Japanese Transcription and Video text says it's chocobo's theme, not Cid's Test Course -->||Final Fantasy series BGM
|031||06:45||[[RED ZONE]]||[[Beatmania|beatmaniaIIDX]] 11 IIDX RED playable song / Ref: [http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm6111033 HAMMER ZONE], [http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm6009241 RED SHU-ZONE], [http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm6167850 SHINSHI ZONE]
|031||06:45||[[RED ZONE]]||[[beatmania]] IIDX 11 IIDXRED playable song
|033||06:47||[[Magia]]||Puella Magi Madoka ☆ Magica ED
|033||06:47||[[Magia]]||Puella Magi Madoka☆Magica ED
|031||06:50||[[RED ZONE]]||[[Beatmania|beatmaniaIIDX]] 11 IIDX RED playable song / Ref: [http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm6111033 HAMMER ZONE], [http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm6009241 RED SHU-ZONE], [http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm6167850 SHINSHI ZONE]
|031||06:50||[[RED ZONE]]||[[beatmania]] IIDX 11 IIDXRED playable song
|034||06:52||[[Tori no Uta]]||Air OP
|034||06:52||[[Tori no Uta]]||Air OP
Line 144: Line 218:
|036||06:52||[[Hammer Melody]]||Donkey Kong BGM
|036||06:52||[[Hammer Melody]]||Donkey Kong BGM
|037||07:03||[[NEET GENERATION]]||Song by Saka-ROW Kumi
|037||07:03||[[Neet Generation]]||Song by Saka-ROW Kumi
|038||07:09||[[JOMANDA]]||jubeat copious playable song / Ref: [http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm18025330 ZOMANDA]
|038||07:09||[[JOMANDA]]||[[jubeat]] copious playable song
|039||07:12||[[Taiyou Iwaku Moeyo Chaos]]||Haiyore! Nyaruko-san OP / Ref: [http://dic.nicovideo.jp/a/%28%E3%80%8D%E3%83%BB%CF%89%E3%83%BB%29%E3%80%8D%E3%81%86%E3%83%BC!%28%2F%E3%83%BB%CF%89%E3%83%BB%29%2F%E3%81%AB%E3%82%83%E3%83%BC! (」・ω・)」うー!(/・ω・)/にゃー!]
|039||07:12||[[Taiyou Iwaku Moeyo Chaos]]||Haiyore! Nyaruko-san OP
|040||07:14||[[Promise]]||Song by Hirose Kohmi / Alpen commercial
|040||07:14||[[promise]]||Song by Hirose Kohmi
|041||07:14||[[Mayim Mayim]]||Israeli folk song
|041||07:14||[[Mayim Mayim]]||Israeli folk song  
|039||07:24||[[Taiyou Iwaku Moeyo Chaos]]||Haiyore! Nyaruko-san OP / Ref: [http://dic.nicovideo.jp/a/%28%E3%80%8D%E3%83%BB%CF%89%E3%83%BB%29%E3%80%8D%E3%81%86%E3%83%BC!%28%2F%E3%83%BB%CF%89%E3%83%BB%29%2F%E3%81%AB%E3%82%83%E3%83%BC! (」・ω・)」うー!(/・ω・)/にゃー!]
|039||07:24||[[Taiyou Iwaku Moeyo Chaos]]||Haiyore! Nyaruko-san OP
|042||07:35||[[Memeshikute]]||Song by Golden Bomber
|042||07:35||[[Memeshikute]]||Song by Golden Bomber
|039||07:44||[[Taiyou Iwaku Moeyo Chaos]]||Haiyore! Nyaruko-san OP / Ref: [http://dic.nicovideo.jp/a/%28%E3%80%8D%E3%83%BB%CF%89%E3%83%BB%29%E3%80%8D%E3%81%86%E3%83%BC!%28%2F%E3%83%BB%CF%89%E3%83%BB%29%2F%E3%81%AB%E3%82%83%E3%83%BC! (」・ω・)」うー!(/・ω・)/にゃー!]
|039||07:44||[[Taiyou Iwaku Moeyo Chaos]]||Haiyore! Nyaruko-san OP
|042||07:48||[[Memeshikute]]||Song by Golden Bomber
|042||07:48||[[Memeshikute]]||Song by Golden Bomber
Line 164: Line 238:
|043||07:51||[[only my railgun]]||To Aru Kagaku no Railgun OP
|043||07:51||[[only my railgun]]||To Aru Kagaku no Railgun OP
|044||07:59||[[Bad Apple!! feat. nomico]]||[[Touhou Project]] BGM (arranged by Alstroemeria Records) / Ref: [http://dic.nicovideo.jp/v/sm8628149 【東方】Bad Apple!! PV【影絵】]
|044||07:59||[[Bad Apple!! feat. nomico]]||[[Touhou Project]] BGM (arranged by Alstroemeria Records)
|045||07:59||[[Beware the Forest's Mushrooms]]||Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars BGM / Ref: [http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/1173129576 VIP先生]
|045||07:59||[[Beware the Forest's Mushrooms]]||Super Mario RPG BGM
|046||08:10||[[Pre-Parade]]||Toradora! OP
|046||08:10||[[Pre-Parade]]||Toradora! OP
|047||08:25||[[Meltdown]]||[[Vocaloid]] (Kagamine Rin) song by iroha (sasaki) / Ref: [http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm14021824 枝野官房長官に炉心融解歌わせてみた], {{nico|sm5602903}} (deleted, mirror {{nico|sm8089993}})  
|047||08:25||[[Meltdown]]||[[Vocaloid]] (Kagamine Rin) song by iroha (sasaki)
|048||08:36||[[Evans]]||jubeat playable song / Ref: [http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm8146514 Evan様]
|048||08:36||[[Evans]]||[[jubeat]] playable song
|049||08:47||[[Kokoro Odoru]]|| SD Gundam Force ED / Song by nobodyknows+
|049||08:47||[[Kokoro Odoru]]||SD Gundam Force ED/Song by nobodyknows+
|050||08:47||[[Dancing Samurai]]||[[Vocaloid]] (Kamui Gackpo) song by Kanimiso-P (mathru)  
|050||08:47||[[Dancing Samurai]]||[[Vocaloid]] (Kamui Gackpo) song by Kanimiso-P (mathru)  
|051||08:57||[[Second Heaven]]||[[Beatmania|beatmaniaIIDX]] 14 GOLD playable song
|051||08:57||[[Second Heaven]]||[[beatmania]] IIDX 14 GOLD playable song
|052||08:57||[[Paradichlorobenzene]]||[[Vocaloid]] (Kagamine Len) song by Owata-P  
|052||08:57||[[Paradichlorobenzene]]||[[Vocaloid]] (Kagamine Len) song by Owata-P  
|053||09:03||[[Ageha Chou]]||Song by Porno Grafitti / Ref: [http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/1288371374 アゲハ装備で大丈夫か?【トルノグラフィティ】]
|053||09:03||[[Agehachou]]||Song by Porno Grafitti
|054||09:13||[[Senbonzakura]]||[[Vocaloid]] (Hatsune Miku) song by KuroUsa-P
|054||09:13||[[Senbonzakura]]||[[Vocaloid]] (Hatsune Miku) song by Kurousa-P (WhiteFlame)
|055||09:13||[[Agape]]||UFO Ultramaiden Valkyrie insert song  
|055||09:13||[[Agape]]||UFO Ultramaiden Valkyrie insert song
|056||09:24||[[FamilyMart Entrance Sound]]||Panasonic EC5227WP Melody Sign / FamilyMart entrance SFX  
|056||09:24||[[Daiseikyou]] (''FamilyMart Jingle/EC5227WP'')||Panasonic EC5227WP melody sign/FamilyMart entrance SFX  
|057||09:34||[[Credens justitiam]]||Puella Magi Madoka ☆ Magica character theme song (Mami Tomoe) / Ref: [http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm16825524 ?で死ぬしかないじゃない]
|057||09:34||[[Credens justitiam]]||Puella Magi Madoka☆Magica character song (Mami Tomoe)
|058||09:54||[[You are the Prince of Tennis]]||Prince of Tennis musical  
|058||09:54||[[You are the Prince of Tennis]]||Prince of Tennis musical OST
|059||10:03||[[Ochame Kinou]] ''(Fukkireta)''||UTAU (Kasane Teto) song by Lamaze-P / Ref: 吹 っ 切 れ た ({{nico|sm10244728}})
|059||10:03||[[Ochame Kinou]] ''(Fukkireta)''||UTAUloid (Kasane Teto) song by Lamaze-P
|060||10:03||[[Geki! Teikoku Kagekidan]]||Sakura Wars OP  
|060||10:03||[[Geki! Teikoku Kagekidan]]||Sakura Wars OP  
Line 202: Line 276:
|062||10:23||[[Cirno's Perfect Math Class]]||[[Touhou Project]] BGM (arranged by IOSYS)
|062||10:23||[[Cirno's Perfect Math Class]]||[[Touhou Project]] BGM (arranged by IOSYS)
|063||10:36||[[Open ☆ Canvas]]||Hidamari Sketch x Honeycomb OP
|063||10:36||[[Open☆Canvas]]||Hidamari Sketch x Honeycomb OP
|064||10:36||[[Shinryaku no Susume☆]]||Shinryaku! Ika Musume OP
|064||10:36||[[Shinryaku no Susume☆]]||Shinryaku! Ika Musume OP
|065||10:45||[[Orion no Nazoru]]||Tiger & Bunny OP
|065||10:45||[[Orion wo Nazoru]]||Tiger & Bunny OP
|066||10:46||[[Real World]]||Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita OP / Ref: [http://dic.nicovideo.jp/v/sm18393920 インド人類は繁栄しました]
|066||10:46||[[Real World]]||Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita OP
|067||11:03||[[Kimi no Shiranai Monogatari]]||Bakemonogatari ED
|067||11:03||[[Kimi no Shiranai Monogatari]]||Bakemonogatari ED
|068||11:47||[[Jibun REST@RT]]||THE iDOLM@STER anime insert song
|068||11:47||[[Jibun REST@RT]]||THE iDOLM@STER anime insert song
===Rush Zone===
===Rush Zone===
{| style="width: 100%"
|069||12:09||[[Motto ☆ Hade ni Ne!]]||Kannagi OP
|069||12:09||[[motto Hade ni Ne!]]||Kannagi OP
|EX||12:09||[[Jihou]]||Niconico interrupt message
|070||12:14||[[Meteor ☆ Impact]]||Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai insert song
|070||12:14||[[Meteor☆Impact]]||Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai insert song
|006||12:19||[[Sekai wa Hitotsu! Janai!!]]||Tantei Opera Milky Holmes OP  
|006||12:19||[[Seikai wa Hitotsu! Janai!!]]||Tantei Opera Milky Holmes OP  
|019||12:25||[[Kiramekirari]]||THE iDOLM@STER MASTER ARTIST 02 Takatsuki Yayoi CD
|019||12:19||[[Kiramekirari]]||THE IDOLM@STER MASTER ARTIST 02 CD
|071||12:25||[[Ame Agari no Mirai]]||Tantei Opera Milky Holmes OP  
|071||12:25||[[Ameagari no Mirai]]||Tantei Opera Milky Holmes OP  
|073||12:30||[[Ima Made no Arasuji]]||The Melancholy of Haruhi-chan Suzumiya OP  
|073||12:30||[[Ima Made no Arasuji]]||The Melancholy of Haruhi-chan Suzumiya OP  
Line 236: Line 309:
|074||12:36||[[Hare Hare Yukai]]||[[The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya]] ED
|074||12:36||[[Hare Hare Yukai]]||[[The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya]] ED
|075||12:38||[[Hakata no Shio]]||Hakata no Shio CM
|EX||12:36||[[Jihou]]||Niconico interrupt message
|076||12:41||[[Kirby's Gourmet Race]]||Kirby Super Star BGM / Ref: [http://dic.nicovideo.jp/a/%E9%A0%AD%E3%81%8C%E3%83%91%E3%83%BC%E3%83%B3 頭がパーン]
|075||12:38||[[Hakata no Shio]]||Hakata no Shio commercial jingle
|077||12:47||[[Keikenchi Joushouchuu☆]]||Minami-ke OP  
|076||12:41||[[Clash! Gourmet Race]]||[[Kirby (series)|Kirby Super Star]] BGM
|EX||12:41||[[Jihou]]||Niconico interrupt message
|077||12:47||[[Keikenchi Joushouchuu]]||Minami-ke OP  
|078||12:47||[[Love Cheat!]]||Itadaki Jangarian R OP
|078||12:47||[[Love Cheat!]]||Itadaki Jangarian R OP
{| style="width: 100%"
|079||12:52||[[Let's Go! Onmyouji]]||Shin Goketsuji Ichizoku: Bonnou Kaihou insert song
|079||12:52||[[Let's Go! Onmyouji]]||Shin Gouketsuji Ichizoku: Bonnou Kaihou insert song
|EX||12:56||[[Jihou]]||Nico Nico Douga interrupt message
|EX||12:56||[[Jihou]]||Niconico interrupt message
|080||13:22||[[I'm so Happy]]||jubeat knit playable song
|080||13:22||[[I'm so Happy]]||[[jubeat]] knit playable song
|081||13:25||[[Piano Concerto No.1 "Anti-Ares"]]||[[Beatmania|beatmaniaIIDX]] 11 IIDX RED playable song  
|081||13:25||[[Piano Concerto No.1 "Anti-Ares"]]||[[beatmania]] IIDX 11 IIDXRED playable song  
|080||13:33||[[I'm so Happy]]||jubeat knit playable song / Ref: [http://dic.nicovideo.jp/a/i%27m%20so%20%E3%82%AF%E3%83%83%E3%82%AD%E3%83%BC%E2%98%86 i'm so クッキー☆]
|080||13:33||[[I'm so Happy]]||[[jubeat]] knit playable song
|082||13:33||[[oath sign]]||Fate/Zero OP
|082||13:33||[[oath sign]]||Fate/Zero OP
|083||13:44||[[Saishuu Kichiku Imouto Flandre S]]||[[Touhou Project]] BGM (arranged by COOL&CREATE) / Ref: [http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm2057168 M.C.ドナルドはダンスに夢中なのか?最終鬼畜道化師ドナルド・M]
|083||13:44||[[Saishuu Kichiku Imouto Flandre S]]||[[Touhou Project]] BGM (arranged by COOL&CREATE)
|084||13:55||[[Marisa Stole the Precious Thing]]||[[Touhou Project]] BGM (arranged by IOSYS)
|084||13:55||[[Marisa Stole the Precious Thing]]||[[Touhou Project]] BGM (arranged by IOSYS)
| colspan="4"|
===Chaos Zone===
===Chaos Zone===
{| style="width: 100%"
|085||14:15||[[Gacha Gacha Cute Figu@mate]]||Figu@mate OP
|085||14:15||[[Gacha Gacha Cute - Figu@mate]]||Figu@mate OP
|086||14:15||[[Motteke! Sailor Fuku]]||Lucky Star OP
|086||14:15||[[Motteke! Sailor Fuku]]||Lucky Star OP
|087||14:20||[[Omoide wa Okkusenman]]||Mega Man II BGM (arranged by Family Comcert)
|087||14:20||[[Dr. Wily Stage 1]]||Mega Man 2 BGM
|088||14:20||[[Princess Bride!]]||Princess Bride! OP
|088||14:20||[[Princess Bride!]]||Princess Bride! OP
|089||14:26||[[Cagayake! GIRLS]]||K-ON!! OP / Ref: [http://dic.nicovideo.jp/a/%E3%81%91%E3%81%84%E3%81%8A%E3%82%93!op%E3%83%91%E3%83%AD けいおん!OPパロ]
|089||14:26||[[Cagayake!GIRLS]]||K-ON!! OP
|090||14:26||[[Genesis of Aquarion]]||Genesis of Aquarion OP
|090||14:26||[[Genesis of Aquarion]]||Genesis of Aquarion OP
|018||14:26||[[Super Driver]]||[[The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya]] second season OP
|018||14:26||[[Super Driver]]||[[The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya]] OP
|015||14:28||[[Po Pi Po]]||[[Vocaloid]] (Hatsune Miku) song by Lamaze-P
|015||14:28||[[PoPiPo]]||[[Vocaloid]] (Hatsune Miku) song by Lamaze-P
|064||14:31||[[Shinryaku no Susume☆]]||Shinryaku! Ika Musume OP
|064||14:31||[[Shinryaku no Susume☆]]||Shinryaku! Ika Musume OP
Line 294: Line 365:
|092||14:33||[[kiss my lips]]||Song by ave;new feat. Saori Sakura
|092||14:33||[[kiss my lips]]||Song by ave;new feat. Saori Sakura
|EX||14:36||[[Jihou]]||Nico Nico Douga interrupt message
|EX||14:36||[[Jihou]]||Niconico interrupt message
|093||14:39||[[Miku Miku ni Shite Ageru]]||[[Vocaloid]] (Hatsune Miku) song by ika
|093||14:39||[[Miku Miku ni Shite Ageru]]||[[Vocaloid]] (Hatsune Miku) song by ika
|094||14:39||[[N Fun Fun Fun Fu]]||Mushroom Garden / Osawari Tantei Nameko Saibai Kit (おさわり探偵なめこ栽培キット) fanfare / Ref: {{nico|sm16686731}}
|094||14:39||[[N Fun Fun Fun Fu]]||Mushroom Garden/Osawari Tantei Nameko Saibai Kit fanfare / Ref: {{nico|sm16686731}}
|095||14:44||[[true my heart]]||Nursery Rhyme OP
|095||14:44||[[true my heart]]||Nursery Rhyme OP
Line 304: Line 375:
|096||14:44||[[Makka na Chikai]]||Busou Renkin OP
|096||14:44||[[Makka na Chikai]]||Busou Renkin OP
|058||14:44||[[You are the Prince of Tennis]]||Prince of Tennis musical  
|058||14:44||[[You are the Prince of Tennis]]||Prince of Tennis musical OST
|097||14:49||[[ENDLESS RAIN]]||Song by X-Japan
|097||14:49||[[Endless Rain]]||Song by X-Japan
|098||14:49||[[Black Rock Shooter]]||[[Vocaloid]] (Hatsune Miku) song by supercell
|098||14:49||[[Black Rock Shooter]]||[[Vocaloid]] (Hatsune Miku) song by supercell
|099||14:55||[[Koi no Mikuru Densetsu]]||[[The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya]] OP
|099||14:55||[[Koi no Mikuru Densetsu]]||[[The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya]] OP
|100||14:55||[[Kaeshite! Knee Socks]]||Lucky Star "Kaeshite! Knee Socks" CD album
|100||14:55||[[Kaeshite! Knee Socks]]||Lucky Star CD single
|101||15:00||[[Boku to Watashi to Nico Nico Douga]]||Arrangement of [[Jihou]] by Hyadain / Ref: {{nico|sm12103409}}
|102||15:10||[[READY!!]]||THE iDOLM@STER anime OP
|001||15:45||[[Tell Your World]]||[[Vocaloid]] (Hatsune Miku) song by kz (livetune)
{| style="width: 100%"
{| style="width:100%"
| colspan="4"|'''001 - Tell Your World'''
|width="25%"|Kimi ni tsutaetai kotoba
|width="25%"|All these words I want to tell you
| colspan="2"|Kimi ni todoketai oto ga
| colspan="2"|And this song I want you to hear
| colspan="2"|Ikutsumo no sen wa en ni natte
| colspan="2"|Everything is joined in a circle
| colspan="2"|Subete tsunageteku doko ni datte
| colspan="2"|Joining us all together, no matter where you may be
| colspan="2"|Ah...
| colspan="2"|Ah...
| colspan="4"|'''002 - Irony'''
|<No lyrics>
| colspan="4"|'''003 - Cruel Angel's Thesis'''
| colspan="2"|Aoi kaze ga ima mune no DOOR wo tataite mo
| colspan="2"|A blue wind is now knocking at the door to your heart, and yet
| colspan="2"|Watashi dake wo tada mitsumete hohoenderu anata
| colspan="2"|You are merely gazing at me and smiling
| colspan="2"|Sotto fureru mono motomeru koto ni muchuu de
| colspan="2"|Something gently touching; you're so intent on seeking it out
| colspan="2"|Unmei sae mada shiranai itaike na hitomi
| colspan="2"|That you can't even see your fate yet with such innocent eyes
| colspan="2"|Dakedo itsuka kizuku deshou sono senaka ni wa
| colspan="2"|But someday I think you'll find out that what's on your back
| colspan="2"|Haruka mirai mezasu ta--
| colspan="2"|Heading for the far-off future--
| colspan="4"|'''004 - Yuri Yurararara YuriYuri Daijiken'''
| colspan="2"|Nani sore? Sonna no zenzen zenzen zenzen taberenai!
| colspan="2"|What's with that? I can't swallow that at all, at all, at all!
| colspan="4"|'''005 - Taste of Paradise'''
| colspan="2"|Bonnou datte bitoku na no (It's not vice)
| colspan="2"|This sin is virtue! (It's not vice)
| colspan="2"|HEART ga BOMB tte fukuramu koto bakka shitai (We want)
| colspan="2"|I only want to expand the bomb of your heart (We want)
| colspan="2"|ROMANCE shinjiteru mon
| colspan="2"|I believe in romance,
| colspan="2"|Otome no ganbou tawawa ni minotte kajitsu
| colspan="2"|A maiden's desire is a flourishing fruit!
| colspan="4"|'''006 - Sekai wa Hitotsu! Janai!!'''
| colspan="2"|Nazo ga nazo wo yondeiru yo
| colspan="2"|But riddles call more riddles!
| colspan="2"|Umaretate no yume ga aru yo
| colspan="2"|But there are brand new dreams!
| colspan="2"|Wasurenaide seikai wa mada mada ippai aru deshou
| colspan="2"|Don't forget there are still more and more answers out there!
| colspan="2"|(Ippai bouken) tokiakase motto motto
| colspan="2"|(Take lots of adventures) and solve them all!
{| style="width:100%"
| colspan="4"|'''007 - Platinum Disco / 008 - Ora Tokyo sa Igu da / 009 - Rin to Shite Saku Hana no Gotoku'''
|width="16.67%"|<No lyrics>
|width="16.67%"|Terebi mo ne rajio mo ne kuruma mo sore hodo hashitte ne
|width="16.67%"|Ain't no TV, ain't no radio, there ain't even that many cars
|Piano mo ne baa mo ne omawari mainichi gu-ruguru
|Ain't no piano, ain't no bar, police strollin' around lookin' for nothin'
|Asaogide ushi tsurede nijikan chotto no sampo michi
|Shirazu shirazu eiya! to nageta
|Get up in the mornin', get my cow, spend a mite more than two hours walking down the road
|But I never knew, never knew, augh! I give up!
|101||15:00||[[Boku to Watashi to Nico Nico Douga]]||Arrangement of [[Jihou]] by Hyadain / Ref: [http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm12103409 時報のメロで、「ぼくとわたしとニコニコ動画」【ヒャダイン】]
|Denwa mo ne gasu mo ne basu wa ichinichi ichido kuru
|Tsubomi wa yukue shire (zu no mama)
|Ain't no phone, ain't no gas, the bus only comes once a day
|I still don't know where this little flower bud (will end up)
|102||15:10||[[READY!!]]||THE iDOLM@STER anime OP
|001||15:45||[[Tell Your World]]||[[Vocaloid]] (Hatsune Miku) song by livetune / [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGt25mv4-2Q Google Chrome (Japanese) commercial]
{| style="width:100%"
| colspan="4"|'''010 - SigSig / 004 - Yuri Yurararara YuruYuri Daijiken'''
|width="25%"|<No lyrics>
|width="25%"|Yuri yurararara yuruyuri
|width="25%"|Yuri yura-ra-ra-ra yuruyuri,
|Yuri yurararara yuruyuri
|Yuri yura-ra-ra-ra yuruyuri,
|Yuri yurararara yuruyuri
|Yuri yura-ra-ra-ra yuruyuri,
|Yuri yurararara yuruyuri...
|Yuri yura-ra-ra-ra yuruyuri...
| colspan="4"|'''011 - Connect'''
| colspan="2"|Mezameta kokoro ha hashiridashita mirai wo egaku tame
| colspan="2"|My heart awakes in order to depict the future
| colspan="2"|Muzukashii michi de tachidomatte mo
| colspan="2"|Even if I come to a halt on a tough road
| colspan="2"|Sora ha kirei na aosa de itsumo mattete kureru
| colspan="2"|The beautiful blue sky always waits for me
| colspan="2"|Dakara kowakunai
| colspan="2"|Therefore I'm not afraid
| colspan="2"|Mou nani ga atte mo kujikenai
| colspan="2"|I won't be disheartened anymore no matter what happens
| colspan="4"|'''012 - Hyadain no Joujou Yuujou'''
| colspan="2"|(Hai icchaimasho! Kimi wa BEST BEST FRIEND!)
| colspan="2"|(Ok, let's say it! You are my best, best friend!)
| colspan="4"|'''013 - *Hello, Planet.'''
| colspan="2"|SHELTER no oto...
| colspan="2"|The shelter's noise...
| colspan="4"|'''014 - Fuwa Fuwa Time'''
| colspan="2"|Itsumo HEART dokidoki
| colspan="2"|My heart always goes thump-thump
| colspan="4"|'''015 - PoPiPo'''
| colspan="2"|PoPiPoPiPo PoPiPo!
| colspan="2"|PoPiPoPiPo PoPiPo!
| colspan="4"|'''013 - *Hello, Planet.'''
| colspan="2"|Pipipipi toku ni ijou naiyou da
| colspan="2"|Pipipipi... nothing seems to be wrong in here
| colspan="4"|'''016 - Doraemo~n!'''
|<No lyrics>
| colspan="4"|'''013 - *Hello, Planet.'''
| colspan="2"|POST no naka wa kitto karappo da
| colspan="2"|I bet the mail box is empty as usual
| colspan="2"|Uekibachi no me kyou mo detekonai ya
| colspan="2"|The plant is still not sprouting from the pot today
| colspan="4"|'''EX - Jihou'''
| colspan="2"|Nico Nico Douga!
| colspan="2"|Nico Nico Douga!
| colspan="4"|'''014 - Fuwa Fuwa Time'''
| colspan="2"|Itsumo ganbaru (itsumo ganbaru)
| colspan="2"|You're always so persistent (You're always so persistent)
| colspan="2"|Kimi no yokogao (kimi no yokogao)
| colspan="2"|You don't even notice (You don't even notice)
| colspan="2"|Zutto mitete mo kizukanai yo ne
| colspan="2"|Me, always staring at your profile
| colspan="2"|Yume no naka nara (yume no naka nara)
| colspan="2"|When we're in my dreams (When we're in my dreams)
| colspan="2"|Futari no kyori chijimerareru no ni na
| colspan="2"|The distance between us can be shortened
| colspan="4"|'''017 - Lost My Music'''
<!--This section is awesome musically, but kind of nasty where lyrics are concerned. I tried translating these two songs as if they were a single song, with this result:
==Made With==
| colspan="4"|'''017 - Lost My Music / 014 - Fuwa Fuwa Time'''
Sonar X1: [http://ichiba.nicovideo.jp/item/azB004GE3STG?utm_campaign=v_sm19351155&utm_medium=nicodic&utm_source=nicovideo.jp&utm_content=title SONAR X1 STUDIO CW-SX1SE]
| colspan="2"|Daisuki na hito ga toke no
| colspan="2"|The person I love is melting (LOL)
| colspan="2"|DRE-gite nakitaku naru no (If I knew how to work with this part, I'd be using these lyrics)
| colspan="2"|
| colspan="2"|O-ki ni iri no usa-chan daite
| colspan="2"|Cuddling my favorite bunny doll,
| colspan="2"|Hora kibou ga uma oyasumi
| colspan="2"|A new hope is born, good night
FL STUDIO 10: [http://ichiba.nicovideo.jp/item/azB005FOJ9TE?utm_campaign=v_sm19351155&utm_medium=nicodic&utm_source=nicovideo.jp&utm_content=title FL STUDIO 10 SIGNATURE BUNDLE]
Since it doesn't quite work, I went with what you see below. -Nnd8793-->
| colspan="2"|Daisuki na hito ga to(oi)
| colspan="2"|The person I love is (far away)
| colspan="4"|'''014 - Fuwa Fuwa Time'''
| colspan="2"|(Futari da)ke no DRE(AM)
| colspan="2"|(A dream) for (just the two of us)
| colspan="4"|'''017 - Lost My Music'''
| colspan="2"|(Toosu)gite nakitaku naru no
| colspan="2"|(So far) that I'm almost crying
| colspan="4"|'''014 - Fuwa Fuwa Time'''
| colspan="2"|O-ki ni iri no usa-chan daite
| colspan="2"|Cuddling my favorite bunny doll
| colspan="4"|'''017 - Lost My Music'''
| colspan="2"|Hora kibou ga uma(reru)
| colspan="2"|A new hope is born
| colspan="4"|'''014 - Fuwa Fuwa Time'''
| colspan="2"|Oyasumi
| colspan="2"|Goodnight
| colspan="4"|'''018 - Super Driver'''
| colspan="2"|Are mo kore mo mitaiken
| colspan="2"|Haven't done this or that yet,
| colspan="2"|Itsu datte totsuzen
| colspan="2"|It's always so sudden
| colspan="4"|'''019 - Kiramekirari'''
| colspan="2"|Fure fure ganbare!! Saa ikou!
| colspan="2"|Hooray, hooray, go for it!! Let's go!
| colspan="2"|Fure fure ganbare! Saikou!
| colspan="2"|Hooray, hooray, go for it!! It's the best!
| colspan="4"|'''020 - Oato ga Yoroshikutte... yo!'''<!--Found this translation from Joshiraku Wiki, though I'm doubting the translation atm.-->
| colspan="2"|Oato ga mata yoroshikute (hoi!)
| colspan="2"|Thank you kindly for your attention (Yes!)
| colspan="2"|O-saki mo shiroki...
| colspan="2"|I hope it was...
| colspan="4"|'''017 - Lost My Music'''
| colspan="2"|...forever!
| colspan="2"|...forever!
| colspan="2"|I still, I still, I love you!
| colspan="2"|I still, I still, I love you!
| colspan="2"|Tomoranai no yo! Hi!!
| colspan="2"|I just can't stop! Hi!!
| colspan="4"|'''021 - Toki wo Kizamu Uta / 022 - Chiisana Tenohira'''
|Kaze de me ga nijinde
|Chiisana te ni mo itsukara ka bokura oikoshiteku tsuyosa
|My eyes tear up in the wind
|Even in this tiny hand, there could someday be strength surpassing our own
|Tooku naru yo
|Ureta budou no shita naiteta hi kara aruita
|And you become distant
|From the day I cried beneath the ripe grapes, I started to walk
| colspan="4"|'''023 - You / 024 - Shinmachi'''
|<No lyrics>
|Ah, ah, shitai yo SEX!
|Ah, ah, I wanna have sex!
|Orion-za no shita de...
|Under the Orion...
{| style="width:100%"
| colspan="4"|'''025 - Natsukage / 023 - You / 026 - Summer'''
|width="16.67%"|Koete yuku haruka natsu mo
|width="16.67%"|Ushinatte shimatta daishou wa
|width="16.67%"|That distant summer
|width="16.67%"|The burden of loss is more than I can bear
|Wataru kawa no nagare mo
|Totetsumonaku ooki sugite
|And the flow of the river I cross
|I struggle and struggle as I try to bring them back
|Itsuka kawatte itsuka wasurete
|Torimodosou to hisshi ni
|<No lyrics>
|Will someday change, will someday forget
|All of the things that I had lost in the past
|Onaji omoi mamorezuiru
|Unable to keep the same feelings
{| style="width:100%"
| colspan="4"|'''027 - Meteor'''
|width="25%"|Bokura wa kimi wo sagashi nagara utau yo
|width="25%"|We are singing while looking for you
| colspan="4"|'''028 - Akutagawa Ryuunosuke's "Kappa" ~ Candid Friend'''
|'''''Nitori no Uta'''''
| colspan="2"|...ijou Nitori
| colspan="2"|...more with Nitori
| colspan="2"|Kappappa kappappa Nitori!
| colspan="2"|Kapa-pa kapa-pa Nitori!
| colspan="2"|Onedan ijou Nitori
| colspan="2"|You get more than you pay for with Nitori
| colspan="2"|Kappappa kappappa Nitori!
| colspan="2"|Kapa-pa kapa-pa Nitori!
| colspan="2"|Onedan ijou Nitori
| colspan="2"|You get more than you pay for with Nitori
| colspan="4"|'''029 - The Sky of Sadness / 030 - World's End Dancehall'''
|<No lyrics>
|Joudan majiri no kyoukaisen jou
|At the boundary lines mixed with jokes,
|Kaidan no sono mata mukou
|A little farther ahead of the stairs,
|Zenzen ii koto mo nai shi nee
|There's nothing good there at all, huh?
|Sono te o hiite...
|I'll try to guide you...
| colspan="4"|'''031 - Red Zone / 032 - Chocobo's Theme / 033 - Magia'''
|'''Red Zone'''
|C'mon! Put it up!
|C'mon! Put it up!
|Go! Go! Go! Go! (Yeah! Yeah!)
|Go! Go! Go! Go! (Yeah! Yeah!)
|C'mon! Put it up!
|C'mon! Put it up!
|Go! Go! Go! Go! Let's go!
|'''Chocobo's Theme'''
|Go! Go! Go! Go! Let's go!
|Use your flow, all we need, the energy
|<No lyrics>
|Use your flow, all we need, the energy
|And I got the key, it keeps me
|And I got the key, it keeps me
|Make a heart, sailin' too far, to the unit
|Itsuka kimi ga
|Someday, you'll set it
|We're gonna do it, takin' it far
|Hitomi ni tomosu...
|We're gonna do it, takin' it far
|Aflame in your eyes...
|(Go! Go! Go! Go!)
|(Go! Go! Go! Go!)
|The crowd, yo! Keepin' it raw!
|The crowd, yo! Keepin' it raw!
{| style="width:100%"
| colspan="4"|'''034 - Tori no Uta / 035 - Night of Nights / 036 - Hammer Melody'''
|width="16.67%"|Kieru hikoukigumo
|width="16.67%"|<No lyrics>
|width="16.67%"|Tetteketette~ tettettette~ tetteketette~ tettettette~
|width="16.67%"|We watched the fading vapor trails
|width="16.67%"|Tetteketette~ tettettette~ tetteketette~ tettettette~
|Bokutachi wa miokutta
|Tetteketette~ tettettette~ tetteketette~ tettettette~
|They were so dazzling
|Tetteketette~ tettettette~ tetteketette~ tettettette~
|Mabushikute nigeta
|Tetteketette~ tettettette~ tetteketette~ tettettette~
|I ran away
|Tetteketette~ tettettette~ tetteketette~ tettettette~
|Itsudatte yowakute ano hi kara...
|Tetteketette~ tettettette~ tetteketette~ tettettette~
|I was always weak since that day...
|Tetteketette~ tettettette~ tetteketette~ tettettette~
{| style="width:100%"
| colspan="4"|'''035 - Night of Nights / 037 - Neet Generation / 038 - Jomanda'''
|width="25%"|'''Night of Nights'''
|width="25%"|'''Neet Generation'''
|<No lyrics>
|Yaruki denai! Nani mo shinai!
|I'm not motivated! I don't do anything!
|Kaneganai! Demo hataraku ateganai!
|I have no money! But don't expect me to work!
|<No lyrics>
| colspan="4"|'''039 - Taiyou Iwaku Moeyo Chaos'''
| colspan="2"|Ware ware! (Ooh!) Yare yare! (Nyaa!)
| colspan="2"|We! (Ooh!) Geez! (Nyaa!)
| colspan="2"|Sekai wa...
| colspan="2"|The world is...
| colspan="4"|'''040 - Promise / 041 - Mayim Mayim'''
|Get down!
|Yureru mawaru fureru setsunai kimochi
|Mayim, mayim, mayim, mayim, hey, mayim b'sason
|A flickering, confusing, unstable and painful feeling
|Water, water, water, water, hey, water in joy
|Futari de issho ni nemuru WINTERLAND
|Mayim, mayim, mayim, mayim, hey, mayim b'sason
|It's a winterland where we slept together
|Water, water, water, water, hey, water in joy
|Anata dake mitsumete, watashi dake mitsumete
|I will gaze only at you, you will gaze only at me
|Asu wo...
| colspan="4"|'''039 - Taiyou Iwaku Moeyo Chaos'''
| colspan="2"|...suteki (Nano~?)
| colspan="2"|...is wonderful! (It is~?)
| colspan="2"|CHAOS! CHAOS! I WANNA CHAOS!
| colspan="2"|Chaos! Chaos! I wanna chaos!
| colspan="2"|Moe yo konton muteki desu (Waku waku!)
| colspan="2"|Burn up, chaos is invincible! (Excited excited!)
| colspan="2"|CHAOS! CHAOS! Urusee na CHAOS!
| colspan="2"|Chaos! Chaos! Shut up, chaos!
| colspan="2"|Moeru youna kimochi (Nande~!?)
| colspan="2"|You give me a feeling of burning (Why~!?)
| colspan="4"|'''042 - Memeshikute'''
| colspan="2"|Memeshikute memeshikute
| colspan="2"|Unmanly, unmanly
| colspan="2"|Hikari wo abite
| colspan="2"|Bathing in the light
| colspan="2"|Memeshikute memeshikute
| colspan="2"|Unmanly, unmanly
| colspan="2"|Koi no uta utatte
| colspan="2"|Singing a love song
| colspan="2"|Memeshikute memeshikute
| colspan="2"|Unmanly, unmanly
| colspan="2"|Iza tadoritsuita kono sekai wa mou...
| colspan="2"|This world that I have now finally reached is so...
| colspan="4"|'''039 - Taiyou Iwaku Moeyo Chaos / EX - Koi wa Chaos no Shimobe Nari'''
|''Nico Vivace ver.''
|''Nico Vivace Kai ver.''
|'''Taiyou Iwaku Moeyo Chaos'''
|Ware ware! (Ooh!) Yare yare! (Nyaa!)
|Ware ware! (Ooh!) Yare yare! (Nyaa!)
|We! (Ooh!) Geez! (Nyaa!)
|We! (Ooh!) Geez! (Nyaa!)
|'''Koi wa Chaos no Shimobe Nari'''
|Sekai wa DARK!
|Sei no uneri!
|The world is dark!
|Wave of life!
| colspan="4"|'''042 - Memeshikute'''
| colspan="2"|Tsurai yo
| colspan="2"|It hurts
| colspan="4"|'''043 - Only My Railgun'''
|<No lyrics>
| colspan="4"|'''044 - Bad Apple feat. nomico / 045 - Beware the Forest's Mushrooms'''
|Nagareteku toki no naka de demo
|Exiting the forest is super simple
|Even in the midst of flowing time,
|Exiting the forest is super simple
|Kedarusa ga hora guruguru mawatte
|All you do is follow these patterns
|Oppression spins round and round
|All you do is follow these patterns
|Watashi kara hanareru kokoro mo
|For the
|I can't even see the heart
|For the
|Mienaiwa sou shiranai?
|rest of your gaming...
|That's leaving me, didn't you know?
|rest of your gaming...
| colspan="4"|'''046 - Pre-Parade'''
| colspan="2"|Hoshii no wa PLASTIC na HEART (PLUS, PLUS, dakedo MINUS)
| colspan="2"|What I want is a plastic heart (plus, plus, but it's a minus)
| colspan="2"|Demo soreja tsumaranai soko ni kidzuita mono kachi
| colspan="2"|But that's boring; when I'd notice it, I'd have won against you
| colspan="4"|'''047 - Meltdown / 048 - Evans'''
|Kaku yuugouro nisa,
|Say, to a fusion reactor,
|Tobikonde mitai to omou
|I think I want to try diving in
|Massao na hikari tsutsumarete kirei
|It must be beautiful, enfolded by pure blue light
|Kaku yuugouro nisa,
|<No lyrics>
|Say, to a fusion reactor,
|Tobikonde mitara, soshitara,
|If I try diving in, then,
|Subete ga yurusareru youna ki ga shite...
|I thought everything could be forgiven...
| colspan="4"|'''049 - Kokoro Odoru / 050 - Dancing Samurai'''
|Ima GOING GOAL in yori tobi koshi
|I'm going right now, instead of hitting the goal, I clear it
|Dancing in the night, on this floor
|Oto ni nori oyogi tsuzukeru
|RHYTHM ni norenu yatsu kirisute gomen
|Riding on the sound, I keep swimming
|Sorry, but I'll have to cut down anyone who can't keep the rhythm
|DANCING ALL THE NIGHT, kono jidai ni
|Enjoy (Enjoy), it's join (it's join)
|Dancing all the night, in this time
|Koou suru kokoro hibiki tsuzukeru
|Ikusa wo makiokose, Viva Samurai! (Hyaa!)
|My heart continues to sound out in concert
|I'm gonna start a fight, Viva Samurai! (Hyaa!)
| colspan="4"|'''051 - Second Heaven / 052 - Paradichlorobenzene / 053 - Ageha Chou'''
|'''Second Heaven'''
|Somebody scream!!
|Boku wa nan no tame ni utau? PARADICHLOROBENZENE
|What am I singing for? Paradichlorobenzene
|Tada imi mo rikai sezu ni utau PARADICHLOROBENZENE
|I just sing without understanding the meaning, paradichlorobenzene
|'''Ageha Chou'''
|Yorokobi toshite no YELLOW urei wo obita BLUE ni
|In the yellow that represented happiness and the blue that carried anxiety
|Yo no hate ni nite iru shikkoku no hane
|Its jet-black wings resembled the end of the world
| colspan="4"|'''054 - Senbonzakura / 055 - Agape / 056 - FamilyMart Entrance Sound'''
|Senbonzakura yoru ni magire
|Would you call me if you need my love?
|Thousands of cherry trees dissolve into the night
|Would you call me if you need my love?
|Kimi no koe mo todokanai yo
|Doko ni ita tte kikoeru
|Not even your voice will reach
|Where I can hear you perfectly
|Koko wa utage hagane no ori
|Kimi ga kureru agape
|This is a banquet inside a steel jail cell
|You made me a better person
|Sono dantoudai de mioroshite
|Chikara no kagiri...
|Look down on us from your guillotine
|From the bounds of power...
|'''FamilyMart Entrance Sound'''
|Sanzen sekai tokoyo no yami
|Fami fami fami~ma fami famima~
|The whole world is shrouded in hellish darkness
|Fami fami fami~ma fami famima~
|Nageku uta mo kikoenai yo
|Fami fami fami~ma fami famima~
|Not even a lamenting song is audible
|Fami fami fami~ma fami famima~
|Seiran no sora haruka kanata
|With your raygun, shoot out the azure sky
|Sono kousenjuu de uchinuite
|And the far distance
| colspan="4"|'''057 - Credens justitiam'''<!--Finally, I get to use these lyrics in a medley page!-->
| colspan="2"|Alita della
| colspan="2"|Alita della
| colspan="2"|Maliche sonta dia
| colspan="2"|Maliche sonta dia
| colspan="2"|Mia sonta della
| colspan="2"|Mia sonta della
| colspan="2"|I testa mia (testi ola)
| colspan="2"|I testa mia (testi ola)
| colspan="2"|Solti ola
| colspan="2"|Solti ola
| colspan="4"|'''058 - You are the Prince of Tennis'''
| colspan="2"|"Echizen... omae wa Seigaku no hashira ni nare."<!--This dialogue occurs before the song actually starts. Transliterated and translated myself since the song page doesn't have any dialogue at all! -Nnd8793-->
| colspan="2"|"Echizen... you will become a pillar of Seigaku."
| colspan="2"|"THE BEST-OF-ONE-SET MATCH, Seigaku SERVICE PLAY!"
| colspan="2"|"The best-of-one-set match, Seigaku service play!"
| colspan="4"|'''059 - Ochame Kinou / 060 - Geki! Teikoku Kagekidan'''
|Itsudemo I LOVE YOU kimi ni TAKE KISS ME
|Hashire kousoku no
|I love you always, I received a kiss from you
|Run at the speed of light,
|Wasurerarenai kara boku no daiji na MEMORY
|Teikoku Kagekidan
|I cannot forget this precious memory of mine
|Imperial Floral Assault Team
|Dorayaki wa shushoku ni narenai
|Unare shougeki no
|If dorayaki cannot become my main diet,
|Roar with a shock,
|Naraba uwagaki shichaeba boku no omoidoori
|Teikoku Kagekidan
|I'll just have to overwrite it my way
|Imperial Floral Assault Team
| colspan="4"|'''061 - Usatei / 062 - Cirno's Perfect Math Class'''
|Itazura usagi
|Mischievous rabbit
|Warugaki usagi
|Bad girl rabbit
|BAKAtte iu hou ga BAKA na no yo!<!--I think this is right, it's hard to tell with Usatei in there.-->
|The one saying idiot is the idiot!
|Haraguro usagi
|Ill-minded rabbit
|Nani yo, urusai wa ne! Kono BAKA!
|What, how annoying! You idiot!
|Shiawase usagi da
|It's the rabbit of happiness!
| colspan="4"|'''063 - Open ☆ Canvas / 064 - Shinryaku no Susume ☆'''
|Shikioriori irotoridori<!--Translated myself! -Nnd8793-->
|Ii kanji muteki ni susume
|Every season is colorful,
|Feeling good, advance invincibly
|Nonbiri na EVERYDAY
|Ii kanji mujaki ni susume
|Every day is relaxing
|Feeling good, advance innocently
|Higashi no shima ittara...
|Pastel, vivid, metro...
|If I go to the eastern island...
| colspan="4"|'''065 - Orion wo Nazoru / 066 - Real World'''
|Tsumari hanshin hangi acchi kocchi
|In short, we're dubious and muddled up
|Shinmirai wo negau
|Gohoubi niwa CHOCOLATE
|Wishing for a brand-new future,
|I'll reward you with chocolate
|Kuuzen zetsugo no
|Amai yume wo mire tara
|If only we could weave out
|And try to laugh at the idea
|Kotoba ga moshi, moshi tsumugeru nara jikan ga tomaru yo
|Sore ga subete da nante waratte miyou
|Some marvelous never-before-heard words, then even time will stop
|That sweet dreams are everything
|"Koko de owaru hazu ga nai no ni"
|"It's not supposed to end here"<!--And indeed, it does not!-->
| colspan="4"|'''067 - Kimi no Shiranai Monogatari'''
| colspan="2"|Iwanakatta ienakatta
| colspan="2"|I didn't say it. I couldn't say it.
| colspan="2"|Nidoto modorenai
| colspan="2"|I'll never get another chance.
| colspan="2"|Ano natsu no hi kirameku hoshi
| colspan="2"|That summer day, those sparkling stars,
| colspan="2"|Ima demo omoi daseru yo
| colspan="2"|Even now I still remember.
| colspan="2"|Waratta kao mo okotta kao mo
| colspan="2"|That laughing face, and that angry face,
| colspan="2"|Daisuki deshita okashii yo ne
| colspan="2"|I really loved them. Strange, isn't it?
| colspan="2"|Wakatteta no ni kimi no shiranai
| colspan="2"|Even though I knew that, you didn't know,
| colspan="2"|Watashi dake no himitsu
| colspan="2"|The secret only I knew...
| colspan="4"|'''068 - Jibun REST@RT'''
| colspan="2"|Oozora wo tobu tori no you ni
| colspan="2"|Like a bird flying through the skies,
| colspan="2"|Tsubasa wo hirogete habatakitai
| colspan="2"|I want to spread and flap my wings
| colspan="2"|Donna ni tooku temo ikou akogare no sekai
| colspan="2"|No matter how far it is, I'll go to the world I yearn for
| colspan="2"|Yume dake de wa owarasetaku nai
| colspan="2"|I don't want to let it end as just a dream
| colspan="4"|'''069 - Motto Hade ni Ne! / EX - Jihou'''
|Mada mada ji-mi-da-ne!
|Nico Nico Douga!
|It's still too plain!
|Nico Nico Douga!
|KISS mo ji-mi-da-ne! (fuwa fuwa)
|Nico Nico Douga!
|My kiss too is plain! (light and airy)
|Nico Nico Douga!
| colspan="4"|'''070 - Meteor ☆ Impact'''
| colspan="2"|Inseki yori mo (Kira!) kyoudai na POWER de (Kira!)
| colspan="2"|With a giant power (sparkle!) bigger than a meteorite (sparkle!)
| colspan="4"|'''006 - Seikai wa Hitotsu! Janai!! / 019 - Kiramekirari / 071 - Ameagari no Mirai'''
|'''Seikai wa Hitotsu! Janai!!'''
|Nazo ga nazo wo yondeiru yo
|Kiramekirari zutto chutto
|But riddles call more riddles!
|Dazzling sparkles always with a kiss,
|Umaretate no yume ga aru yo
|Chikyuu de kagayaku hikari
|But there are brand new dreams!
|This light will shine within the whole world!
|'''Ameagari no Mirai'''
|Mae muite yoko muite
|Kiramekirari motto MORE tto
|Face forward, face sideways,
|Dazzling sparkles more and more,
|Hajimaru no wa tsugi no mirai
|Watashi wo watashi to yobitai!
|Starting now is probably our next future
|I want to call myself "me"!
| colspan="4"|'''072 - Sora / 073 - Ima Made no Arasuji'''
|Haru wa hana o ippai sakaseyou
|Meido meido meido no miyage
|Spring will make lots of flowers bloom
|Underworld, underworld, a maid's souvenir gifts
|Natsu wa hikari ippai kagayakou
|Sorya mou Shangri-la no sokkuri-san
|Lots of light will glow in summer
|That's already a dead ringer for Shangri-la
| colspan="4"|'''074 - Hare Hare Yukai / EX - Jihou / 075 - Hakata no Shio'''
|'''Hare Hare Yukai'''
|Kagirinaku furisosogu
|Nico Nico Douga!
|It'll pour down endlessly,
|Nico Nico Douga!
|'''Hakata no Shio'''
|Fukanou janai wa
|Hakata no Shio!
|It's not impossible
|Salt of Hakata!
| colspan="4"|'''076 - Kirby's Gourmet Race / EX - Jihou'''
|Dare yori mo hayaku kakenukero
|Nico Nico Douga!
|Whoever is fast is going to run past everyone
|Nico Nico Douga!
|Mota mota shiteru to naku nacchau
|Nico Nico Douga!
|All the slow guys are really just nothing that I cared
|Nico Nico Douga!
| colspan="4"|'''077 - Keikenchi Joushouchuu / 078 - Love Cheat!'''
|Sunao na watashi ni naru kara
|In happy unison, we dash
|Because I'll be honest
|Kaketeku (Hai!)
|Chotto dake matte ne (Hey!)
|Through the sky (Yes!)
|Just wait a second (Hey!)
| colspan="4"|'''079 - Let's Go! Onmyouji / EX - Jihou'''
|Akuryou taisan! Akuryou taisan!
|Nico Nico Douga!
|Evil spirits, disperse! Evil spirits, disperse!
|Nico Nico Douga!
|Choujougenshou, komatta toki wa
|Nico Nico Douga!
|When you are bothered by supernatural phenomenon
|Nico Nico Douga!
|Douman! Seiman! Douman! Seiman!
|Nico Nico Douga!
|Douman! Seiman! Douman! Seiman!
|Nico Nico Douga!
|Haratte moraou onmyouji! LET'S GO!
|Nico Nico Douga!
|Get the Onmyouji to purify them! Let's go!
|Nico Nico Douga!
|Akuryou taisan! Akuryou taisan!
|Evil spirits, disperse! Evil spirits, disperse!
|Noroi noroware, komatta toki wa
|When you are bothered by charms and curses
|Douman! Seiman! Douman! Seiman!
|Douman! Seiman! Douman! Seiman!
|Soudan shimashou onmyouji! LET'S GO!
|Have a discussion with the Onmyouji! Let's go!
|Yappari tayoreru onmyouji! LET'S GO!
|As we thought, the Onmyouji is reliable! Let's go!
|Minna no HERO! Onmyouji!
|Everybody's hero! Onmyouji!
| colspan="4"|'''080 - I'm so Happy'''
| colspan="2"|I'm so happy...
| colspan="2"|I'm so happy...
| colspan="4"|'''081 - Piano Concerto No.1 "Anti-Ares"'''
|<No lyrics>
| colspan="4"|'''080 - I'm so Happy / 082 - Oath Sign / 083 - Saishuu Kichiku Imouto Flandre S'''
|'''I'm so Happy'''
|'''Oath Sign'''
|<No lyrics>
|Hikari wo kazashite tamerai wo keshita
|I held the light above me and erased my doubts
|Agetakatta no wa mirai de
|What I wanted in the future
|Naiteru yoru daita mama
|Was to hold you in the night
|Nageki wo sakende
|As you cried and screamed your despair
|'''Saishuu Kichiku Imouto Flandre S'''
|<No lyrics>
| colspan="4"|'''084 - Marisa Stole the Precious Thing'''
| colspan="2"|Kirai kirai LOVING (an an-an an an-an an)
| colspan="2"|Hating, hating, loving (an an-an an an-an an)
| colspan="2"|Dare ga dare ga CAN'T BE ALIVE WITHOUT YOU
| colspan="2"|Who are you? Who are you? I can't be alive without you
| colspan="2"|Doushite naze kashira (an an-an an)
| colspan="2"|Why is it, I wonder (an an-an an)
| colspan="2"|Why why why don't I miss you a lot, forever?
| colspan="4"|'''085 - Gacha Gacha Cute - Figu@mate / 086 - Motteke! Sailor Fuku'''
|Gacha gacha CUTE figyu atto
|Motte ike! Saigo ni waracchau no wa
|Gacha gacha cute figurine!
|Take it! The one who will be laughing at the end
|Kono machi ni orita ANGEL
|Atashi no hazu
|For such an angel to arrive in this place
|Should be me
| colspan="4"|'''087 - Omoide wa Okkusenman / 088 - Princess Bride!'''
|Kimi ga kureta yuuki wa
|Ude wo nobashite yo, gyutto tsukamu kara
|The courage you gave me is
|Reach out your arm, because I will hold it tight!
|Okkusenman! Okkusenman!
|Asa mo hiru mo yoru mo zutto dakishimete
|110 million! 110 million!
|Morning, noon and night, I'm always going to hold you tight
{| style="width:100%"
| colspan="4"|'''089 - Cagayake! GIRLS / 090 - Genesis of Aquarion / 091 - Super Driver / 015 - PoPiPo'''
|width="16.67%"|'''Cagayake! GIRLS'''
|width="16.67%"|'''Genesis of Aquarion'''
|width="16.67%"|'''Super Driver'''
|Ichimannen to nisennen mae kara
|Are mo kore mo mitaiken
|Chatting now, seriously lively never ending girls' talk
|I've loved you since ten thousand years ago
|Haven't done this or that yet,
|PoPiPoPiPo PoPiPo! PoPiPoPiPo PoPiPo!
|Itsu datte totsuzen
|PoPiPoPiPo PoPiPo! PoPiPoPiPo PoPiPo!
|And two thousand more
|It's always so sudden
{| style="width:100%"
| colspan="4"|'''064 - Shinryaku no Susume ☆ / 091 - Double Lariat / 092 - kiss my lips'''
|width="25%"|'''Shinryaku no Susume ☆'''
|width="25%"|'''Double Lariat'''
|Ii kanji muteki ni susume
|Hankei hachijuugo senchi ga
|Feeling good, advance invincibly
|An 85 cm radius is
|'''kiss my lips'''
|KISS MY LIPS ryoute de dakishimete
|Kono te no todoku kyori
|Kiss my lips; embrace me with both of your hands
|As far as my hands can reach
| colspan="4"|'''EX - Jihou'''
| colspan="2"|Nico Nico Douga!
| colspan="2"|Nico Nico Douga!
| colspan="2"|Nico Nico...
| colspan="2"|Nico Nico...
| colspan="4"|'''093 - Miku Miku ni Shite Ageru / 094 - N Fun Fun Fun Fu'''
|Miku miku ni shite ageru
|<No lyrics><!--I have no idea here.-->
|I'll make you Miku-Miku-ed
|Uta wa madane, ganbaru kara
|There isn't any song yet, but I'll do my best
{| style="width:100%"
| colspan="4"|'''095 - true my heart / 096 - Makka na Chikai / 058 - You are the Prince of Tennis'''
|width="16.67%"|Kitto onaji da ne
|width="16.67%"|Kono te o hanasu mon ka?
|width="16.67%"|I'm sure that they're the same
|width="16.67%"|My hands won't let go, right?
|width="16.67%"|You are the prince of tennis
|Omoi wa yasashii KISS de
|Makka na chikai!
|Our thoughts, with a tender kiss
|It's a crimson vow!
{| style="width:100%"
| colspan="4"|'''097 - Endless Rain / 098 - Black Rock Shooter'''
|width="25%"|Endless rain, fall on my heart
|width="25%"|Black Rock Shooter,
|Kokoro no kizu ni
|Doko e itta no?
|On the wounds on my heart
|Where did you go?
| colspan="4"|'''099 - Koi no Mikuru Densetsu / 100 - Kaeshite! Knee Socks'''
|Sora no kanata e
|Minna niteru yo de
|To the other side of the sky,
|Though they all look similar,
|Joshi wa joshi no VARY e
|Special Generation
|One girl variates from another
| colspan="4"|'''101 - Boku to Watashi to Nico Nico Douga'''
| colspan="2"|Nanka samishikattan da hitoribocchi heya no naka
| colspan="2"|It was sort of lonely, sitting in my room all alone
| colspan="2"|Mitsuketa! Saikyou no hima tsubushi
| colspan="2"|But then I found it! The ultimate time-waster!
| colspan="4"|'''102 - READY!!'''
| colspan="2"|ARE YOU READY!! I'M LADY!! Uta wo utaou
| colspan="2"|Are you ready!! I'm a lady!! Let's sing a song
| colspan="2"|Hitotsu hitotsu egao to namida wa yume ni naru ENTERTAINMENT
| colspan="2"|One by one, smiles and tears become dreams and entertainment
| colspan="2"|ARE YOU READY!! I'M LADY!! Hajimeyou
| colspan="2"|Are you ready!! I'm a lady!! Let's begin
| colspan="2"|Yareba dekiru kitto zettai watashi NO.1
| colspan="2"|I can do it if I try, I'll definitely be No. 1!
| colspan="4"|'''001 - Tell Your World'''
|<No lyrics>
==Notes and Trivia==
* The beginning is a spoof/parody of the Japanese Google Chrome commercials when Tell Your World plays. For more on this, click here: [http://www.nicovideo.jp/tag/Google_Chrome_CM%E3%83%91%E3%83%AD?sort=v Google Chrome CM Parodies]
* When Platinum Disco and Ora Tokyo sa Igu da plays at the same time, it plays exactly how the [http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm17135289 IKZO Version] of Platinum Disco went.
* The original Geddan video appears when [[Promise]] plays. Now, it has been deleted, sadly. :(
* The mashup of [[Evans]] and [[Meltdown]] is a shoutout to one of Onitan's earlier medleys, "[[The NicoNico♪Dreamer]]" - his third, to be exact.
* In theory, both rush and chaos zones could be inspired by [[Nico Tale]]'s process of those two. The comparison is quite shocking.
* This medley ranked third in the "[http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm19988568 Niconico Medley Ranking 2012]", with #2 being Pei's [[Nico Nico Douga Tabiemaki]] and #1 being simoyuki's [[Chou Kumikyoku]].
You can get these at the Nico Nico Ichiba shop here w/ links!
<!--==Other Versions==
Prototype Version: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm19533923
Original Songs Ver: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm19374737 (YASU's Ori. Songs ver.), [http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/1353160493 watch/1353160493] (KANON's Ori. Songs ver.), [http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm20119112 watch/sm20119112] (Eno (えの)'s Ori. Songs ver.)
Ken, (剣、)'s Version: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/1352975121
Chorus Version: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm19660529
19 Person Chorus: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm20004262
Yuuya Ohnita / Onitan (おにたん) http://www.nicovideo.jp/mylist/26765571
On Guide Vocals (Karaoke) Version: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm19398089
Ixion Saga DT MAD "Marian Vivace! so happy" (マリアン ビバーチェッ! so happy): http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm19372329
Runouni Kenshin MAD "Kiwami Vivace! so happy" (キワミ ビバーチェッ!so happy): http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm19448403
YASU http://www.nicovideo.jp/mylist/17520841
Bounenkai Gassaku Tatsu 2012 MAD Collaboration (忘年会合作辰.2012) - Train Stations (Ref: {{nico|sm608860}}) x NICO VIVACE: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm19730413
Shirotan (白たん) http://www.nicovideo.jp/user/2542859
Pikohan (ピコハン) http://www.nicovideo.jp/user/15545145
==Appearance at Niconico Cho Party II==
Once again, the Nico Nico Medley series has been introduced into the live stagelight.
2daime (2代目) http://www.nicovideo.jp/mylist/1754716
The [[Chou Kumikyoku|Chou Kumikyoku Nico Nico Douga]] Uttaitemita Relay was not just going to be the only Nico Nico Medley shown out there in this amazing event.
oxxo http://www.nicovideo.jp/mylist/7029440
Along with simoyuki's "[[Kumikyoku|Kumikyoku Nico Nico Douga]]" and "[[Ryuuseigun|Nico Nico Douga Ryuuseigun]]", hapi⇒ and coda decided to take a look at the TRUE medleys out there and perform NICO VIVACE - full 16 minutes, 4 seconds.
mowt http://www.nicovideo.jp/mylist/14137277
* '''Full Announcement here''': http://ch.nicovideo.jp/sbfr/blomaga/ar202727
moke http://www.nicovideo.jp/mylist/7494410
Note (04/20/13): If you are actually Onitan, then please keep reading. (note from barry b. benson, 01/28/2023: i'm changing every mention of "Shimo" to "simoyuki", but i will leave this mention unchanged)
So, now, how do you feel about NICO VIVACE? The praise you're getting is insane!! (@_@;)
Saasen Salmon http://www.nicovideo.jp/mylist/27911926
Will we see a sequel soon? ( ° ∀° )
...I think, as of now... You've beaten Shimo. (^v^) ( (/゜ロ゜)/ NICO VIVACE is GOD!! \(゜ロ゜\) )
Nanahira (ななひら) http://www.nicovideo.jp/mylist/17520841
20/04/2013 > '''注意:'''あなたが実際にある場'''おにたん'''、続けください。
だから、あなたは今、NICO VIVACEについてどのように感じているか? あなたが取得している賞賛は非常識です!!(@_@;)
... 我々は'''続編'''を見る(メドレー第6弾)?( ° ∀° )
MARS http://www.nicovideo.jp/user/661878
...私は今のように、思います... あなたは、'''しも'''さん殴られました。 (^v^) ( (/゜ロ゜)/ NICO VIVACE is GOD!! \(゜ロ゜\) )
~ Brayden Swart/Saturn Alice(サターン・アリス)
Van (ヴァン) http://www.nicovideo.jp/mylist/7509509
Note(04/21/13): Hi, I'm Onitan :D
I always enjoy watching this Wiki.
I must announce one statement here. Sadly,I will not be able to produce a medley for one year from now because I must study for college entrance examination.
BUT IF YOU ARE WILLING TO SUPPORT,I want to make a sixth medley.
Thank you for supplying information for the fans!(^^)
(Although I am studying English hard, my English is not great yet, and I may make many mistakes. So, please be patient with me)
==Other Medleys and Works==
Nerima Sound Project http://www.nicovideo.jp/user/14713237
===Nico Nico Medley Arrangements===
* Check out the navigation box below for Onitan's other medleys!
*[[NICO VIVACE 2]] (The sequel that it is said to include songs and combinations that didn't make the final cut of NICO VIVACE.
It was named as "Unconfirmed Sixth Medley" until Onitan said that there would be a sequel heading into next year on his Twitter.)
Pei (ぺぃ) http://www.nicovideo.jp/mylist/15429141
HAJIME http://www.nicovideo.jp/mylist/9922022
===Anime Remixes and Original Songs===
Kisachi (きさいち) http://www.nicovideo.jp/mylist/8512628
Onitan also works within Anime Remixes and Original works other than being a Niconico Medley arranger.
Rikiel (リキエル) http://www.nicovideo.jp/mylist/19603183
* [http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm16865249 AIR 鳥の詩 - Trance Remix]
* [http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm17087885 ヒャダインのじょーじょーゆーじょー - ExcellentFriend remix]
Zel (ぜる) http://www.nicovideo.jp/mylist/30724058
* [http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm17425620 侵略ノススメ☆ - Aggression Remix]
* [http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm17435395 乙女よ大志を抱け!! - のヮの♪Trance Remix]
☆Aryu☆ (☆ありゅ☆) http://www.nicovideo.jp/mylist/24890906
* [http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm17590743 euphoric field - Drum'n'bass Remix]
* [http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm17972509 フォールオブフォール ~ 秋めく滝 - Falle'n'Fall Remix]
* [http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm18163163 サヨナラ・ヘヴン-DRUM'N REMIX]
* [http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm18226320 TRANCE for the annual school festival(short ver.)]
==Other Versions==
* [http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm18294575 スカイクラッドの観測者 § Gestalt Mix]
Prototype Version: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm19533923
* [http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm18419609 【AIR*2012】Electronica for AIR【鳥の詩&夏影アレンジ】]
* [http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm18419609 コネクト - Magibeat Remix]
Original Songs Ver: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm19374737 (YASU's Ori. Songs ver.), http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/1353160493 (KANON's Ori. Songs ver.)
* [http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm19271260 ルミナス - Magibeat Remix]
* [http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm19572915 Unisonous]
Ken,'s (剣、) Version: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/1352975121
* [http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm19657790 おーぷん☆きゃんばす - HidamaRemix♪]
* [http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm20032268 【Fate/Zero】oath sign - Electro Remix]
Chorus Version: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm19660529
* [http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm20451037 Center River]
* [http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm20529810 Sparkling Daydream - Invisible Horizon Remix]
19 Person Chorus: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm20004262
On Guide Vocals (Karaoke) Version: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm19398089
Ixion Saga DT MAD "Marian Vivace! so happy" (マリアン ビバーチェッ! so happy): http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm19372329
Runouni Kenshin MAD "Kiwami Vivace! so happy" (キワミ ビバーチェッ!so happy): http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm19448403
Bounenkai Gassaku Tatsu 2012 MAD Collaboration (忘年会合作辰.2012) - Train Stations (Ref: {{nico|sm608860}}) x Nico Vivace: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm19730413
For collaborations, he is well known for being collaborative with Zel (ぜる).
==Other Medleys==
* [http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm15024384 【-Rearrange-】七色のニコニコ動画【-ZeltaN’mix-】]
*[[Toaru Riajuu no Egao Kumikyoku]]
* [http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm17392792 Miri Shira! -ZeltaN' mix]
*[[Toaru Toukousha no Ongaku Shoudou]]
* [http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm19423758 MIRACLE]
*[[The NicoNico♪Dreamer]]
* [http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm19638195 ニコニコ( ՞ਊ ՞)☝ハーモニクス] feat. Mezzylinder (メスシリンダー)
*[[The Niconico Unison|The NicoNico♪UNISON]] (Medley for the 2012 Nico Nico Medley Toukou Matsuri)
* [http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm20501954 (๑≧౪≦)てへぺろ]-->
*[[Nonstop Remix Medley ”On The Floor”]] (Medley derived from his remixes of different songs)
*[[Hidamari Sketch x Medley]] (Medley derived from Hidamari Sketch. Seems he's a big fan of the series... > ω > )
[[Category:Medleys from 2012]][[Category:Medleys by Onitan]]

Latest revision as of 19:33, 6 May 2023

Kanji "NICO VIVACE - ニコビバーチェッ!"
Romaji "NICO VIVACE - Nico Bibaache!"
English "NICO VIVACE!"
Release Date November 14th, 2012
Original Video URL http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm19351155 (deleted); http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzOzV7EcszU (KumikyokuNND mirror); http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm23976050 (remake; uploaded July 11th, 2014)
Composer(s) Onitan (おにたん)

Track List

# Time Title Source
001 00:02 Tell Your World Vocaloid (Hatsune Miku) song by kz (livetune)
002 00:42 irony Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai OP
003 00:55 A Cruel Angel's Thesis Neon Genesis Evangelion OP
004 01:29 Yuri Yurararara YuruYuri Daijiken YuruYuri OP
005 01:33 Taste of Paradise Onii-chan no Koto Nanka Zenzen Suki Janain Dakara ne!! OP
006 01:44 Seikai wa Hitotsu! Janai!! Tantei Opera Milky Holmes OP
007 02:00 Platinum Disco Nisemonogatari OP
008 02:00 Ora Tokyo sa Igu da Song by Ikuzo Yoshi
009 02:06 Rin to Shite Saku Hana no Gotoku pop'n music 15 ADVENTURE playable song
010 02:11 SigSig beatmania IIDX 12 HAPPY SKY playable song
004 02:11 Yuri Yurararara YuruYuri Daijiken YuruYuri OP
011 02:31 Connect Puella Magi Madoka ☆ Magica OP
012 02:54 Hyadain no Joujou Yuujou Nichijou OP
013 03:04 *Hello, Planet. Vocaloid (Hatsune Miku) song by sasakure.UK
014 03:06 Fuwa Fuwa Time K-ON!! insert song
015 03:08 PoPiPo Vocaloid (Hatsune Miku) song by Lamaze-P
013 03:10 *Hello, Planet. Vocaloid (Hatsune Miku) song by sasakure.UK
016 03:13 Doraemo~n! (The song that plays when Suneo is bragging to his friends) Doraemon BGM
013 03:15 *Hello, Planet. Vocaloid (Hatsune Miku) song by sasakure.UK
EX 03:23 Jihou Niconico interrupt message
014 03:25 Fuwa Fuwa Time K-ON!! insert song
017 03:47 Lost my music The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya insert song
014 03:50 Fuwa Fuwa Time K-ON!! insert song
017 03:53 Lost my music The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya insert song
014 03:57 Fuwa Fuwa Time K-ON!! insert song
017 04:00 Lost my music The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya insert song
014 04:04 Fuwa Fuwa Time K-ON!! insert song
018 04:08 Super Driver The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya OP
019 04:14 Kiramekirari THE IDOLM@STER MASTER ARTIST 02 CD
020 04:19 Oato ga Yoroshikutte... yo! Joshiraku OP
017 04:24 Lost my music The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya insert song
021 04:34 Toki wo Kizamu Uta Clannad After Story OP
022 04:49 Chiisana Tenohira Clannad game ED
023 05:08 you Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai game BGM
024 05:16 Shinmachi Song by Hiroyaa, the last poet in Aomori
025 05:29 Natsukage Air BGM
026 05:41 Summer Kikujirou no Natsu main theme
027 05:52 Meteor Vocaloid (Hatsune Miku) song by Jiyon
028 06:02 Akutagawa Ryuunosuke's "Kappa" ~ Candid Friend Touhou Fuujinroku ~ Mountain of Faith. BGM
029 06:20 The Sky of Sadness pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET playable song
030 06:20 World's End Dancehall Vocaloid (Hatsune Miku & Megurine Luka) song by wowaka
031 06:30 RED ZONE beatmania IIDX 11 IIDXRED playable song
032 06:42 Chocobo's Theme Final Fantasy series BGM
031 06:45 RED ZONE beatmania IIDX 11 IIDXRED playable song
033 06:47 Magia Puella Magi Madoka☆Magica ED
031 06:50 RED ZONE beatmania IIDX 11 IIDXRED playable song
034 06:52 Tori no Uta Air OP
035 06:52 Night of Nights Touhou Project BGM (arranged by Beat Mario)
036 06:52 Hammer Melody Donkey Kong BGM
037 07:03 Neet Generation Song by Saka-ROW Kumi
038 07:09 JOMANDA jubeat copious playable song
039 07:12 Taiyou Iwaku Moeyo Chaos Haiyore! Nyaruko-san OP
040 07:14 promise Song by Hirose Kohmi
041 07:14 Mayim Mayim Israeli folk song
039 07:24 Taiyou Iwaku Moeyo Chaos Haiyore! Nyaruko-san OP
042 07:35 Memeshikute Song by Golden Bomber
039 07:44 Taiyou Iwaku Moeyo Chaos Haiyore! Nyaruko-san OP
042 07:48 Memeshikute Song by Golden Bomber
043 07:51 only my railgun To Aru Kagaku no Railgun OP
044 07:59 Bad Apple!! feat. nomico Touhou Project BGM (arranged by Alstroemeria Records)
045 07:59 Beware the Forest's Mushrooms Super Mario RPG BGM
046 08:10 Pre-Parade Toradora! OP
047 08:25 Meltdown Vocaloid (Kagamine Rin) song by iroha (sasaki)
048 08:36 Evans jubeat playable song
049 08:47 Kokoro Odoru SD Gundam Force ED/Song by nobodyknows+
050 08:47 Dancing Samurai Vocaloid (Kamui Gackpo) song by Kanimiso-P (mathru)
051 08:57 Second Heaven beatmania IIDX 14 GOLD playable song
052 08:57 Paradichlorobenzene Vocaloid (Kagamine Len) song by Owata-P
053 09:03 Agehachou Song by Porno Grafitti
054 09:13 Senbonzakura Vocaloid (Hatsune Miku) song by Kurousa-P (WhiteFlame)
055 09:13 Agape UFO Ultramaiden Valkyrie insert song
056 09:24 Daiseikyou (FamilyMart Jingle/EC5227WP) Panasonic EC5227WP melody sign/FamilyMart entrance SFX
057 09:34 Credens justitiam Puella Magi Madoka☆Magica character song (Mami Tomoe)
058 09:54 You are the Prince of Tennis Prince of Tennis musical OST
059 10:03 Ochame Kinou (Fukkireta) UTAUloid (Kasane Teto) song by Lamaze-P
060 10:03 Geki! Teikoku Kagekidan Sakura Wars OP
061 10:15 Usatei Touhou Project BGM (arranged by myu314 & Beat Mario)
062 10:23 Cirno's Perfect Math Class Touhou Project BGM (arranged by IOSYS)
063 10:36 Open☆Canvas Hidamari Sketch x Honeycomb OP
064 10:36 Shinryaku no Susume☆ Shinryaku! Ika Musume OP
065 10:45 Orion wo Nazoru Tiger & Bunny OP
066 10:46 Real World Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita OP
067 11:03 Kimi no Shiranai Monogatari Bakemonogatari ED
068 11:47 Jibun REST@RT THE iDOLM@STER anime insert song

Rush Zone

069 12:09 motto Hade ni Ne! Kannagi OP
EX 12:09 Jihou Niconico interrupt message
070 12:14 Meteor☆Impact Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai insert song
006 12:19 Seikai wa Hitotsu! Janai!! Tantei Opera Milky Holmes OP
019 12:19 Kiramekirari THE IDOLM@STER MASTER ARTIST 02 CD
071 12:25 Ameagari no Mirai Tantei Opera Milky Holmes OP
073 12:30 Ima Made no Arasuji The Melancholy of Haruhi-chan Suzumiya OP
074 12:36 Hare Hare Yukai The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya ED
EX 12:36 Jihou Niconico interrupt message
075 12:38 Hakata no Shio Hakata no Shio commercial jingle
076 12:41 Clash! Gourmet Race Kirby Super Star BGM
EX 12:41 Jihou Niconico interrupt message
077 12:47 Keikenchi Joushouchuu Minami-ke OP
078 12:47 Love Cheat! Itadaki Jangarian R OP

079 12:52 Let's Go! Onmyouji Shin Gouketsuji Ichizoku: Bonnou Kaihou insert song
EX 12:56 Jihou Niconico interrupt message
080 13:22 I'm so Happy jubeat knit playable song
081 13:25 Piano Concerto No.1 "Anti-Ares" beatmania IIDX 11 IIDXRED playable song
080 13:33 I'm so Happy jubeat knit playable song
082 13:33 oath sign Fate/Zero OP
083 13:44 Saishuu Kichiku Imouto Flandre S Touhou Project BGM (arranged by COOL&CREATE)
084 13:55 Marisa Stole the Precious Thing Touhou Project BGM (arranged by IOSYS)

Chaos Zone

085 14:15 Gacha Gacha Cute - Figu@mate Figu@mate OP
086 14:15 Motteke! Sailor Fuku Lucky Star OP
087 14:20 Dr. Wily Stage 1 Mega Man 2 BGM
088 14:20 Princess Bride! Princess Bride! OP
089 14:26 Cagayake!GIRLS K-ON!! OP
090 14:26 Genesis of Aquarion Genesis of Aquarion OP
018 14:26 Super Driver The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya OP
015 14:28 PoPiPo Vocaloid (Hatsune Miku) song by Lamaze-P
064 14:31 Shinryaku no Susume☆ Shinryaku! Ika Musume OP
091 14:31 Double Lariat Vocaloid (Megurine Luka) song by Agoaniki-P
092 14:33 kiss my lips Song by ave;new feat. Saori Sakura
EX 14:36 Jihou Niconico interrupt message
093 14:39 Miku Miku ni Shite Ageru Vocaloid (Hatsune Miku) song by ika
094 14:39 N Fun Fun Fun Fu Mushroom Garden/Osawari Tantei Nameko Saibai Kit fanfare / Ref: sm16686731
095 14:44 true my heart Nursery Rhyme OP
096 14:44 Makka na Chikai Busou Renkin OP
058 14:44 You are the Prince of Tennis Prince of Tennis musical OST
097 14:49 Endless Rain Song by X-Japan
098 14:49 Black Rock Shooter Vocaloid (Hatsune Miku) song by supercell
099 14:55 Koi no Mikuru Densetsu The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya OP
100 14:55 Kaeshite! Knee Socks Lucky Star CD single

101 15:00 Boku to Watashi to Nico Nico Douga Arrangement of Jihou by Hyadain / Ref: sm12103409
102 15:10 READY!! THE iDOLM@STER anime OP
001 15:45 Tell Your World Vocaloid (Hatsune Miku) song by kz (livetune)


001 - Tell Your World
Kimi ni tsutaetai kotoba All these words I want to tell you
Kimi ni todoketai oto ga And this song I want you to hear
Ikutsumo no sen wa en ni natte Everything is joined in a circle
Subete tsunageteku doko ni datte Joining us all together, no matter where you may be
Ah... Ah...

002 - Irony
<No lyrics>

003 - Cruel Angel's Thesis
Aoi kaze ga ima mune no DOOR wo tataite mo A blue wind is now knocking at the door to your heart, and yet
Watashi dake wo tada mitsumete hohoenderu anata You are merely gazing at me and smiling
Sotto fureru mono motomeru koto ni muchuu de Something gently touching; you're so intent on seeking it out
Unmei sae mada shiranai itaike na hitomi That you can't even see your fate yet with such innocent eyes
Dakedo itsuka kizuku deshou sono senaka ni wa But someday I think you'll find out that what's on your back
Haruka mirai mezasu ta-- Heading for the far-off future--

004 - Yuri Yurararara YuriYuri Daijiken
Nani sore? Sonna no zenzen zenzen zenzen taberenai! What's with that? I can't swallow that at all, at all, at all!

005 - Taste of Paradise
Bonnou datte bitoku na no (It's not vice) This sin is virtue! (It's not vice)
HEART ga BOMB tte fukuramu koto bakka shitai (We want) I only want to expand the bomb of your heart (We want)
ROMANCE shinjiteru mon I believe in romance,
Otome no ganbou tawawa ni minotte kajitsu A maiden's desire is a flourishing fruit!

006 - Sekai wa Hitotsu! Janai!!
Nazo ga nazo wo yondeiru yo But riddles call more riddles!
Umaretate no yume ga aru yo But there are brand new dreams!
Wasurenaide seikai wa mada mada ippai aru deshou Don't forget there are still more and more answers out there!
(Ippai bouken) tokiakase motto motto (Take lots of adventures) and solve them all!

007 - Platinum Disco / 008 - Ora Tokyo sa Igu da / 009 - Rin to Shite Saku Hana no Gotoku
<No lyrics> Terebi mo ne rajio mo ne kuruma mo sore hodo hashitte ne ... Ain't no TV, ain't no radio, there ain't even that many cars
Piano mo ne baa mo ne omawari mainichi gu-ruguru Ain't no piano, ain't no bar, police strollin' around lookin' for nothin'
Asaogide ushi tsurede nijikan chotto no sampo michi Shirazu shirazu eiya! to nageta Get up in the mornin', get my cow, spend a mite more than two hours walking down the road But I never knew, never knew, augh! I give up!
Denwa mo ne gasu mo ne basu wa ichinichi ichido kuru Tsubomi wa yukue shire (zu no mama) Ain't no phone, ain't no gas, the bus only comes once a day I still don't know where this little flower bud (will end up)

010 - SigSig / 004 - Yuri Yurararara YuruYuri Daijiken
<No lyrics> Yuri yurararara yuruyuri ... Yuri yura-ra-ra-ra yuruyuri,
Yuri yurararara yuruyuri Yuri yura-ra-ra-ra yuruyuri,
Yuri yurararara yuruyuri Yuri yura-ra-ra-ra yuruyuri,
Yuri yurararara yuruyuri... Yuri yura-ra-ra-ra yuruyuri...

011 - Connect
Mezameta kokoro ha hashiridashita mirai wo egaku tame My heart awakes in order to depict the future
Muzukashii michi de tachidomatte mo Even if I come to a halt on a tough road
Sora ha kirei na aosa de itsumo mattete kureru The beautiful blue sky always waits for me
Dakara kowakunai Therefore I'm not afraid
Mou nani ga atte mo kujikenai I won't be disheartened anymore no matter what happens

012 - Hyadain no Joujou Yuujou
(Hai icchaimasho! Kimi wa BEST BEST FRIEND!) (Ok, let's say it! You are my best, best friend!)

013 - *Hello, Planet.
SHELTER no oto... The shelter's noise...

014 - Fuwa Fuwa Time
Itsumo HEART dokidoki My heart always goes thump-thump

015 - PoPiPo
PoPiPoPiPo PoPiPo! PoPiPoPiPo PoPiPo!

013 - *Hello, Planet.
Pipipipi toku ni ijou naiyou da Pipipipi... nothing seems to be wrong in here

016 - Doraemo~n!
<No lyrics>

013 - *Hello, Planet.
POST no naka wa kitto karappo da I bet the mail box is empty as usual
Uekibachi no me kyou mo detekonai ya The plant is still not sprouting from the pot today

EX - Jihou
Nico Nico Douga! Nico Nico Douga!

014 - Fuwa Fuwa Time
Itsumo ganbaru (itsumo ganbaru) You're always so persistent (You're always so persistent)
Kimi no yokogao (kimi no yokogao) You don't even notice (You don't even notice)
Zutto mitete mo kizukanai yo ne Me, always staring at your profile
Yume no naka nara (yume no naka nara) When we're in my dreams (When we're in my dreams)
Futari no kyori chijimerareru no ni na The distance between us can be shortened

017 - Lost My Music
Daisuki na hito ga to(oi) The person I love is (far away)

014 - Fuwa Fuwa Time
(Futari da)ke no DRE(AM) (A dream) for (just the two of us)

017 - Lost My Music
(Toosu)gite nakitaku naru no (So far) that I'm almost crying

014 - Fuwa Fuwa Time
O-ki ni iri no usa-chan daite Cuddling my favorite bunny doll

017 - Lost My Music
Hora kibou ga uma(reru) A new hope is born

014 - Fuwa Fuwa Time
Oyasumi Goodnight

018 - Super Driver
Are mo kore mo mitaiken Haven't done this or that yet,
Itsu datte totsuzen It's always so sudden

019 - Kiramekirari
Fure fure ganbare!! Saa ikou! Hooray, hooray, go for it!! Let's go!
Fure fure ganbare! Saikou! Hooray, hooray, go for it!! It's the best!

020 - Oato ga Yoroshikutte... yo!
Oato ga mata yoroshikute (hoi!) Thank you kindly for your attention (Yes!)
O-saki mo shiroki... I hope it was...

017 - Lost My Music
...forever! ...forever!
I still, I still, I love you! I still, I still, I love you!
Tomoranai no yo! Hi!! I just can't stop! Hi!!

021 - Toki wo Kizamu Uta / 022 - Chiisana Tenohira
Kaze de me ga nijinde Chiisana te ni mo itsukara ka bokura oikoshiteku tsuyosa My eyes tear up in the wind Even in this tiny hand, there could someday be strength surpassing our own
Tooku naru yo Ureta budou no shita naiteta hi kara aruita And you become distant From the day I cried beneath the ripe grapes, I started to walk

023 - You / 024 - Shinmachi
<No lyrics> ...
Ah, ah, shitai yo SEX! Ah, ah, I wanna have sex!
Orion-za no shita de... Under the Orion...

025 - Natsukage / 023 - You / 026 - Summer
Koete yuku haruka natsu mo Ushinatte shimatta daishou wa That distant summer The burden of loss is more than I can bear
Wataru kawa no nagare mo Totetsumonaku ooki sugite And the flow of the river I cross I struggle and struggle as I try to bring them back
Itsuka kawatte itsuka wasurete Torimodosou to hisshi ni <No lyrics> Will someday change, will someday forget All of the things that I had lost in the past ...
Onaji omoi mamorezuiru Unable to keep the same feelings

027 - Meteor
Bokura wa kimi wo sagashi nagara utau yo We are singing while looking for you

028 - Akutagawa Ryuunosuke's "Kappa" ~ Candid Friend
Nitori no Uta
...ijou Nitori ...more with Nitori
Kappappa kappappa Nitori! Kapa-pa kapa-pa Nitori!
Onedan ijou Nitori You get more than you pay for with Nitori
Kappappa kappappa Nitori! Kapa-pa kapa-pa Nitori!
Onedan ijou Nitori You get more than you pay for with Nitori

029 - The Sky of Sadness / 030 - World's End Dancehall
<No lyrics> Joudan majiri no kyoukaisen jou ... At the boundary lines mixed with jokes,
Kaidan no sono mata mukou A little farther ahead of the stairs,
Zenzen ii koto mo nai shi nee There's nothing good there at all, huh?
Sono te o hiite... I'll try to guide you...

031 - Red Zone / 032 - Chocobo's Theme / 033 - Magia
Red Zone
C'mon! Put it up! C'mon! Put it up!
Go! Go! Go! Go! (Yeah! Yeah!) Go! Go! Go! Go! (Yeah! Yeah!)
C'mon! Put it up! C'mon! Put it up!
Go! Go! Go! Go! Let's go! Chocobo's Theme Go! Go! Go! Go! Let's go!
Use your flow, all we need, the energy <No lyrics> Use your flow, all we need, the energy ...
And I got the key, it keeps me And I got the key, it keeps me
Make a heart, sailin' too far, to the unit Itsuka kimi ga Someday, you'll set it
We're gonna do it, takin' it far Hitomi ni tomosu... We're gonna do it, takin' it far Aflame in your eyes...
(Go! Go! Go! Go!) (Go! Go! Go! Go!)
The crowd, yo! Keepin' it raw! The crowd, yo! Keepin' it raw!

034 - Tori no Uta / 035 - Night of Nights / 036 - Hammer Melody
Kieru hikoukigumo <No lyrics> Tetteketette~ tettettette~ tetteketette~ tettettette~ We watched the fading vapor trails ... Tetteketette~ tettettette~ tetteketette~ tettettette~
Bokutachi wa miokutta Tetteketette~ tettettette~ tetteketette~ tettettette~ They were so dazzling Tetteketette~ tettettette~ tetteketette~ tettettette~
Mabushikute nigeta Tetteketette~ tettettette~ tetteketette~ tettettette~ I ran away Tetteketette~ tettettette~ tetteketette~ tettettette~
Itsudatte yowakute ano hi kara... Tetteketette~ tettettette~ tetteketette~ tettettette~ I was always weak since that day... Tetteketette~ tettettette~ tetteketette~ tettettette~

035 - Night of Nights / 037 - Neet Generation / 038 - Jomanda
Night of Nights Neet Generation
<No lyrics> Yaruki denai! Nani mo shinai! ... I'm not motivated! I don't do anything!
Kaneganai! Demo hataraku ateganai! I have no money! But don't expect me to work!
<No lyrics> ...

039 - Taiyou Iwaku Moeyo Chaos
Ware ware! (Ooh!) Yare yare! (Nyaa!) We! (Ooh!) Geez! (Nyaa!)
Sekai wa... The world is...

040 - Promise / 041 - Mayim Mayim
GET DOWN! Get down!
Yureru mawaru fureru setsunai kimochi Mayim, mayim, mayim, mayim, hey, mayim b'sason A flickering, confusing, unstable and painful feeling Water, water, water, water, hey, water in joy
Futari de issho ni nemuru WINTERLAND Mayim, mayim, mayim, mayim, hey, mayim b'sason It's a winterland where we slept together Water, water, water, water, hey, water in joy
Anata dake mitsumete, watashi dake mitsumete I will gaze only at you, you will gaze only at me
Asu wo... Tomorrow...

039 - Taiyou Iwaku Moeyo Chaos
...suteki (Nano~?) ...is wonderful! (It is~?)
CHAOS! CHAOS! I WANNA CHAOS! Chaos! Chaos! I wanna chaos!
Moe yo konton muteki desu (Waku waku!) Burn up, chaos is invincible! (Excited excited!)
CHAOS! CHAOS! Urusee na CHAOS! Chaos! Chaos! Shut up, chaos!
Moeru youna kimochi (Nande~!?) You give me a feeling of burning (Why~!?)

042 - Memeshikute
Memeshikute memeshikute Unmanly, unmanly
Hikari wo abite Bathing in the light
Memeshikute memeshikute Unmanly, unmanly
Koi no uta utatte Singing a love song
Memeshikute memeshikute Unmanly, unmanly
Iza tadoritsuita kono sekai wa mou... This world that I have now finally reached is so...

039 - Taiyou Iwaku Moeyo Chaos / EX - Koi wa Chaos no Shimobe Nari
Nico Vivace ver. Nico Vivace Kai ver.
Taiyou Iwaku Moeyo Chaos
Ware ware! (Ooh!) Yare yare! (Nyaa!) Ware ware! (Ooh!) Yare yare! (Nyaa!) We! (Ooh!) Geez! (Nyaa!) We! (Ooh!) Geez! (Nyaa!)
Koi wa Chaos no Shimobe Nari
Sekai wa DARK! Sei no uneri! The world is dark! Wave of life!

042 - Memeshikute
Tsurai yo It hurts

043 - Only My Railgun
<No lyrics>

044 - Bad Apple feat. nomico / 045 - Beware the Forest's Mushrooms
Nagareteku toki no naka de demo Exiting the forest is super simple Even in the midst of flowing time, Exiting the forest is super simple
Kedarusa ga hora guruguru mawatte All you do is follow these patterns Oppression spins round and round All you do is follow these patterns
Watashi kara hanareru kokoro mo For the I can't even see the heart For the
Mienaiwa sou shiranai? rest of your gaming... That's leaving me, didn't you know? rest of your gaming...

046 - Pre-Parade
Hoshii no wa PLASTIC na HEART (PLUS, PLUS, dakedo MINUS) What I want is a plastic heart (plus, plus, but it's a minus)
Demo soreja tsumaranai soko ni kidzuita mono kachi But that's boring; when I'd notice it, I'd have won against you

047 - Meltdown / 048 - Evans
Kaku yuugouro nisa, Say, to a fusion reactor,
Tobikonde mitai to omou I think I want to try diving in
Massao na hikari tsutsumarete kirei It must be beautiful, enfolded by pure blue light
Kaku yuugouro nisa, <No lyrics> Say, to a fusion reactor, ...
Tobikonde mitara, soshitara, If I try diving in, then,
Subete ga yurusareru youna ki ga shite... I thought everything could be forgiven...

049 - Kokoro Odoru / 050 - Dancing Samurai
Ima GOING GOAL in yori tobi koshi DANCING IN THE NIGHT, kono FLOOR de I'm going right now, instead of hitting the goal, I clear it Dancing in the night, on this floor
Oto ni nori oyogi tsuzukeru RHYTHM ni norenu yatsu kirisute gomen Riding on the sound, I keep swimming Sorry, but I'll have to cut down anyone who can't keep the rhythm
ENJOY (ENJOY) IT'S JOIN (IT'S JOIN) DANCING ALL THE NIGHT, kono jidai ni Enjoy (Enjoy), it's join (it's join) Dancing all the night, in this time
Koou suru kokoro hibiki tsuzukeru Ikusa wo makiokose, Viva Samurai! (Hyaa!) My heart continues to sound out in concert I'm gonna start a fight, Viva Samurai! (Hyaa!)

051 - Second Heaven / 052 - Paradichlorobenzene / 053 - Ageha Chou
Second Heaven
SOMEBODY SCREAM!! Paradichlorobenzene Somebody scream!!
Boku wa nan no tame ni utau? PARADICHLOROBENZENE What am I singing for? Paradichlorobenzene
Tada imi mo rikai sezu ni utau PARADICHLOROBENZENE I just sing without understanding the meaning, paradichlorobenzene
Ageha Chou
Yorokobi toshite no YELLOW urei wo obita BLUE ni In the yellow that represented happiness and the blue that carried anxiety
Yo no hate ni nite iru shikkoku no hane Its jet-black wings resembled the end of the world

054 - Senbonzakura / 055 - Agape / 056 - FamilyMart Entrance Sound
Senbonzakura Agape
Senbonzakura yoru ni magire Would you call me if you need my love? Thousands of cherry trees dissolve into the night Would you call me if you need my love?
Kimi no koe mo todokanai yo Doko ni ita tte kikoeru Not even your voice will reach Where I can hear you perfectly
Koko wa utage hagane no ori Kimi ga kureru agape This is a banquet inside a steel jail cell You made me a better person
Sono dantoudai de mioroshite Chikara no kagiri... Look down on us from your guillotine From the bounds of power...
FamilyMart Entrance Sound
Sanzen sekai tokoyo no yami Fami fami fami~ma fami famima~ The whole world is shrouded in hellish darkness Fami fami fami~ma fami famima~
Nageku uta mo kikoenai yo Fami fami fami~ma fami famima~ Not even a lamenting song is audible Fami fami fami~ma fami famima~
Seiran no sora haruka kanata With your raygun, shoot out the azure sky
Sono kousenjuu de uchinuite And the far distance

057 - Credens justitiam
Alita della Alita della
Maliche sonta dia Maliche sonta dia
Mia sonta della Mia sonta della
I testa mia (testi ola) I testa mia (testi ola)
Solti ola Solti ola

058 - You are the Prince of Tennis
"Echizen... omae wa Seigaku no hashira ni nare." "Echizen... you will become a pillar of Seigaku."
"THE BEST-OF-ONE-SET MATCH, Seigaku SERVICE PLAY!" "The best-of-one-set match, Seigaku service play!"

059 - Ochame Kinou / 060 - Geki! Teikoku Kagekidan
Itsudemo I LOVE YOU kimi ni TAKE KISS ME Hashire kousoku no I love you always, I received a kiss from you Run at the speed of light,
Wasurerarenai kara boku no daiji na MEMORY Teikoku Kagekidan I cannot forget this precious memory of mine Imperial Floral Assault Team
Dorayaki wa shushoku ni narenai Unare shougeki no If dorayaki cannot become my main diet, Roar with a shock,
Naraba uwagaki shichaeba boku no omoidoori Teikoku Kagekidan I'll just have to overwrite it my way Imperial Floral Assault Team

061 - Usatei / 062 - Cirno's Perfect Math Class
Itazura usagi Mischievous rabbit
Warugaki usagi Bad girl rabbit
BAKAtte iu hou ga BAKA na no yo! The one saying idiot is the idiot!
Nani yo, urusai wa ne! Kono BAKA! What, how annoying! You idiot!
Shiawase usagi da BAAKA BAAKA BAAKA BAAKA It's the rabbit of happiness! IDIOT IDIOT IDIOT IDIOT

063 - Open ☆ Canvas / 064 - Shinryaku no Susume ☆
Shikioriori irotoridori Ii kanji muteki ni susume Every season is colorful, Feeling good, advance invincibly
Nonbiri na EVERYDAY Ii kanji mujaki ni susume Every day is relaxing Feeling good, advance innocently
PASTEL, VIVID, METRO... Higashi no shima ittara... Pastel, vivid, metro... If I go to the eastern island...

065 - Orion wo Nazoru / 066 - Real World
Tsumari hanshin hangi acchi kocchi In short, we're dubious and muddled up
Shinmirai wo negau Gohoubi niwa CHOCOLATE Wishing for a brand-new future, I'll reward you with chocolate
Kuuzen zetsugo no Amai yume wo mire tara If only we could weave out And try to laugh at the idea
Kotoba ga moshi, moshi tsumugeru nara jikan ga tomaru yo Sore ga subete da nante waratte miyou Some marvelous never-before-heard words, then even time will stop That sweet dreams are everything
"Koko de owaru hazu ga nai no ni" "It's not supposed to end here"

067 - Kimi no Shiranai Monogatari
Iwanakatta ienakatta I didn't say it. I couldn't say it.
Nidoto modorenai I'll never get another chance.
Ano natsu no hi kirameku hoshi That summer day, those sparkling stars,
Ima demo omoi daseru yo Even now I still remember.
Waratta kao mo okotta kao mo That laughing face, and that angry face,
Daisuki deshita okashii yo ne I really loved them. Strange, isn't it?
Wakatteta no ni kimi no shiranai Even though I knew that, you didn't know,
Watashi dake no himitsu The secret only I knew...

068 - Jibun REST@RT
Oozora wo tobu tori no you ni Like a bird flying through the skies,
Tsubasa wo hirogete habatakitai I want to spread and flap my wings
Donna ni tooku temo ikou akogare no sekai No matter how far it is, I'll go to the world I yearn for
Yume dake de wa owarasetaku nai I don't want to let it end as just a dream

069 - Motto Hade ni Ne! / EX - Jihou
Mada mada ji-mi-da-ne! Nico Nico Douga! It's still too plain! Nico Nico Douga!
KISS mo ji-mi-da-ne! (fuwa fuwa) Nico Nico Douga! My kiss too is plain! (light and airy) Nico Nico Douga!

070 - Meteor ☆ Impact
Inseki yori mo (Kira!) kyoudai na POWER de (Kira!) With a giant power (sparkle!) bigger than a meteorite (sparkle!)

006 - Seikai wa Hitotsu! Janai!! / 019 - Kiramekirari / 071 - Ameagari no Mirai
Seikai wa Hitotsu! Janai!! Kiramekirari
Nazo ga nazo wo yondeiru yo Kiramekirari zutto chutto But riddles call more riddles! Dazzling sparkles always with a kiss,
Umaretate no yume ga aru yo Chikyuu de kagayaku hikari But there are brand new dreams! This light will shine within the whole world!
Ameagari no Mirai
Mae muite yoko muite Kiramekirari motto MORE tto Face forward, face sideways, Dazzling sparkles more and more,
Hajimaru no wa tsugi no mirai Watashi wo watashi to yobitai! Starting now is probably our next future I want to call myself "me"!

072 - Sora / 073 - Ima Made no Arasuji
Haru wa hana o ippai sakaseyou Meido meido meido no miyage Spring will make lots of flowers bloom Underworld, underworld, a maid's souvenir gifts
Natsu wa hikari ippai kagayakou Sorya mou Shangri-la no sokkuri-san Lots of light will glow in summer That's already a dead ringer for Shangri-la

074 - Hare Hare Yukai / EX - Jihou / 075 - Hakata no Shio
Hare Hare Yukai Jihou
Kagirinaku furisosogu Nico Nico Douga! It'll pour down endlessly, Nico Nico Douga!
Hakata no Shio
Fukanou janai wa Hakata no Shio! It's not impossible Salt of Hakata!

076 - Kirby's Gourmet Race / EX - Jihou
Dare yori mo hayaku kakenukero Nico Nico Douga! Whoever is fast is going to run past everyone Nico Nico Douga!
Mota mota shiteru to naku nacchau Nico Nico Douga! All the slow guys are really just nothing that I cared Nico Nico Douga!

077 - Keikenchi Joushouchuu / 078 - Love Cheat!
HAPPY UNISON sora wo Sunao na watashi ni naru kara In happy unison, we dash Because I'll be honest
Kaketeku (Hai!) Chotto dake matte ne (Hey!) Through the sky (Yes!) Just wait a second (Hey!)

079 - Let's Go! Onmyouji / EX - Jihou
Akuryou taisan! Akuryou taisan! Nico Nico Douga! Evil spirits, disperse! Evil spirits, disperse! Nico Nico Douga!
Choujougenshou, komatta toki wa Nico Nico Douga! When you are bothered by supernatural phenomenon Nico Nico Douga!
Douman! Seiman! Douman! Seiman! Nico Nico Douga! Douman! Seiman! Douman! Seiman! Nico Nico Douga!
Haratte moraou onmyouji! LET'S GO! Nico Nico Douga! Get the Onmyouji to purify them! Let's go! Nico Nico Douga!
Akuryou taisan! Akuryou taisan! Evil spirits, disperse! Evil spirits, disperse!
Noroi noroware, komatta toki wa When you are bothered by charms and curses
Douman! Seiman! Douman! Seiman! Douman! Seiman! Douman! Seiman!
Soudan shimashou onmyouji! LET'S GO! Have a discussion with the Onmyouji! Let's go!
Yappari tayoreru onmyouji! LET'S GO! As we thought, the Onmyouji is reliable! Let's go!
Minna no HERO! Onmyouji! Everybody's hero! Onmyouji!

080 - I'm so Happy
I'm so happy... I'm so happy...

081 - Piano Concerto No.1 "Anti-Ares"
<No lyrics>

080 - I'm so Happy / 082 - Oath Sign / 083 - Saishuu Kichiku Imouto Flandre S
I'm so Happy Oath Sign
<No lyrics> Hikari wo kazashite tamerai wo keshita ... I held the light above me and erased my doubts
Agetakatta no wa mirai de What I wanted in the future
Naiteru yoru daita mama Was to hold you in the night
Nageki wo sakende As you cried and screamed your despair
Saishuu Kichiku Imouto Flandre S
<No lyrics> ...

084 - Marisa Stole the Precious Thing
Kirai kirai LOVING (an an-an an an-an an) Hating, hating, loving (an an-an an an-an an)
Dare ga dare ga CAN'T BE ALIVE WITHOUT YOU Who are you? Who are you? I can't be alive without you
Doushite naze kashira (an an-an an) Why is it, I wonder (an an-an an)
WHY WHY WHY DON'T I MISS YOU A LOT, FOREVER? Why why why don't I miss you a lot, forever?

085 - Gacha Gacha Cute - Figu@mate / 086 - Motteke! Sailor Fuku
Gacha gacha CUTE figyu atto Motte ike! Saigo ni waracchau no wa Gacha gacha cute figurine! Take it! The one who will be laughing at the end
Kono machi ni orita ANGEL Atashi no hazu For such an angel to arrive in this place Should be me

087 - Omoide wa Okkusenman / 088 - Princess Bride!
Kimi ga kureta yuuki wa Ude wo nobashite yo, gyutto tsukamu kara The courage you gave me is Reach out your arm, because I will hold it tight!
Okkusenman! Okkusenman! Asa mo hiru mo yoru mo zutto dakishimete 110 million! 110 million! Morning, noon and night, I'm always going to hold you tight

089 - Cagayake! GIRLS / 090 - Genesis of Aquarion / 091 - Super Driver / 015 - PoPiPo
Cagayake! GIRLS Genesis of Aquarion Super Driver
CHATTING NOW gachi de kashimashi NEVER ENDING GIRLS' TALK Ichimannen to nisennen mae kara Are mo kore mo mitaiken Chatting now, seriously lively never ending girls' talk I've loved you since ten thousand years ago Haven't done this or that yet,
PoPiPoPiPo PoPiPo! PoPiPoPiPo PoPiPo! Aishiteru Itsu datte totsuzen PoPiPoPiPo PoPiPo! PoPiPoPiPo PoPiPo! And two thousand more It's always so sudden

064 - Shinryaku no Susume ☆ / 091 - Double Lariat / 092 - kiss my lips
Shinryaku no Susume ☆ Double Lariat
Ii kanji muteki ni susume Hankei hachijuugo senchi ga Feeling good, advance invincibly An 85 cm radius is
kiss my lips
KISS MY LIPS ryoute de dakishimete Kono te no todoku kyori Kiss my lips; embrace me with both of your hands As far as my hands can reach

EX - Jihou
Nico Nico Douga! Nico Nico Douga!
Nico Nico... Nico Nico...

093 - Miku Miku ni Shite Ageru / 094 - N Fun Fun Fun Fu
Miku miku ni shite ageru <No lyrics> I'll make you Miku-Miku-ed ...
Uta wa madane, ganbaru kara There isn't any song yet, but I'll do my best

095 - true my heart / 096 - Makka na Chikai / 058 - You are the Prince of Tennis
Kitto onaji da ne Kono te o hanasu mon ka? YOU ARE THE PRINCE OF TENNIS I'm sure that they're the same My hands won't let go, right? You are the prince of tennis
Omoi wa yasashii KISS de Makka na chikai! Our thoughts, with a tender kiss It's a crimson vow!

097 - Endless Rain / 098 - Black Rock Shooter
ENDLESS RAIN, FALL ON MY HEART BLACK ROCK SHOOTER Endless rain, fall on my heart Black Rock Shooter,
Kokoro no kizu ni Doko e itta no? On the wounds on my heart Where did you go?

099 - Koi no Mikuru Densetsu / 100 - Kaeshite! Knee Socks
Sora no kanata e Minna niteru yo de To the other side of the sky, Though they all look similar,
SPECIAL GENERATION Joshi wa joshi no VARY e Special Generation One girl variates from another

101 - Boku to Watashi to Nico Nico Douga
Nanka samishikattan da hitoribocchi heya no naka It was sort of lonely, sitting in my room all alone
Mitsuketa! Saikyou no hima tsubushi But then I found it! The ultimate time-waster!

102 - READY!!
ARE YOU READY!! I'M LADY!! Uta wo utaou Are you ready!! I'm a lady!! Let's sing a song
Hitotsu hitotsu egao to namida wa yume ni naru ENTERTAINMENT One by one, smiles and tears become dreams and entertainment
ARE YOU READY!! I'M LADY!! Hajimeyou Are you ready!! I'm a lady!! Let's begin
Yareba dekiru kitto zettai watashi NO.1 I can do it if I try, I'll definitely be No. 1!

001 - Tell Your World
<No lyrics>

Notes and Trivia

  • The beginning is a spoof/parody of the Japanese Google Chrome commercials when Tell Your World plays. For more on this, click here: Google Chrome CM Parodies
  • When Platinum Disco and Ora Tokyo sa Igu da plays at the same time, it plays exactly how the IKZO Version of Platinum Disco went.
  • The original Geddan video appears when Promise plays. Now, it has been deleted, sadly. :(
  • The mashup of Evans and Meltdown is a shoutout to one of Onitan's earlier medleys, "The NicoNico♪Dreamer" - his third, to be exact.
  • In theory, both rush and chaos zones could be inspired by Nico Tale's process of those two. The comparison is quite shocking.
  • This medley ranked third in the "Niconico Medley Ranking 2012", with #2 being Pei's Nico Nico Douga Tabiemaki and #1 being simoyuki's Chou Kumikyoku.

Medleys by Onitan
Toaru Riajuu no Egao KumikyokuToaru Toukousha no Ongaku ShoudouThe NicoNico♪DreamerThe NicoNico♪UNISONNICO VIVACENICO CANTABILENico Nico Medley EX Ultra Super Miracle Executive HYPER MIX (β)Nonstop Remix Medley ”On The Floor”Hidamari Sketch x MedleyInBotsu Medley
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